WOULD YOU RATHER BE “BLESSED” OR HAVE A “MIRACLE”? I have called the healing of Bonnie a “miracle” this past week, meaning that her restoration to health and elimination of infection was an act of God unexpected and unexplained by natural means. But in reality what the doctors did in ER was to restore her body to its proper balance of electrolytes and healthy antibodies. Now if she continues to take her probiotics through the yogurt and Pedialite and watch her diet, chances are she will be “blessed” with good health at least when it comes to her intestines. But what if she did not pursue these laws of “good intestinal health” and went back to her former diet minus these health aids she is not using? Chances are the condition would reappear and we’d be praying for another “miracle”. Now I have no doubt she was “blessed” with the “right” doctors, the correct tests, the accurate diagnosis. But they were all according to a higher wisdom of how the body is supposed to function for health which we did not possess. You see, a “miracle” is according to the Bible and man’s dictionary, an act or event in which the laws of nature are set aside or contradicted to produce a miraculous outcome. Jesus stilling the storm, raising the dead, making a blind man see with a touch. Don’t get me wrong, I BELIEVE IN MIRACLES, because I have experienced many of them the greatest being the transformation of my heart from an angry, selfish, lying, sinful heart to a heart filled with peace and love and forgiveness within about 45 seconds after ten to fifteen years of depression, therapy, and every other way you could think of to be healed. So I’m a believer. But perhaps in our witness to an unbelieving world, we are not presenting a convincing case for believing in God when we interpret events as “supernatural” when in fact they are a result of applying higher laws of health or finances or human behavior to outcomes which seemingly have no apparent explanations. I believe that one of the ways God “blesses” us is by teaching us these higher “laws” so that instead of a temporary solution, we are provided with a pathway to be blessed the rest of our lives. ILLUSTRATION: If I go into water over my head I am under the control of the Law of Gravity which will seek to pull me to the bottom. But what if someone teaches me how to float. From that point on I am “blessed” by applying the Law of Buoyancy. Now in a sense this is a “miracle” but really in the strictest sense of the word it is not a “miracle” but merely obeying a higher law which God has created. Likewise in the area of finances, if I live by the incorrect “law of selfishness” I believe that the more I hold on to what I make, the more I accumulate, the more I will have. But in fact this is a false belief. And if I am constantly running short, I will pray for a “miracle” and yes, God will provide to solve a crisis. But we can’t keep living from crisis to crisis. Remember the old saying, “Would you rather have God provide fish for a day, or teach you how to fish and provide fish for the rest of your life?” God has created the “Law of the Tithe” , that in fact it is through “giving” on a regular basis that my needs will be met on a regular basis which I’ve found to be absolutely true for over 30 yrs now. In debating with unbelievers, I have found by using this approach, I can move the discussion to a level where we can then begin to speak of “absolute Truth” which they cannot argue with. Of course this leads to the question of “Who created these higher laws that are built into life?” It is through these higher laws that God seeks to “bless” you and not just solve one crisis after another through constant prayers for “miracles”. Have a BLESSED DAY!
Posted on: Sun, 08 Sep 2013 13:54:09 +0000

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