WOULD YOU WANT A STRANGER TOUCHING YOUR BABY? “Some of the passengers on the plane looked annoyed, while the mother of the CRYING BABY looked frustrated. Passing her seat on my way to the lavatory I could see she was bouncing, cooing, and trying everything she could to quiet her infant. Inside the lav I could STILL HEAR THE WAILS of the child, when I felt a QUICKENING IN MY SPIRIT, as if it were a voice saying, ‘RUB THE BABY’S BACK.’ ‘No, I don’t think you mean that, God,’ I quietly argued. ‘That mother might not want a stranger touching her child.’ ‘Rub the baby’s back.’ ‘Okay, okay.’ As I returned to my seat, I stopped, rubbed the baby’s back for a moment, and silently PRAYED. I looked at the mother sympathetically and said, ‘I’m praying for your baby.’ She smiled weakly, embarrassed, for the disturbance. At my seat I picked up the book I was reading and realized that all GOD had asked me to do was to step out in faith. You see, THE CHILD HAD STOPPED CRYING. I was relieved. Still ... I wondered ... were my actions appropriate? TOMORROW, I’ll tell you about the CONFIRMATION I received.” Louise DuArt •••• My wonderful wife Louise told me what had happened. WHAT DO YOU THINK? Should she have stopped to rub the back of a stranger’s child? I can’t wait to hear about her confirmation, tomorrow, can you? Wishes and Winks SQuire
Posted on: Fri, 11 Apr 2014 16:50:01 +0000

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