WOW !!! - Panama Trip Report 15 - 23 March 2014 - - TopicsExpress


WOW !!! - Panama Trip Report 15 - 23 March 2014 - Summary Thank you to all of you for your prayers and encouragement and to those who provided financial support for this ministry trip. It was a privilege to serve God and you while I was in Panama. Here is my trip report: LeaderImpact connects business and professional people with other business and professional people in Canada and in other countries, encouraging people to personalize their relationship with God. LeaderImpact (a ministry of Power to Change) arranged 58 events of various types and sizes to connect our team with local business and professional people in Panama. We shared our uplifting message with over 2000 people - a summary of all our events. About 400 people indicated a change in direction in their lives - a summary from all events. The key to the projects success was the prayers and encouragement of people like you here in Canada and people in Panama. Personally - All of the project participants were spread throughout the audience at a LeaderImpact Forum where hundreds attended. After the speaker made his presentation, I helped a professional couple at my table make a life-changing decision in their lives. Another project participant was a Christian businessman and vice-president of his company in Ontario. He had an interview on one of the Panama TV stations talking about the purpose of our trip. It was my privilege to be his prayer partner the evening before and the morning of his interview. His interview went well and he was pleased to serve God in that way. I had two opportunities to speak to Panamanian military audiences and one opportunity with airline pilots. I told a bit about my own spiritual journey and explained the difference between knowing something about God and personalizing our relationship with Him. Of those attending, about 78 indicated life-changing decisions to connect with God in a personal way. I did a survey of the military audiences and found near 100% would be interested in a series of seminars dealing with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder called, Bridges to Healing. I left a USB stick with the leader of LeaderImpact Panama. The stick has the Bridges to Healing seminars in English and in Spanish. I also connected LeaderImpact Panama with the author of the Combat Trauma Healing Manual, and this seminar series, Bridges to Healing for follow-up support. I took a number of other resources in English and left them with the folks there to be translated into Spanish and used with the Panamanian military personnel and first responders. God is GOOD! Thank you for your interest in my ministry here in Canada and around the world. Let me know if you are interested in hearing my presentation about personalizing your relationship with God or if there is anything else that you would like to talk about.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 22:46:01 +0000

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