WOW! A BEAUTIFUL TESTIMONIAL from a recent Wellness Haven Student - TopicsExpress


WOW! A BEAUTIFUL TESTIMONIAL from a recent Wellness Haven Student in all of the Wellness Haven Programs - Yoga, Breathing, Meditation, Nutrition... Hi, Umang, Heres what I wanted to share with you.... I went back for a follow up visit with my neurologist to get a return to work clearance. I had the most accepting and pleasant conversation with her. Im still grateful she recognized my need and extended my leave an extra month when I met her in Jan 6 which then lead to you. We go thorough the usual how is your migraine and what have you been doing since last visit on Jan 6. I told her I had 4 headache free days. As I told her that, I must have look and sounded like a kid in the candy shop. The happiest and luckiest girl ever with 4 headache free days. Keep in mind, I have not gone through a single day with out a headache since September. In addition, I had 8 additional days that were manageable (pain level 3 out of 10) and *ONLY* 4 days with pain level 6 - 8. 12 days of manageable or no headaches. This means I have only 4 days where I needed to lie down completely for a while. I spoke as if I just hit the lottery.. Shes thinks Im so cute that Im so happy with just 4 headache free days.. She said you must have been in lots of pain before. :-) Of course, I was... I did have 4 quite severe headache days with pain level 9 or 10. However, this is a result of a viral flu. Even that, I have moments of clarity and lesser pain when I try to stretch and do breathing exercise. The next thing I told her what change. I told her the change I made is I met Umang and started Yoga, Breathing/Meditation and nutritional change that day I left the previous visit on Jan 6. This has made tremendous impact on my healing process but more importantly finally empowering myself to do this. I was ready to embark in this journey to take it into my own hands with Umangs guidance. In the short 3 weeks. I feel like Ive known you forever, I have lost 9 lbs, eating healthy,gotten back some energy, sleeping so much better and my blood pressure which was hovering around 140 to 160 is now back down to 97. And my headaches are more manageable. I wanted to scream IM BACK. You dont know how good I feel. The power is in my hands indeed and very much thanks to you! Its life. While I have ways to go, I now feel empower to know I can manage the headaches, have a healthy lifestyle and building a bag of tools to entertain any adversity . Umang, you have truly built a community of awesome people. I felt most welcome immediately. I was in such a good mood... Thats what happen yesterday... Sorry, I dont know what going on.. I have super amount of energy tonight.. Cleaning house (for CNY) all evening and spent two hours talking to a good friend of 20 years who now live in India. I usually am asleep by 9 since Im still get fatigue easily. Hes been pointing me to yoga and breathing for 3 years and never follow through completely. The funny thing is what you are teaching with breathing and yoga are some of the things he has talked to me about. I told him about you and he is stoked that I finally found someone who draw me towards the path of healing. I even sent him a picture of me now and he is totally impressed with the changes especially light in my eyes :-) Next week will be my first month anniversary (Monday I meet you :-) Tuesday I started Yoga).. I will write up my first visit and some of the changes which I have explore in this email to share with you. Im lacking confidence in expressing my feelings. I am too critical of myself. I have been so lost of who I am (another story in itself) that my truly feelings are locked within. It almost scares me to write down what I feel. However, I am no longer that scared. It doesnt have to be perfect.. and Im sure not grammatically correct too :-) I can have Dana help me there :-) HA! Nite.. better get some sleep :-) Lisa and this morning: It feels liberating to write how I feel ;-) I slept so soundly after I sent you the email! See you shortly. I am on high energy doing mode :-( On the plus side, I have a super clean refrigerator and now working on the kitchen :-) Lisa I am so very happy...we will get you to a place where you are back in balance for the body and the mind always strive to be balanced and that is healing
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 16:56:43 +0000

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