WOW!! A MUST SEE THIS WEEKEND! This is what I have been talking - TopicsExpress


WOW!! A MUST SEE THIS WEEKEND! This is what I have been talking about all my FB friends... This is WHY I HAVE GIVEN MY LIFE TO JESUS. Remember.. This is NOT JESUS WORLD....YET!! It is SATANS REALM RIGHT NOW UNTIL JESUS COMES TO TAKE IT BACK! (All because of the FALL from OBEDIENCE in the GARDEN OF EDEN by ADAM AND EVE.) Please watch, ask Jesus. Get on your knees and accept HIM into your life and He will forgive all sins...JUST LIKE THAT! NEVER TO BE REMEMBERED AGAIN. Then talk to Him every day. REPENT (be honest about wanting to change your sinful ways. He knows your heart. You cannot fool Him with your lips if your HEART is not in seeking forgiveness! I ask for forgiveness several times a day! HE IS THE ONE TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE DAY BY DAY. THERE IS NO WAY WE CAN DO IT ON OUR OWN!) This movie explains that Jesus will come take HIS PEOPLE out of here before SATAN AND HIS DEMONS ARE TRULY LOOSED AND JESUS IS NO LONGER HERE. BUT HE WILL COME BACK WITH US (HIS CHILDREN) TO CLAIM THIS WORLD BACK RIGHTFULLY BECAUSE HE DIED ON THE CROSS AND SHED HIS BLOOD FOR OUR SINS..PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE!! Call on HIM. HE IS SO REAL. NOT JUST ONCE BUT SEEK HIM EVERYDAY. HE WILL REVEAL HIMSELF TO YOU (Its more than the best HIGH you can get!) AND IT IS SUCH A WONDERFUL FEELING!! For those religions who are still waiting for the MESSIAH to return to save them ..HE ALREADY HAS!! HIS NAME IS JESUS THE CHRIST FROM NAZARETH! DO YOU REALLY THINK GOD is still waiting to send the MESSIAH?? NO! HE HAS ALREADY COME IN THE FLESH!!! And everyone wants to know why GOD will let bad things happen to good people?? How can you expect Him to give you blessings if you have never submitted your life to Him?? IT IS SATANS REALM (EARTH) SINCE THE FALL OF ADAM AND EVE. Your SOUL is worth asking Him (JESUS) if He is real. You cannot do it just once halfheartedly. He KNOWS if you truly want to know or not. But He has given us FREE WILL. YOU CHOOSE. *** YOU CAN ONLY BLAME YOURSELF IF YOU DIE TODAY AND DO NOT ENTER HEAVEN (LITERAL PARADISE). YOU MADE THE DECISION YOURSELF. I really have love for all of my FB friends whether we have met in real life or not. I pray you actually READ these words today when you come across this post. He is waiting for YOU. I PROMISE YOU...HE IS REAL AND HAS LOVE FOR YOU. LOVE THAT OUR HUMAN PEA BRAIN CANNOT COMPREHEND. Happy October 1st. Remember..the next BLOOD MOON (NASA even confirms it) is OCTOBER 8TH. NO ONE CAN EVER SAY BUT GOD..YOU DIDNT WARN US.... Love, Irie Lady Cathy.
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 11:07:36 +0000

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