WOW!! AMAZING-ANNOINTED SERVICE by our Pastor Pedro Magallanes Jr! - TopicsExpress


WOW!! AMAZING-ANNOINTED SERVICE by our Pastor Pedro Magallanes Jr! Praise the Lord! Here are some notes: 1 John 4:4 The greater one lives inside of you. You are a person being used by God each and everyday. We are vessels that the Master can use. The anointing of God is through His word. It is up to us to activate that power. If we want to see His power activated we need to preach His word. Say, I am the temple of the Holy Ghost! The spirit of God has decided to come and dwell inside of you and that means that He wants to take residence inside of you. It is possible for EVERYONE to have the Holy Ghost living in them but it is there decision. Because He lives in us we are carriers of His glory. We live in a world that wants everything NOW but sometimes we need to get quiet and get on our hands/knees. 2 Timothy 2:20-21 In a great house there are many vessels that the master can use but it is the vessels that is set apart, you have been set up and sanctified for the masters use, that will be used. It is not how valuable the holder can be but it is what is inside of it that is valuable! If you want to be used in a greater degree of glory, it is important we prepare ourselves to be used. We can not be used if we are not prepared. Title: Expect & Create an Atmosphere for a Miracle You need the presence of God and we need the arena of Faith. We need the 2 operating together so that it can create a dynamic inside of us. When you see the presence of the Lord and you have faith, it is all about how you cloth yourself. You determine what you will wear. you determine what the Lord will do for you. You say what goes. Sometimes we decide to put something that does not belong to us. You should not receive what does not belong to you! God said you will have life in abundance. It is up to you to declare things and bring them to life. Your words will cause things to come to you. What are you expecting, what are you deciding to put on? Mark 10:46-50 Blind Bartimaeus, means son of the honorable one, he was blind and a begger & He heard that Jesus was passing by. Blind Bartimaeus no longer wanted to be blind or a begged so He called on Jesus. Jesus hears faith. Jesus stopped when He heard him. The same way, our prayers are heard but we need to have faith and get His attention. We need to call out to Him and He will stop and meet our need. Are we crying out to Him; can He hear us? Blind Bartimaeus stopped identifying himself as blind and as a begged. He began to identify himself through what God made him to be. Can you do that? Let go of what is holding you back, call unto the Lord, WITH FAITH, and identify yourself with what He has made you to be. All He ask of us is to SPEAK IN FAITH and He will take away that garment of heaviness and put on His garment. Jesus loves to be persude by His people.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 20:25:58 +0000

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