WOW!! Check out Elizabeths Plexus Testimony: Its a little - TopicsExpress


WOW!! Check out Elizabeths Plexus Testimony: Its a little long.... but its heart-felt, sincere and brutally honest. I began my Plexus journey on Jan. 1, 2014. After 6 months using Plexus Slim & the Accelerator combo.... I am 71lbs DOWN & 65 inches are GONE!! My overall health and quality of life in general, pre-Plexus, was HORIBBLE! Because of numerous family loved ones suffering from health issues (heart complications, diabetes, weight and/or other health ailments) causing early demise, over the past six years... I gave up hope and figured I would suffer the same fate. Even accepting this, Ive still sought help over the years through prescription medications, countless diet programs, seeing a nutritionist on a regular basis, and becoming a candidate for bypass surgery... yep.... you name it - all of the above! I never had major health or weight issues in my younger years. I certainly didnt foreshadow after developing gestational diabetes (during 3 pregnancies over a 6 year period) and being over the age of 30 years old, my body would never bounce back as it did when I had my oldest 20 years ago. I recall after having my gestational diabetes during my pregnancies, a close friend of the family technically died from a heart attack. God had different plans for him so a heart stint operation saved his life. My wheels were turning after that. At that point, in mid 2010, I was nearly 260lbs and scared of my familys health history. Lab work confirmed my worse fear when the doctor came in and his exact words still haunt me, Youre a walking heart attack waiting to happen. Until I faced the same struggles as other family and friends with weight & other health issues, I could never truly empathize with daily struggles others also faced. Just a few struggles Ive experienced over the past few years: Hiding from cameras during outings, holidays or kids birthday parties... not wanting to socialize with family/friends (isolation seemed so much better)... dealing with rude mean people ridiculing you or calling you fat names within an ears shot... looking in the mirror in disgust over what I see staring back at me... YEAH..... THE WHOLE NINE YARDS! I even recall when my health & weight were at its worse peak, I passed a close friend that hadnt seen me in a couple of years - I wasnt even recognizable to them so I simply put my head down and walked away without saying a word because I was too ashamed. Plexus is without a doubt, like nothing else Ive ever tried to help me in the past. I was so skeptical of even trying it but after watching a friend from high-school having such amazing results, she inspired me. I decided to take a leap of faith and I made the choice to take a chance in hopes my life would change. My goal wasnt to become skinny ~ all I want, is to be healthy!! I cannot stress enough, Plexus is not just a weight loss system. Its an entire body health system that gets your body healthy literally, FROM THE INSIDE OUT!! Changes dont happen overnight, but the product does what it says it does... and your entire body, mind, soul, and health benefit from it. The weight loss, thats an added bonus!! My energy level is amazing, I sleep better at night, my stress/anxiety have decreased significantly, my high blood pressure & high cholesterol are both GONE, no more frequent daily headaches or migraines, and Im no longer in continuous agonizing back pain which brought me to tears almost daily by the end of the day and at times totally debilitating to normal functioning routines simple for others. (I had a back injury about 10 years ago, causing my L3 & L4 vertebrae to break. I was also left with damaged nerves and lower bulging disc. Those with back injuries, can relate to the significant pain Im referring to). Shortly after I began my Plexus health journey, (approximately the 1st month) I weaned myself off ALL my medications. I did not just jump into using the Plexus Slim & Accelerators. I only took 1 of each per day because I was concerned of how Plexus would really affect my body between the prescription medications and WHY I needed all of those medications to begin with. Of course, I was under my doctors care & watchful eye... we also ran monthly lab work just to verify my levels remained normal. Time after time... all my lab results looked beautiful and my doctor remained very pleased with my transformation and progress. Ive remained OFF over a dozen medications prescribed to help me live for over 5 months now. I have extreme control over food cravings ~ THEY DONT CONTROL ME!! During the past 6 months, Ive only used the Plexus Slim & Accelerator (taking 2 per day). My only real exercise is chasing my 3 little darlings around the house. Otherwise, being a stay at home mother of 3 children, I dont have much time for exercise (although I have used my treadmill approximately 2 dozen times over the past 6 months for a whopping 30min brisk walk). I also use my new founded energy to house chores out the wa-zoo... I try to remain busy and on the go, even if its in my own home. You can burn serious calories by simple house chores - who needs the gym. lol PLEXUS HAS CHANGED MY HEALTH AND LIFE! I love being able to share with others something that has given me so much passion. I just hope in me pouring out my heart & soul, to inspire others NOT to give up!! To the core of my bones, I thank God for putting Plexus in my life and I know God bought Plexus in my life, ultimately changing my fate AND giving me hope that I dont have to settle for early demise as other loved ones. To honor the people I love and the loved ones lost, Im taking control of my health and my life. Plexus has helped me.... its changed my mind, body & soul.... Its given my family THEIR MOMMY BACK!! Im still not where I want to be on my personal journey, but Im not where I was 6 months ago.... I know with hard work, discipline, healthier choices, and yes... PLEXUS..... I can do this.... one day at time!! God is good! Thank you everyone for your continued love & support!! Liz I have a Months Special going...ASK ME ABOUT IT...youll be glad you did!!!
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 10:11:55 +0000

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