WOW! Civil and Criminal lawsuit filed against the State of - TopicsExpress


WOW! Civil and Criminal lawsuit filed against the State of Washington, USA. (Related to CAFR) CRIMINAL/CIVIL CHARGES AGAINST WASHINGTON STATE CORPORATE GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS/MEDIA CORPORATIONS OPERATING IN WASHINGTON STATE FOR SYSTEMIC FINANCIAL/CONSTITUTIONAL FRAUD AND TREASON Against the following Washington State corporate government officials: Governor Christine Gregoire, Treasurer James McIntire, Attorney General Robert McKenna, Washington State Investment Board Legislature Liaison Rep. Sharon Tomiko-Santos, Budget Director Martin Brown, President of the Senate Lisa Brown, Co-Chairmen of the Senate Ways and Means Committee, Senators Edward Murray and Joseph Zarelli, Speaker of the House Frank Chopp and Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee Ross Hunter, as well as top management of mainstream/alleged alternative media corporations operating in Washington State, the following criminal/civil charges are alleged: 1. Systemic Ongoing Financial Fraud Against the People of Washington State 1.01 That the abovementioned Washington State corporate government officials and their predecessors in office, as well as mainstream/alleged alternative media corporations operating in Washington State have knowingly and repeatedly concealed the existence of approximately two-thirds of state monies shown in the Washington State Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, (CAFR) while misrepresenting the remaining one-third of these monies as the entire state budget since at least the mid-1940s; Websites/links on CAFRs/CAFR Scam…/Comprehensive_annual_financial_re… cafrman cafr1 webofdebt/articles/mysterious_cafrs.php examiner/nonpartisan-in-national/carl-herman comprehensiveannualfinancialreport 1.02 That Washington State corporate government officials have invested the two-thirds of state monies concealed in the CAFR in institutional corporate Wall Street investments, rather than in investments that would directly benefit the people of Washington State, such as investments in small businesses with the much greater amount of employment, personal prosperity and government tax revenues they would provide, in infrastructure maintenance that would provide widespread employment as well as for the general welfare, or in a public state bank, which, as in the State of North Dakota since 1919, would eliminate state economic downturns altogether; Websites on Pubic Banking webofdebt 1.03. That, next to institutional investments in the US government corporations increasingly devalued financial instruments -- the collateral damage from the recently revealed LIBOR scandal (LIBOR=London Interbank Offered Rate or LIBER (Latin for Unregulated) -- businessinsider/infographic-the-libor-scanda… the state corporate governments largest investments are in the corrupt international banking cartel directly responsible for the global depression of 2008, in which the global economy, as well as that of Washington State presently remain; 1.04 That at least eighty-five percent of the states investments are in foreign governmental or quasi-governmental entities and transnational corporations; few of them are in any entity located within Washington State , or in any headquartered in America ; 1.05 That of these transnational corporate Wall Street investments, a disproportionate number are in predatory transnational corporations other than the predatory transnational banks, in which the majority of the people of Washington State, if sufficiently informed, would not want their money invested as a matter of ethical and/or environmental principles; this includes institutional investments in BP, Shell, Keystone XL, Dow Chemical, Massey Energy, Cargill and Monsanto; 1.06 That the Washington State government has a grave conflict of interest by aggressively promoting by both executive order and legislation the products of industries in which they have large investments, such as the pharmaceutical cartel and its bioweaponized vaccines, in which it has institutional investments of over one-half billion dollars; Why the Washington State Government Is a Ruthless Vaccine Pusher allvoices/…/8367537-why-the-washington-state… 1.07 That the Washington State government has a grave conflict of interest by failing to proportionately tax those Washington State-located transnational corporations in which it is heavily invested and/or whose favor they wish to obtain; 1.08 That the Washington State government has a grave conflict of interest by investing in foreign manufacturing competitors while failing to invest in those which would provide manufacturing employment and infrastructure for the people of Washington State; 1.09 That the Washington State Investment Board (WSIB) -- the financial arm of the Washington State Legislature headed by the state treasurer -- employs financial advisors of questionable competence and integrity, including accused war criminal former US Secretary of State Madeline Albright and the infamously corrupt investment firm of Goldman Sachs -- never consulting with those who offer any alternative economic perspectives and solutions, including those employed within the Washington State government itself; 1.10 That the WSIB plotted in the spring of 2006 to alter the Washington State Constitution so that the fulsome Washington State Education Fund -- derived from regular fees paid by the states resource extraction industries of mining, fishing and lumbering -- could be used in the future for institutional corporate Wall Street investments, rather than as before being kept safely in trust; 1.11 That to achieve this diversion of state funds in trust, the WSIB quietly placed on the state ballot Issue 4215, which proposed an amendment to the Washington State Constitution allowing the state higher education funds to be used in corporate Wall Street investments; 1.12 That the majority of voters in Washington State, deliberately kept ill-informed by state corporate government officials and mainstream/alleged alternative media corporations operating in Washington State, passed this stealth measure by a large margin in November 2006, to be ratified as a constitutional amendment by the state legislature in January 2007; 2006 Washington State Voters Guide Writeup on State Issue 4215 1.13 That, since early 2004, the WSIB has deliberately invested a large portion of its institutional investment portfolio in derivatives and credit default options (CDOs), the most opaque, unstable investment instruments imaginable; 1.14 That, due to the corporate bailouts and banking cartel-engineered depression of 2008, as well as the WSIBs prodigal, imprudent corporate Wall Street investments, the Washington State Education Fund now has been depleted by half, due to the resulting devaluation of institutionally invested stocks and bonds; 1.15 This has served to radically increase tuition and student loan indebtedness while radically decreasing the availability and quality of higher education to the people of Washington State ; 1.16 That all of this occurred less than two years after Issue 4215 was stealthily and deceptively introduced by the WSIB, passed by the majority of voters, and its related constitutional amendment approved by their state legislators; 1.17 That the amount of the peoples money deliberately being squandered in volatile institutional corporate Wall Street investments is at least eighty times the amount of the alleged state budget deficit of approximately $1 billion, which this invested money could have easily eliminated if used responsibly; 1.18 That the abovecited Washington State officials continually demand increasingly exorbitant taxation and licensing fees from the already deliberately financially stressed people of this state; 1.19 That they do this is while being entrusted with massive amounts of the peoples money, yet knowingly and willfully withholding and purloining it for the benefit of the private international banking cartel and those who secretly control it; 1.20 That the immediate motive for this treasonous fraud perpetrated by the abovecited Washington State corporate government officials and their predecessors in office and mainstream/alleged alternative media corporations operating in Washington State against the people of this state has been their greed for both wealth and power, accepting lucrative bribes, kickbacks, campaign contributions, loans and lucrative advertising contracts, as well as enhanced monies from personal investments from the corrupt international banking cartel and other corrupt transnational corporations; 1.21 That the actual underlying motive of these corporate state government officials/media corporations corporate contributors has been, besides huge profits, the financial destruction and enslavement of the people of this state; 1.22 That therefore the Washington State corporate government budget and its budget deficit are now, and have been since at least the mid-1940s, fraudulent; 1.23 And therefore all budget cuts made on the pretext of this fraudulent state budget deficit that now threaten the general welfare -- including the health and wellbeing of the disabled and disenfranchised, the cutting of public library, public transportation and public education services and those budget cuts which threaten to privatize all of the Washington state park system -- are therefore criminal. Websites/links Providing Evidence of the CAFR Scam in the Washington State Corporate Government, Including the Washington State Investment Boards CAFR With Analysis, and Similar Recent Budgetary Fraud Exposed in the California State Parks System The Spokane Spokesman/Seattle Times Columnist: Washington State Parks Now on Their Own spokesman/stor…/…/aug/04/state-parks-on-their-own seattletimes.nwsource/…/…/2018850731_danny05.html CAFR Scam Exposed: California State Parks Department Had $54 million While Asking for Park Volunteers and Cutting Park Services latimes/…/la-me-state-parks-20120721,0,23835… 2. Deliberate Denial of Remedy, Indicating Complicity in Criminal Conspiracy 2.01 That the above-cited Washington State corporate government officials and their predecessors in office, as well as mainstream/alleged alternative media corporations operating in Washington State, have failed repeatedly to disclose publicly that the figures contained in the Washington State Annual Comprehensive Financial Report -- not those in what they claim as the annual budgetary document -- are the most accurate declaration of actual state corporate government funds; 2.02 That the abovecited Washington State corporate government officials and their predecessors in office have failed to provide to the public clear comprehensive summaries of the fraudulent, unnecessary budget cuts made to each and every state cabinet department and its programs to obfuscate their negative impact on the general welfare of this state; and the abovecited mainstream/alleged alternative media corporations operating in Washington State have failed to demand and report on such essential information; 2.03 That the WSIB has deliberately invested the peoples money in volatile corporate Wall Street investments knowing that it would never be returned to them, not only because their inherent risk, but because of ongoing fraudulent and insidious federal corporate confiscation of these funds, upon which the mainstream/alleged alternative media corporations operating in this state, as well as state corporate government officials, have continually refused to report to duly inform the public; 2.04 That all individual and institutional investments, after being registered by a stock broker with the Depository Transaction Clearing Center (DTCC) -- an obscure subsidiary of the privately owned Federal Reserve System doing business as (dba) the sardonically named Cede Inc. -- become the tacitly ceded property of Cede Inc., with the people thereby rendered mere beneficiaries rather than owners, of their own investments; 2.05 That thereafter the people can be denied access to the dividends of these institutional investments at any time by the Federal Reserve corporation and those who secretly control this privately owned alien entity; Who Really Owns Your Money: The Depository Trust Clearing Corporation dtcc yourmortgageoryourlife.wordpress/…/who-really-o…/ Here Is Where Some of the Washington State Corporate Governments Institutional Investments of the Peoples Money Actually Went After It Was Stolen by the Federal Reserve Through the DTCC: Final Federal Reserve Audit Results Posted on September 4, 2012: $16 Trillion Stolen from the American People to Enrich the International Banking Cartel ittp://pakalertpress/first-audit-results-in-the-federal-re… Exhaustive Study Finds Globalists Hiding $32 Trillion in Secret Off-Shore Bank Accounts…/exhaustive_study_finds_global… 2.06 That the above-cited Washington State corporate government officials and their predecessors in office, as well as the mainstream/alleged alternative media corporations operating in this state have repeatedly failed to enact/accurately report historically proven remedies to the state budget deficit -- such as proportionate corporate taxation, state investment in small business, physical/technical infrastructure and a public state bank, while utilizing prudent trusts and investment instruments -- although being fully and repeatedly informed of the benefits of these remedies; 2.07 That all of the above constitutes deliberate denial of remedy and complicity in criminal conspiracy. 3. Ongoing Systemic Constitutional Fraud Against the People of Washington State Tantamount to Treason 3.01 That the abovecited Washington State corporate government officials and their predecessors in office, as well as the mainstream/alleged alternative media corporations operating in Washington State have failed both to reveal and remediate the fact that the present Washington State Constitution of 1889 -- latest amended by state investments-related Issue 4215 in 2006 -- is fraudulent, automatically rendering invalid all legislation and executive orders enacted by officers of the current spurious state government corporation, specifically those dealing with its governmental financial system; 3.02 That the original state constitution enacted via due process by the people of Washington State in 1878 is indeed the actual Washington State Constitution, but was treasonously confiscated and held hostage by the banking cartel-controlled United States Corporation of the District of Columbia (DC) through the calculated failure of the US Congress to act upon it for eleven years until it was quietly replaced by the one of 1889 that had been drafted and enacted by spurious means; 3.03 That this banking cartel-controlled federal corporation had quietly been put in place during the upheaval of the cartel-engineered American Civil War/Reconstruction Period, during which the common-law US Constitution and Bill of Rights was stealthily replaced by unconstitutional statutory/commercial law and executive orders under the rubric of President Abraham Lincolns declaration of martial law at the beginning of the American Civil War in 1861 that has continued unrescinded to this day; 3.04 That the Washington DC-based United States Corporation then proceeded by various methods to subvert sovereign US states into becoming corporate subsidiaries of the federal US corporation; 3.05 That one of the methods used was for the de facto board of directors of the federal United States Corporation, the US Congress, to refuse to ratify any lawfully enacted state constitution under the ruse of political partisanship unless that new state constitution incorporated the treasonous agenda of the federal government corporation; 3.06 That such an example is the fraudulent Washington State Constitution of 1889, which diverged from the original of 1878, insofar as it omitted any acknowledgement of sovereign state citizenship and of alloidial personal property rights that the banking cartel-controlled US Corporation ultimately intends to eliminate in America and throughout the world; 3.07 That this has resulted in American government at all levels -- including that of Washington State -- being since the Civil War the public enabler/enforcer of the subversive, sinister agenda of the international banking cartel and those who secretly control it, to the extreme detriment of the people of this state and of this nation; 3.08 That concerning all of the abovecited treason and its potential remedies, the abovecited Washington State corporate government officials and the mainstream/alleged alternative media corporations operating in Washington State have failed in their duty to even minimally inform the public. The Fraudulent Washington State Constitution and Its Relationship to the International Banking Cartels Clandestine Control of the US Government Since At Least 1861 Articles on the History of the Fraudulent Washington State Constitution proliberty/observer/20001102.html…/…/wash_const.html The International Banking Cartels Takeover of the US Government Using the Civil War Historic Quotations Concerning US/Global Corporate Government theforbiddenknowledge/quotes/index.htm Wherefore: The abovecited Washington State corporate government officials and their surviving predecessors in office, as well as the top management of mainstream/alleged alternative media corporations operating in Washington State need to be summarily investigated, and then potentially arrested and prosecuted for criminal financial/constitutional fraud and treason against the people of this state; And the people of Washington State need publicly to acknowledge and examine their own complicity in the criminal and treasonous actions/inaction of their abovecited state corporate government officials and their predecessors in office, as well as of the mainstream/alleged alternative media corporations operating in Washington State, through their own self-absorbed denial of, and disinterest in, the long-corrupted governmental and public information systems of this state and of this nation. I hereby declare that all of the above statements are, to the best of my knowledge, true and accurate. Comprehensive annual financial report - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia AComprehensive Annual Financial Report(CAFR) is a set of U.S.government financial statementscomprising the financial report of a state, municipal or other governmental entity that complies with the accounting requirements—generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP)—promulgated by theGovernmental... Like · · Share 45 people like this. Martha Cifuentes I know for a fact that a bunch of right wing idiots who are trying to steal elections in the State of Washington are behind this lawsuit. I have lived in Washington State since August 1984 and I know that a lot of the allegations are false (Ive not r...See More September 21, 2012 at 1:40pm · Like Ron Van Dyke Neither did I read it all; but I do know about the CAFR and the fraud being committed by all corporate governments that are owned by private individuals for their own and not public benefit. September 21, 2012 at 1:49pm · Like · 4 Kathy Bertram I have been here in Washington since 1967 and have a BA from the U Dub. I have sat on a school board and I knew then what was going on with our state moneys. It is not the right wing idiots who are doing this. The people who want Washington State to stay strong will be behind this. I say to this About Damn Time! September 21, 2012 at 2:07pm · Like · 1 Peter HuntLey-Harris Wunderbarwunderbar!! September 21, 2012 at 2:30pm · Like Maria Dayrit Mamrol check this out jhaines6.wordpress/.../treasury-to-foreclose.../ TREASURY TO FORECLOSE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM POSTED BY NESARAAUSTRALIA ⋅ SEPTEMBER 21,... jhaines6.wordpress September 21, 2012 at 2:37pm · Like · 2 Yvonne Roberts It is about time the state of Washington WAKES up ... its not about the right or left it is about right and wrong . I know personally of the underhanded abuses from all the powers that be here in WA..From the time our state supreme court VACATED HUNDRE...See More September 21, 2012 at 3:27pm · Like Yvonne Roberts @ Marty Cites .... the voting FRAUD you speak about was perpetrated by ACORN ... which is a Left wing of the same bird as the right wing .. the infighting solves nothing ..Until you and others see this fraud for what it is it will only continue ~ September 21, 2012 at 3:30pm · Like · 3 Yvonne Roberts Could it be ??? I pray this is true ... jhaines6.wordpress/.../treasury-to-foreclose.../ TREASURY TO FORECLOSE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM POSTED BY NESARAAUSTRALIA ⋅ SEPTEMBER 21,... jhaines6.wordpress September 21, 2012 at 4:29pm · Like Mary Acosta This has been a long time coming ! We have to keep the faith.! September 22, 2012 at 8:19am · Like Brent Clark Howitz Write a comment...
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 01:47:35 +0000

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