WOW! GOD IS TOO MUCH! For the past few days or so I’ve been - TopicsExpress


WOW! GOD IS TOO MUCH! For the past few days or so I’ve been thinking about someone who’s around talking some negative stuff about us. Like the saying goes: “You can please some of the people some of the time, but you can’t please all the people all the time.” Every time my mind thought about them I would get upset as to why they would do this. But God, again knowing every thought I think, had THE PERFECT words for me! I decided to organize some books and found amongst them one of my favorite meditation books, ‘The Imitation of Christ’ by Thomas A Kempis, written over 600 years ago. I randomly opened to a page and read the following: “Behold, if all should be said against you that the malice of men could possibly invent, what hurt could it do you if you would let it pass and value it no more than a straw? Could they even so much as pluck one hair from you?” Wow! God’s so deeply involved in our lives! He knew the perfect words I needed to read! Here’s some more from that chapter ‘Of Having Confidence In God When Words Arise Against Us’: “My child, stand firm and trust in me, for what are words: they fly through the air, but hurt not a stone. If you are guilty, think that you will willingly amend yourself. If your conscience does not accuse you, think that you will willingly suffer this for God’s sake. It is a small matter that you should sometimes bear with words, if you are not as yet able to endure hard stripes. And why do such trifles go to your heart, because you are yet carnal, and respect others more than you ought? Because you are afraid of being despised, you are not willing to be reprehended for your faults, and seek shelter in excuses. But look better into yourself, and you shall find that the world is still within you, and a vain fondness for pleasing others. For since you refuse to be humbled and confounded for your defects, it is plain indeed that you are neither truly humble, nor truly dead to the world, nor the world crucified to you. But give ear to my word, and you shall not value ten thousand words of others.” WE ROLL WITH GOD!
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 21:23:58 +0000

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