WOW GREAT SPARK Love David I was finishing up my shopping - TopicsExpress


WOW GREAT SPARK Love David I was finishing up my shopping on Christmas Eve and thought I would make one more stop to see if I could find a few more things. As I walked around I noticed a young lady that seemed to be upset. I walked over to her and asked if she was OK and she told me that she had lost her purse. She was very upset and was not thinking very clearly. I asked her to walk with me to every place she had her purse and we might find it. We walked all over the store and she said that this was the last place she remembered having her purse. I started to look around to see if I could find it and was having no luck when a lady asked if I needed help and I told her about the lady losing her purse. She asked the lady her name and then she said that she had stuck it in the back room. The worker went back and grabbed the purse and told the young lady she should not carry that much cash because someone could try to rob her. She said she had just pawned her wedding rigs to be able to provide Christmas for her Children. She said that the rings were worth more that 1,200 but she took what they gave her. Her husband was overseas and was due to be home tonight. He had not been home in 8 years on Christmas and she wanted this to be special. I started to cry and then I told her that I was going to help her do her shopping. The lady working at the store went and got her manager and told him what was going on. He said here is what I can do for you. I can give you 45% off of anything in the store. So I called my husband at work and told him what was going on and he told the people whee he works about what was going on. My husband said we are on the way. My husband is the V.P of operations of a large financial company. 18 of the employees from this company showed up to help. We got a game plan together and off everyone went and we met back in 3 hours. Well we provided this young family with a tree, stuff for dinner and presents for the entire family. We asked her if we could help decorate her tree and all she could do was cry and nod. This was one of the best days of my life and want to thank One Spark for showing us the way.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 14:02:15 +0000

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