WOW Heather you impress me with you comments about THE MAIN factor - TopicsExpress


WOW Heather you impress me with you comments about THE MAIN factor on the spirit of this nation.. THE ONLY AND MAIN FACTOR that is real life affect everyone on this country (Ill talk a lot on this because is something I like Sociology) ... about 2 weeks ago in a theology chat, I tell someone about realities and unknown sources or viewpoint, after a while when she got that she will never understand or accept what she has not reality about it, she ask me something very very smart, because she also know that Im anti-Castros dictatorship and there is impossible to comprehend do something without have some sort of personal interest or benefice... the she ask me: What you miss most about you country? ... I start searching deep in my mind about the concept of missing because I suffer really heavy dictatorship in there, compare to this country, after a while I tell her what it was... and is exactly the point you just tell in you past comment: Truly Humanism is not a vivid concept for NATURAL ENGLISH LANGUAGE persons. is NOT that they are different some how, is the way the BRAIN CELLS ARE WIRED when life and reality have to be learned and understood under English Grammar. those Natural English Speakers when they learn or relate deep with (for example Spanish) they said that: We are to extremely passionate, and that is not quite exact, what happens is that the Reality of the English person just reach one of their limited area. in other hand my observation tells me the advantage Natural English Speakers has over Spanish Grammar like (handling numbers) in other word that totally aberrated English Grammar when forms the circuits of the brain (to understand the world ==> what everyone’s call REALITY) gives to them a superior handling of numbers and Remember things... Like I said ==> I as foreign can see that difference... in other hand A natural English Speaker cant see at all their spiritual limitations and the reason is simple, What you have or know about feelings is all you believe that exist. So you dont need more love, or petty, or whatever, there is nothing wrong with you will see normal detached children from their parents, or lend money to their own parents or sending them to elder care houses etc etc. To make it worse, THE PRESS is constantly injecting and programming anti-humanism in US Society, out of communism there is not any other country in this planet that the press Talk constantly about their government and war and government and government over and over ALL THE TIME. so.. there is not rare seem Judges pleasuring themselves by condemning criminals to 1000 years sentences or 10 life times... but is The All Society and is NATURAL, I attach you a clip from one of the episode of John Quiñones is trying to call the conscience of American National in his ABCs program called What Would You Do? but is in vane, because The Media, The Video Games, The Legal System, The Cops, etc etc are pushing in the wrong way. (the evil one) judge for yourself by this video from beginning to end (Y) :) ... I also want to share my comment in my wall.
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 16:46:49 +0000

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