WOW! I just found out that I have not only been unfriended by - TopicsExpress


WOW! I just found out that I have not only been unfriended by candidate, Guy Annable but I have been blocked from seeing any of his responses on this site or the WECA site. I guess he did not like the fact that I dared to share his posts about his vision of Bells Corners along with his distasteful images of the present incumbent with both of these groups. I can understand how he was able to block me from his FB page but I fail to understand how he was able to block me from seeing his posts here! Many of his posts were done on his FB status which would then show up on mine but they were not posted to potential voters. I also notice that most of his campaign team consists of people who reside outside of our Ward/Community. I have posed the question to Guy Annable (who I know for a fact can see this post) what he plans to do for Ward 8 and for the City as a whole if he were to be elected as he only has one vote but I have failed to see a response other than he plans to bring the LRT to Bells Corners within 3 - 5 years and that in order for him to do this he would need some of the cornfields South of Fitzgerald for the station and some of the green belt from south of Moodie to Fernbank for housing in order to pay for the LRT. I have also asked Guy Annable how he if elected would be able to work with many of the same candidates including the present Mayor and other Candidates who he has made extremely disrespectful images and allegations against. His response to me was Get with the Game and it is all politics. To Guy and some of his team, Mayor Watson is referred to as JIMMY along with other terms. Just how does one plan to work with Mayor Watson and or other incumbents in the event that these candidates are re-elected or in the event that both Mayor Watson and Guy are elected in which is highly unlikely that both would be on Council together but.... He also stated following his post regarding an urgent request on Thanksgiving for us to meet him in the parking lot of the former Als Steak House for 2 Safety Announcements, which none of us attended as we knew that it would be a photo op that It was all about getting elected. I have made it very clear that I am not working on any campaign teams and that my hope was to provide shared posts from the Candidate himself as to what his vision is for Bells Corners. Guy Annable stated that there are 11 CA but yet I have failed to find any postings as to what he is hoping to do for the rest of them. I know there has been reference to the timing of the website of the incumbent but if one tries to follow the website of Guy Annable they may find that it is extremely challenging following the information/posts as the font including the size and colour changes frequently. This site would fail the accessibility standards for persons with various disabilities including those with vision, dyslexia etc. Sorry Guy Annable, but if you are going to block access to people who question you during the election, would you also block access to those who differ from your positions if you were to be elected? (somehow I do not expect to be able to view his response).
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 17:43:14 +0000

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