WOW, I just got back from a call of a possible black panther - TopicsExpress


WOW, I just got back from a call of a possible black panther spotted loose near an Ohio town. What a nasty, vulgar response to 2 horrible chimp attacks. Nothing surprises me with these callous and uneducated remarks. Again, none of our opposition cares about the public safety officers that respond to all of these incidents, the animals or the neighbors, just their selfish feelings. This should wake up any one who has a soul or basic human morals. I do not know why you hate me so, you all remember over 10 years ago when I begged everyone of you to regulate yourselves because if you did not, the government will. Your greed to sell dangerous wild/exotic animals to untrained people (anything for a buck) saturated the market and caused the problems your blaming me and the other groups for trying to control. You all did this to yourselves. As for me making money off of animals, apparently your listening to the lies from people that have not bothered to do their homework or even investigated any of these statements. There philosophy is that you tell a lie enough it appears true. I have written 2 books (2001 and 2006), with a lump sum and part of the royalties going to Heavens Corner Animal Sanctuary near Eaton, Ohio to support the big cats, reptiles (Gabon vipers, Rhino viper, alligators etc.) and exotics that I captured/rescued in the Tri-State area. The second books royalties went to Outreach for Animals to do the work we were overwhelmed with (again, my opposition did not read these books...they answer all of these lies with the support of the same people who are lying about me now). The books predicted and completely laid out the problems we are seeing now. I am the subject of an award- winning documentary, which means that I did receive one cent from the movie ( we think it is hysterical that these opponents think this, as I work for a living and not get my income from exploiting animals. No get your picture taken with a tiger cub garbage!). I am the Director of OFA and do not receive a paycheck, and my family does not receive any financial rewards (in fact we started this non-profit because our wives and husbands were tired of us using our own money-we still do). I have turned down TV production companies offers because they wanted me to act like other animal hosts, and I will not. No teasing, harassing or abuse of animals or people. This brings me to the biggest lie that has been told about me personally, he fakes all his rescues. I have never faked any rescue, they are all TRUE calls. In the past we did not have a video camera with us and we reenacted TRUE incidents for record/lectures with out harassing or abusing the animals(many were police/fire calls). When we received our first camera, we never had to reenact anything(what these hecklers do not understand is I am not the only one at OFA that rescues animals) . Please speak with the public safety officers, government officials and past owners we have helped ( thank heaven when the ODA and other government agencies got involved, they began tracking), they will tell you the whole story. If Joe Exotic Schreibvgel really wanted to help Terry Thompson at Zanesville, Ohio, he would have stepped in before this incident ( we all new Terry was stating to payback everyone well before the incident)and move the animals (they were in horrible conditions) or help Terry out as a friend and try and deescalate this perfect storm that was brewing. I know OFA was, but for some stupid reason you all forgot, OHIO HAD NO LAWS AGAINST OWNING DANGEROUS WILD/EXOTIC ANIMALS. There was nothing anyone but Terry could do to stop this madness. This leads me to my final lie that is constantly brought up by people I thought were educated and open minded, Tim electrocuted Lambert the lion to make money from the movie. First of all, I did not make any money off the movie, and secondly we could not remove any lion off of any bodies property in Ohio, the owners have to allow you to help (that was explained to you in the last sentence). The footage of Lamberts death (this is for all you morons that did not seek the truth, just made up your own)was filmed by Terry Brumfield, and his son explains that sadly in the extras of the movie. Sophias death is also explained in depth(congenital abnormalities by years of inter breeding) and there is extra footage of us taking her to the vet. These lions were not killed by us or Terry Brumfield but by people and organizations that allow untrained people to keep dangerous wild/exotic pets. Please look in the mirror and thank yourselves for your problems and quit blaming others for your mistakes. Before I finish, I talked to most of you at the USDA symposium and offered to work with you on trying to work out the regulations/ laws but I have not heard from you with your written thoughts on how we can make things better... guess your to busy Facebooking negative, nasty lies ( Joe, thank your followers for calling me Old Cancer Mouth, that puts what you all say into perspective). I want everyone to know that Joe Exotic can no longer place comments on this Facebook. I spoke to him on the phone 2 weeks ago and we agreed he was welcomed on our site but he could not use vulgarity (f###) or personal attacks. If your going to lie, please get our facts right. If you want to stay on this site, you have to try and make things better, not name calling or vulgarity. My favorite quote is from David Brinkley, a successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him. I want to thank our supporters that can communicate intelligently and everyone please stay safe, Tim PLEASE ENJOY THIS JOE EXOTIC TV gave me a good laugh (I thought I was the media whore)
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 21:23:36 +0000

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