WOW, KEN PRESTON ACTUALLY DEFRIENDED ME BECAUSE OF MY COMMENTS ON THE POST, WHICH USE TO BE AT THE LINK BELOW, BEFORE HE DELETED IT. KEN, I DIDNT KNOW IT WAS THAT SERIOUS. IF YOU AND THE CANDIDATE THAT YOURE MANAGING ARE THAT SCARED --- TO HAVE A REAL, ISSUES-BASED DEBATE --- YOU COULD HAVE JUST SAID SO. YOU DIDNT HAVE TO ACT LIKE A COWARD. https://faceboom/Kpreston247/posts/10151908608206912?comment_id=28021304&offset=0&total_comments=30¬ Like • • Unfollow Post • Share • James Cherry Jr. and 10 others like this. • Marcia Jarrett Ken Preston are you watching 60 min ?? 19 hours ago • Like • Ken Preston Just turn it on. 19 hours ago • Like • Marcia Jarrett aw It was good .. 19 hours ago • Like • Ken Preston Will watch the entire program tomorrow. Thanks. Marcia Jarrett 19 hours ago • Like • 1 • Howard J. Eagle Ken Preston, What is Ms. Candice Lucas s position on the new Common Core standards?Carla Walker, Ka Mo, Minister Lorenzo, D. Williams, Dominique Thomas, Gerry Hunt, 19 hours ago • Like • 2 • Howard J. Eagle Minister Lorenzo D. Williams, Regina McNair, Vince Felder, Ken Sayres, Jaime Marie Lawson,Ronald Hall, 19 hours ago • Like • Ken Preston check her web site or email her for that. Howard J. Eagle 19 hours ago • Like • Howard J. Eagle Oh, Ken Preston, I already know --- since I have heard her articulate her position during candidate forums. Since you are supporting, and promoting her --- I was just wondering whether or not you know, and whether or not it matters to you, relative to the needs of the vast majority of our students, especially the vast majority of those who are black and brown? 19 hours ago • Like • 2 • Howard J. Eagle Drew Langdon, Alex White, Emily GoodAlita, Anna Lawson, 19 hours ago • Like • Howard J. Eagle Alita Lawson, Ernest Flagler-Mitchell, 19 hours ago • Like • Anna Lawson I will Howard Eagle 19 hours ago via mobile • Like • Howard J. Eagle Ok 19 hours ago • Like • 1 • Howard J. Eagle smugtownbeacon/news.php?viewStory=1068 New York State Department of Education and PTA Collude in Silencing Parents on Smugtown Beacon smugtownbeacon Tuesday, October 15, 2013 Rochester, NY - Local teacher educator and activist...See More 19 hours ago • Like • 1 • Remove Preview • Howard J. Eagle Ken Preston --- guess not huh. 19 hours ago • Like • Howard J. Eagle ON NOVEMBER 5, 2013, VOTE FOR HOWARD EAGLE & RONALD HALL (ON THE FREEDOM PARTY LINE) --- PART OF THE SOLUTION IS BOLD KNOWLEDGEABLE, COMMITTED LEADERSHIP! 18 hours ago • Like • 1 • Howard J. Eagle ON NOVEMBER 5, 2013, VOTE FOR HOWARD EAGLE & RONALD HALL (ON THE FREEDOM PARTY LINE) --- PART OF THE SOLUTION IS BOLD KNOWLEDGEABLE, COMMITTED LEADERSHIP! 18 hours ago • Like • 1 • Howard J. Eagle Marcia, I couldnt agree more, but we (parents, grandparents, guardians, students, educators, activists, and others) need to do more than take a deep look --- we need to organize, and resist. 6 hours ago • Like • Ronald Hall Ken, I thought you were a democrat? Also, is lovely supporting Candas? I asked because of the pictures that you posted and questions thats being asked by voters. Change we can believe in? 2 hours ago via mobile • Edited • Like • 1 • Howard J. Eagle Ronald Hall, Great questions. Im surprised that Ken Preston is choosing to remain mum. Kenny, you usually have a lot to say --- cat got your tongue? about an hour ago • Like • 1 • Jaime Marie Lawson Lol about an hour ago • Like • Ronald Hall I think the working families party does. about an hour ago via mobile • Like • 1 • Howard J. Eagle Jaime Marie Lawson (lol with you), but Im dead-serious. about an hour ago • Like • 1 • Jaime Marie Lawson I hear you about an hour ago • Like • Howard J. Eagle There is no doubt that one of those alternative parties does. They were endorsed by two or three --- right? I wonder what Joe Morelle, the Democrats, and others, such as some of the unions are thinking (after having invested all those massive resources)? about an hour ago • Like • 1 • Ronald Hall They did invest heavily in Candas and Mayor Richards. about an hour ago via mobile • Like • 1 • Howard J. Eagle No doubt! It was very interesting that Ms. Candice Lucas almost knocked-off the wrong target, i.e., one of theirs (the invisible man). I heard hes coming out to the forum tomorrow evening. That ought to be interesting. about an hour ago • Like • 1 • Howard J. Eagle democratandchronicle/.../3137945/ I WONDER IF THIS IS ONE OF THOSE WINK-WINK; NOD-NOD TYPE TACTICS??? Richards says Independence Party push wasnt discussed with him democratandchronicle Party officials urged residents to still vote for Richards on Nov. 5. about an hour ago • Like • 1 • Remove Preview • Jaime Marie Lawson Who is hosting the forum tomorrow? about an hour ago • Like • Howard J. Eagle 10/22 (tomorrow) --- The Community Place of Greater Rochester, 145 Parsells Avenue. 6 - 8 pm. All Candidates. I MADE A MISTAKE REGARDING MY EARLIER NOTE. THE ONE THAT I HEARD THE INVISIBLE MAN IS ATTENDING --- IS ON WEDNESDAY. THERE ARE SEVERAL SCHEDULED FOR THIS WEEK. I WILL POST THEM ALL SHORTLY. 58 minutes ago • Like • Jaime Marie Lawson Okay, thanks --------------------------- Jaime Marie Lawson, Ronald Hall, Vince Felder, Candice Lucas, Dominique Thomas, Gerry Hunt, Carla Walker,
Posted on: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 21:31:24 +0000

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