WOW. Khepfer Ḥāru Do not be deceived by the trappings of - TopicsExpress


WOW. Khepfer Ḥāru Do not be deceived by the trappings of the mind. Whispered murmurings and hushed sayings may seem intriguing and draw one in with the allure of secrecy and revealed ideas, but you must be vigilant with others as you must be with your own mind. Every idea, accusation, saying, or challenge must be examined at its basis, and against your own heart. At the end of the day, unless you know something at its source, we must be honest with ourselves and say I do not know when it comes to such things. However, You will know them by their fruits, meaning that any entity or energy that must pass in the shadows through whispering, not making itself plain and clear, is a deceptive spirit that has no basis in truth. It must rely upon deception to wrap the mind up in confusion until one has no solid foundation, then it can use that mind to sow seeds of corruption. In this way, we make ourselves whores to abominable things in the spirit, and we will wake up one day after all of our vital essence has been squandered in vain trappings of the mind, wondering what happened and how we ended up at the bottom of a vast pit of our own design. Those who are making their bed right now want to bring others down in with them. It is your decision. I can tell you where it will end, and how. I can tell you of the basis of the lies they are spewing forth. As I said before, let those who accuse, accuse, for they accuse a non-entity. The person they think that theyre slandering doesnt exist, its merely a mental projection of their own deficiencies placed outward as a strawman to attack, a frustrated effort of a parasitic energy attempting to devour others before it inevitably devours itself and self-destructs. You know what energy it is, it has my wrath, but I need do nothing, we need do nothing at all, and it will slay itself. In the meantime, use it as a tool to strengthen yourselves, to keep yourself from engaging, because an entity that needs your energy needs your permission. As soon as you fall to it, you have lost yourself. If you keep yourself from it and guard your hearts and minds through clinging to the truth - that all murmurings and hushed accusations are just cowardly energies heaping condemnation upon itself - that none of this matters with respect to the evolution of your awareness and all delving into such chaotic manipulations seed corruption in your spirit - that the truth of the matter is, when someone cannot get something theyre expecting from someone else, the neediness within them, the pride, and the humiliation bubbles over into vomited hatred and deception - then you will see clearly and perfectly that there is nothing to do, but to let it go, and let it dissolve back into its wretched nothingness.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 21:51:33 +0000

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