WOW September 1, 2013 Wishing everyone a safe, happy Labor - TopicsExpress


WOW September 1, 2013 Wishing everyone a safe, happy Labor Day! God Loves Them Too He causes his son to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.” Matthew 5:45 It is all too easy to become smug about our place as children of God. Yes, we recognize that we are sinners and that Christ paid the price for our salvation. Still, we often seem to believe that our place in His kingdom gives us a preferential position in the human race. Our privilege of sainthood is unrelated to our humanness. It is a direct result of having been sanctified by a loving savior who allows us to escape the inevitable fate that awaits all who spurn his love. As humans, we are no better or worse than any other. We all sin, and we are all loved by God. He does not want “anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9). The next time you find yourself thinking, “Well, at least I’m not like that person” or “Thank goodness I don’t behave like they do,” remind yourself that it is God’s place to judge, not yours. And then be grateful that he extends his grace and mercy to us all. “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8 youtube/watch?v=j9ICt1FFTwo
Posted on: Mon, 02 Sep 2013 04:35:02 +0000

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