WOW!!!!!! THIS IS INCREDIBLE! THE POWER OF A WOMAN TO CONCENTRATE! TO FOCUS... and accomplish the IMPOSSIBLE! I am speechless... the power of the mind. The power -- within this woman... Her inner strength.. SPLENDID!!! There is an INNER STRENGTH too, described in Gods Word, the Bible. Let us learn about it... and explore it... reflect.. meditate and take action... As believers in Christ Jesus we can do incredible things too, which will bring glory to God... please read on... INNER STRENGTH From: My Daily Appointment with God By: The late Lucille Fern Sollenberger A National Missionary Representative Stonecroft Ministries Read: Ephesians 3:14-21 The most striking feature of a palm tree is that it does not grow as do other trees. Its source of life, the sap, flows up the center column of the tree, instead of under the bark as in ordinary trees. The palm tree does not have a true bark. Instead, it seems to have an armor of old leaf stalks which can be removed down to the main stalk without affecting the tree. The palm tree can be cut and scarred, but it keeps on growing higher and higher. Like the palm tree, the Christian is different from others because he has an inner strength. This hidden source of the Christian life is not disturbed by circumstances. The Lord Jesus Christ is that source of life. There is fruitfulness and beauty in the life of a Christian, because Jesus Christ is the very center of life. The Christian strength is not dependent upon outer things as symbols or rituals. The believer depends on the hidden resources which the Lord supplies when Christ is in residence in the life. The outer man can be abused and scarred by circumstances, but the inner self is at peace. Outer problem does not retard his inner spiritual growth, but may stimulate it. The palm tree reaches its greatest fruitfulness after 30 years after it is planted. It continues in full vigor 70 years longer, bearing every year. A date palm tree yields about 300 to 400 pounds of dates a year. The older the tree, the better and sweeter the fruit. Like the palm tree, the Christian will bear his best and sweetest fruit in old age. (Psalm 92:14). PRAY: Make this true in my life, dear Lord. REMEMBER THIS GOAL: Better and sweeter every year!
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 18:22:22 +0000

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