WOW! Thank You President Obama. Cant wait for the budget ideas - TopicsExpress


WOW! Thank You President Obama. Cant wait for the budget ideas in 2 weeks. This was a great program, we just got to see it finally… if you didnt get to see the 2015 State of the Union Address ~ you missed out. BUt, the white house has posted it for you. WOW! Please watch, even if you are so down about our country like us. !!!!!!!! Yes! Where is the smiley face emoticon, that silly people add, that says feeling happy or hopeful or excited. There are only 2 years left for this great President. We only wish there hasnt been so many trivial issues that have wasted time from his list of things to do for us. We are sad to think what could have been accomplished by now. It was like a feel good, warm/fuzzy documentary. How many times does he say: Its the right thing to do!??? Paid child care, paid sick leave?? Women get the same pay as men? Overtime pay? Raise the Minimum Wage? Free College!! Free Internet. Lowering Existing Student Debt ~ SERIOUSLY PEOPLE. What is wrong with a president that tries against immature GOP odds, to make congress help the working people? Heard this before: Obama has a great record of positive changes since he has been in office, but he still has people crabbing about him being bad, so it has been said the only thing that hasnt changed since he has been in office is, He is Still Black. He asks what is wrong with better politics? and working together? Where people see teamwork of appealing to each others basic decency instead of fighting over trivial topics that have nothing to do with peoples daily lives? Don’t we all want that? Everyday, in our personal and political areas of life? His ONLY AGENDA IS THE SAME AS THE BEGINNING: to do what is best for America. IF you don’t agree, add your thoughts to that, & then at least work and help to add value to parts that you do agree on. Every life matters!! Value the worth and dignity of every citizen. Everybody Matters. Its the right thing to do. What is wrong with this President? Why does he have so much opposition? His insides look just like ours. So What. What is wrong with working together? Arent we better than fighting over trivial topics? where is the teamwork? what is wrong with a better politics appeal to each others basic decency? we should talk issues, values, principles and facts, debate, represent . The opposition have tired old patterns, nothing to do with peoples daily lives. Dont abandon your agenda, work on coming to the middle. Stop pulling us ALL in the gutter, with your waste of time, hateful demeaning and worthless; fight because i know i am right tactics. Lets work on this huge problem. Stop fighting. Show our young, how life is supposed to be lived with others. lift people up with a sense of purpose and excitement. & possibility. argue about stuff that is worthy of this country.
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 03:45:45 +0000

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