WOW! Time Records : Olympic flame at the North Pole! - TopicsExpress


WOW! Time Records : Olympic flame at the North Pole! 25.10.2013. Olympic flame for the first time in the history of the Games went to the North Pole. There he brought the nuclear icebreaker 50 Years of Victory. Travel, which is not solved even experienced sailors. To conquer the North Pole this time of year - not an easy task , but not for participants torch relay . For the first time in world history, the Olympic flame will visit outside the Arctic Circle. North Pole relay participants and the Olympic flame itself delivers the worlds largest nuclear-powered icebreaker 50 Years of Victory . The crew before any time had to help in the transportation of goods but to take a particle Olympics - is the first time. It is interesting to perform such work, honorable , but it is also a story! - Said a second senior assistant captain Ruslan Sasov. This unique project involves representatives of the eight Arctic states : Canada, USA, Denmark, Finlyadndii , Norway, Iceland , Sweden and , of course, Russia . The expedition - people who either participated in the Olympics, or have devoted their life to research in the Arctic. Today we are all in a unique situation - says Elena Kudryashov, rector of the North Arctic Federal University. - First, for the first time in the history of the Olympic Games , in principle, the Olympic flame will reach the North Pole . Secondly , the first at this time of year. At third, it takes place on the worlds largest nuclear-powered ship, which belongs to Russia! Icebreaker with the Olympic flame is along the Barents Sea. Swimming - in terms not resort . Seeling tests the all members of the expedition . The further we move , the more the temperature is lowered. The wind increases . The North Pole is getting closer to us. Will soon have to say goodbye to daylight hours , because there will only be the polar night. The first step is to take out a special ice pointer distance from the North Pole to the Arctic states and capitals to the capital of Winter Olympic Games 2014. From here to Sochi in a straight line - 5217 kilometers. Before you start the fire relay itself, the ice floe scrutinize hydrologists. Choose such that during the run is not cracked. Olympic torch relay begins on the decks of the icebreaker Strong wind and cold as minus 25 flame, as can be seen on the Olympic flame , not a hindrance. The participants of the relay non-stop run through all 11 distances. The final part of the Olympic torch relay is connected with the cup. With a torch up to her legendary conqueror of the Arctic ( aka Hero of the Soviet Union and Russia ) Arthur Chilingarov - the man who saw the North Pole, not only from the sky and on the ground , but even at the bottom of the ocean. We are for international cooperation in the Arctic. Today in Russia there is a possibility to go anywhere in the Arctic Ocean , at any time of the year , and we already own Olympic record set - happy Arthur Chilingarov. Chilingarov says - nature itself helped to achieve the Olympic Flame 90 th parallel. Such speed of the icebreaker did not expect , even in the captains cabin . Atomic icebreaker reached the North Pole in just 91 hours from the moment of departure from the port of Murmansk. Its almost a day faster than anyone ever held on this route expeditions. The first Olympic record of the Olympics has just delivered, in spite of all obstacles, including the polar night. The main thing is to record repeated in February 2014.
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 14:37:16 +0000

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