WOW! WAY TO GO NIKKI! ;) So I have been hesitant to post my - TopicsExpress


WOW! WAY TO GO NIKKI! ;) So I have been hesitant to post my before and after pic for my 90 days because I still dont feel 100%. But, here goes nothing! Here is a little background for me, I have suffered depression for a long time, and have always felt like crap. I blamed it on stress, I was going to school, working full time, and had a family to take care of. About six years ago I had my thyroid checked, multiple blood tests, a sleep study and everything had been borderline. So needless to say there was no treatment suggested. Except from the sleep study, he said lose weight. Over the past year my exhaustion had become unbearable. If I wasnt at work I was taking a nap every day, no energy to do anything. Then I decided I was going to take my life back and get some answers. I went back to the doctors office, I used to see the nurse practitioner but she had left so I saw the doctor. I tried to give her a little background, tell her my symptoms and gave her a list of blood work I wanted (because my nurse practitioner friend had suggested). And she said no, you dont need blood work, just lose weight. So, by this time depression had me in its grip worse than ever! Meanwhile I had been watching posts about Skinny Fiber for a while, but just didnt try it. Kept putting it off saying I didnt have the money. When my friend (the nurse practitioner) said she researched it and was going to try it that gave me the incentive to say OK, this is it now or never. A week into taking it I was on a roll! 5-7 pounds gone! No Napping!! I felt great! Over the next month I took it and lost 16 pounds. Then, a plateau. Working 12 hour shifts as a nurse in a nursing home you never know when you are going to get a lunch and I wasnt taking my Skinny Fiber faithfully. But, on the bright side I was losing inches. AND I had energy!!! I did a jump start diet plan for a couple days and lost 6 more pounds!! I have gone down a dress size, shirt size and depending on brand of jeans 2 sizes!! I know I have a long way to go until I feel 100% but I know Im on my way. I am hoping with help and support from my support group Healthy Recipes and More Im going to go all the way!! Everything I read is you have to be faithful with taking the capsules and I havent. So as of TODAY I am starting a new 90 day challenge for myself, and I hope I can help you and you can help me be accountable! Like I said, I am a work in progress and Skinny Fiber is helping me become a better me! Thanks for reading! Skinny Fiber is a tool to help you lose weight with whatever eating plan you choose. It makes it easier to stick with your diet plan by curbing your appetite, cutting the cravings, making you feel full quicker. If youre interested in learning more, visit: leah2.eatlessfeelfull/
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 12:31:08 +0000

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