WOW what a week it has been. I thought a few times that I would - TopicsExpress


WOW what a week it has been. I thought a few times that I would just close my Facebook account, but then I that is just what the Devil would want me to do. I think God is trying to open my eyes and my understanding. For way to long Christians have appeared to be hypocritical to to world because we feel like we have to be something we are not. Because we arent perfect. You are not a christian when you learn to walk right, talk right, act right etc. You are a Christian when you come to the realization that you are not perfect, that you have been seperated from God by the curse of sin, AND you accept Jesus Christ as your personal savior. Believing that he is The One and Only Son of God. That He came to earth as a man. That He lived a sinless life and then gave His life as a ransom for many. Satan had got the church and believers so focused on Sin that we have all but totally lost our focus on The Savior. The Bible teaches that if We Believe in Jesus We Shall Be Saved! The church is teaching beleive on Jesus, then dont do this list of sins and do this list of spititual calisthenics And then maybe you will be saved, If you dont mess up or make a mistake. I first believed on Jesus as my Savior when I was very young. Since then I have made mistakes, failed, sinned, fallen short of the glory of God. I have felt condemnation from christians. But I have never felt abandoned or rejected by my Lord. Yes, I have felt to sting of convection. But that was the Spirit calling me to talk with Him, to trust in Him. To let Him bring healing and forgiveness. He promised he would never leave us or forsake us. He promised to be a friend that would stick closer than a brother. So many Christians, myself included go through life scared to death that we are going to mess up, go one sin to far, and spend eternity in Hell because we blew it. Christ said that His Burden was light and His yoke was easy. if the focus of our christianity is on the fact that we have to be good enough and live without messing up and if we are lucky we might just make it to heaven. That isnt easy or light. If you believe with your heart and confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus Christ YOU SHALL BE SAVED! The Bible tells us That He Who Began A Good Work In You Will Be Faithful To Complete It. Who is perfect among us? Who is without fault? Who can stand before God on their own merit? Only One. JESUS We should grow in our relationship with Jesus. But I dont find this concept of accept Jesus today and your saved. But if you mess up your now unsaved and have to start all over. That is crazy. We need to re read the Scriptures and see who we are, In Christ! We are the righteous of God, In Christ! We are forgiven, we are Holy, we are righteous, we are whole, we are healed, we are more than overcomers IN CHRIST! The people that are lost dont see the benefits of believing in Jesus because we are living so far beneath our privileges as Believers in Christ. Join Heirs with Jesus. Sons and daughters of the Most High God. God allowed Cheryl and I to have a family through adoption. Austin came to live with us when he was 6 weeks old. I will never forget the first night he was in our home. I held him in my arms and I cried like a baby. I couldnt believe the love that I felt for this child. And from that moment on He became my son. The last 17 years hasnt always been filled with tears of joy. There were dirt diapers! And although Austin has been a good boy there have been times that he required correction. There have been times of disappointment. Times of sickness, faults, shortcomings...But Never, through any of the negatives did he ever stop being my Son. And the days I have been a proud daddy far outweigh the other times. HE IS AND ALWAYS WILL BE MY SON. I ADOPTED HIM INTO MY FAMILY. If you have trusted Jesus, God has adopted you into His family. That doesnt mean he wont correct you when you need it, He will. But He isnt going to throw you out of the house. He might give you a time out, send you to your room or even give you a spanking...but He will not disown you! If you believe with your heart and confess with your mouth ... You Shall be saved. Shall might take Him some time to get you to where he wants you to be...but He wont give up on you. He who began a good work in you Will Be Faithful To Complete It. Jesus Loves You (and me)! I Love You! God Bless and Good Night
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 03:39:07 +0000

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