WRESTLING WITH NO HOLDS . PETER: I once wrestled with a - TopicsExpress


WRESTLING WITH NO HOLDS . PETER: I once wrestled with a security man by the gate of an Estate building. He would not allow me entrance into the Estate, but I stood on a strange right insisting that I must proceed. When I challenged the man to dare push me out of the gate or out of the Estate, the man became enraged and would prove to me that he was in charge. Then suddenly, he came upon me and a struggle ensued between me and the security man. . In the struggle, the security man intended to push me out of the gate; while I only resisted him. In the process, I found a chance to hit the man in a vulnerable point that would have left him with permanent disability; but I my heart struck me and warned me not to do so, but to keep the fight as struggle or wrestling. It was obvious that I was better than the man; but the man had more right than me because I was at fault to fight the security man. Moreover, my heart has already demoralized my energy in the fight because I have displeased the Lord by striving especially in this case, seeing that I was a preacher who ministered to people. . RHODA: You breached one of the ethics of a true minister of Christ when you strove with the man; which is “The servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle to all men, apt to teach, patient” (2 Timothy 2:24). When exactly did this happen? . PETER: It happened between the fourth and fifth month of this year, but I could not speak about it until the opportunity presents itself as in this case. . RHODA: If you’ve learnt your lesson of never striving with a man, especially for the reason you did, then you would have learnt a great lesson. I can’t imagine a brother I respect so much fighting carnally; and you kept this from me all this while until now. . PETER: I did not fight the man, rather it was the man who fought me; seeing it was the man who first made the advance on me, and so I acted in self-defense. You would not expect me to just stand and watch him push me down, would you? He made the advance on me, and I had to withstand him. Yet, I admit I was the one who provoked him and challenged him to come push me out of the Estate if he could. . RHODA: The Lord said if a man slaps you on the right cheek; turn the left to him also. You did not keep that, did you? Look at Jesus, whom the Father loved so much: He neither strove nor shouted on any man on the street, except in preaching the kingdom gospel (Matthew 12:19). . PETER: I already admit my fault, and learnt my lesson. I know I should have learnt the lesson early before it happened. Youthful exuberance took over me and I wanted to show the man that I was a youth and energetic; so I dared him to come. But I forgot I was a servant to Christ, and so must put off all those show of muscles or trying to go with might; for by strength shall no man prevail (1 Samuel 2:9). I just lost control while trying to gain dominance or conquer the man. However, I now realize that self-control is better than gaining dominance or dominion over a man. “He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that rules his spirit than he that takes a city” (Proverbs 16:32) . RHODA: Yes it is not by might nor by power, but by the Spirit of the Lord (Zechariah 4:6). However, the Spirit of the Lord sometimes uses the might and power of the man to achieve His will over a physical and human enemies just as He did in Samson, David and other mighty men of David. Yet, in that case, it is in the will of God. But you are not called to be a warrior in physical armies; rather you are called to be a teacher in the armies of the Lord. . PETER: What you just said reminds me of the incidence, in which an angel came and wrestled with Jacob. Let me read as it is: “And Jacob was left alone; and there wrestled a man with him until the breaking of the day. And when he saw that he did not prevail against him, he touched the hollow of his thigh; and the hollow of Jacobs thigh was out of joint, as he wrestled with him. And he said, “Let me go, for the day breaks.” And he said, “I will not let you go, except you bless me.” And he said to him, “What is your name?” And he said, “Jacob.” And he said, “Your name shall no more be called Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince you had power with God and with men, and have prevailed.” And Jacob asked him, saying, “Tell me your name, please.” And he replied, “For what reason do you ask after my name?” And he blessed him there.” (Genesis 32:24-29) . Can we analyze this in connection with my struggle with the security man? . RHODA: Why should we connect that with what you did to the security man? You are still trying to justify that act and I will not give you that benefit. . PETER: Well, remember I am also a teacher and I understand. They are not all the same, but there are similarities between the two. Here are the connections between them: . 1. The angel strove with Jacob, and they fought all through the night in a wrestling match. So I did with the security man but for a brief time. 2. In the process of wrestling with Jacob, the angel introduced the use of spiritual or divine power into the wrestling when He saw that He was not winning the wrestling; He introduced the power by touching the hollow of Jacob’s thigh to disfigure his movement permanently. Thus, his finger went into the flesh and bone of Jacob, right into the hollow of his thigh. I too wanted to introduce an act outside the normal wrestling, and that act would have left permanent disability on the man; but I did not because I listened. 3. The angel blessed Jacob and asked him for permission to go; I too forgave the man, blessed him and offered him money in reconciliation; and the man had to let me go. . RHODA: So you felt like a hero. . PETER: No, rather I felt humbled.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 07:25:44 +0000

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