////WRITING SEGMENT\\\\ (2/2) ALRIGHT this - TopicsExpress


////WRITING SEGMENT\\\\ (2/2) ALRIGHT this next piece will be quite a read, I call it: Cold in the Head Part One of Three; Deathly Cold I was five when I met her. It seemed like I knew her forever, and I’m sure if you were one of our friends then you’d see the connection we had. We were teased all the time; our “friendship” was always questioned and put to assumption because we were so close. But all friendships had to have started somewhere. Ours began in the big city on a cold day that had a smell of greasy street-food through the tasteless and frigid air that stung in my nose as I inhaled and exhaled through my mouth, watching my breath disappear. My parents were talking frantically on the phone with their friends that we were supposed to meet at a restaurant but instead we were outside on the streets looking for someone. Calling out “Illya!” at every corner as police cars drove slowly across the road with their red and blue lights shining brightly, illuminating any dark alleys between buildings. At the time I had no idea what was going on, but later on after that time I realized that it was a search party for Illya, my parent’s friends’ daughter. After an hour of searching, we rested at a bus stop so my parents can contact their friends. I sat down on the bench while my parents stood up with their eyes scanning left and right. I had a hotdog in my hand, the food stands eventually got to me and so my parents bought me a grilled hotdog with ketchup to satisfy my hunger from walking around. I only took a bite of it before I noticed a girl to my right hiding behind a mailbox peeking over at me. I tried to ignore her but she kept on staring which made me very uncomfortable. Then I noticed that she was also very pale, and her eyes were heavy with tears. My parents were on the opposite end of the bench and were behind the glass cover that almost all bus stops had that protected people from the weather as they waited for the bus. I stood up from the cold bench while keeping eye contact with her as if she were a scared bunny, ready to run away at the slightest hint of hostility but I kept calm and walked towards her. She looked up to me and I presented my hotdog to her. Now that I was closer, I could notice more of her features. She was around the same age as I was and her hair was short and dark blonde, just barely touching the leather padding of her jacket. I also noticed that she was shivering from the cold weather. I then realized and put together that she was Illya. But I wondered how she got lost from her parents and why she didn’t want to go in one of the buildings for warmth. She had a coat and mittens but nothing to cover her face, her nose was bright red compared to her cold almost lifeless face. She glanced at my offering and I said to her “Do you want some of my hotdog?” And she nodded her head and slowly took it from my hand, observing it and inspecting it. Then took a bite of it. A grin was starting to form on her face as she sniffled and continued eating. She looked down for a second and tried to hand it back to me out of guilt for taking me food. I scratched the back of my head and denied it, “I’m not that hungry, you can have it.” I said to her. “R-really?” she said in a smoother-than-vanilla voice. I nodded my head to reassure her and she dug in once again with no constraints. I took her free arm and sat her on the bench. I called out for my mother and father and they immediately came to aid her. They of course, asked her questions and felt her cold skin then contacted her parents, within minutes; the police, her parents, and an ambulance came as soon as possible. The paramedics checked on her as soon as they got to her, taking her temperature and checking her vitals. As they put a blanket over her shoulders she looked over to me and smiled lightly. I smiled back and just as I was about to say something, she leaned over to the side and closed her eyes. The paramedics quickly caught her and panicked, bringing her into the ambulance along with the girl’s parents who were awfully terrified. My parents as well were concerned for the girl. And I was too. I felt something cold land on my nose and I looked up to see that it was snowing. Funny, It had been snowing for a while now but I just then noticed it.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 01:34:11 +0000

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