WRITTEN OCTOBER 2013....... “Tail wagging the Cat” by - TopicsExpress


WRITTEN OCTOBER 2013....... “Tail wagging the Cat” by William T. \Newton If all politics is local then our problems run deeper than anyone thought. I could waste yours’ and my time this morning writing about the debt ceiling or bypass it all together by simply saying that a deal will be struck by Wednesday. That is when everyone on the right will be clamoring to have Boehner’s head on a pike challenging his leadership position, but I’m not interested in that this morning because I have family in town and my daughters and grandkids are visiting and if that’s not enough to make me put on pants then calling for the complete replacement of Congress in 2014 would hardly warrant putting on my shoes as well….. But in dispensing with the normal Sunday political tirade, I must at least proffer this: The so termed “Tea Party Congressionals” are doing the job they were elected to do, overwhelmingly by their constituents to defend the Rule of Law and uphold the Constitution; something that has risen to a zenith these days as we return to some vein of educational aptitude on the subject. The ‘Old Guard’ takes umbrage at these upstarts for their “fire in the belly”. They simply feel they are being disrespected because their propensity to possess more fire should they be forced to be based upon a calculation that any abdominal conflagration is equal to their comparatively larger circumference around their own mid-section from decades of largess provided by willing Americans believing the amount of money dictates the level of representation to be dispensed. I did mention education above, and so, that’s where I am headed this morning. On Saturday I attended a local get-together in the country held annually used to provide a platform for folks seeking political office to present themselves to the community. It is always an “education”. (I say while smirking at how sardonic that is). I watch some of the long-time entrenched Democrat office holders, smug in their positions of power and control spying on the greenhorns trying to hone their speaking skills and testing the air for a message that resonates with the attendees and think to myself, Why? Why do Democrats run to unseat Democrats with the same tired old message? The ‘Old Guard’ against the ‘Newbies’- each demonstrating the same dysfunction and lack of education on nearly every area of law and the Constitution. (My subject today is still about education.) Suffice it to say as an Independent Conservative Constitutionalist, I believe both groups are asinine and present views and interests which are devoid of any basic understanding of the Law, the Constitution (especially the Bill of Rights) or even possess any reality beyond the ability of organizing a bake sale; let alone being influenced about the events that transpired and generated the creation of our country. No one I spoke to even vaguely presented, articulated or alluded to anything suggesting they attained a modicum of scholarship required to represent the people; of course, unless stupidity is compulsory to speak for stupid people. Then perhaps! In my opinion, the most basic and first attribute for anyone wishing to run and hold public office needs to be a personal relationship with our country’s history and an appreciation for the environment in which it was founded. That only comes from a good education and a personal dedicated effort to study the truth, experience the liberty that comes with that and the freedom it yields. (I could end my statement right here, but I won’t!) It cannot be comprehended as a member of the PTA, ethnic festival organizer, a participant in a community or homeowners association, having a disabled child, a campaign to add a crosswalk in the neighborhood, a union member or a record of being an elected member of the State or County legislature for years and years…….unless you are a Democrat, in Maryland. Here, any REAL education, especially on the Constitution, is not required because it simply is not one of the rubrics necessary to execute “a difference” or “to begin the future” or usher in a “time for a new voice” or even speak on behalf of your fellow citizens. I like (not) the one who lists their attributes as a mother and former elementary teacher who expresses the idea that if you vote for them, they’d “listen” and be “able to give more, do more”. These are all Democrats because (actual) Republicans don’t hold public office in Maryland. Hell, I’m always a sucker for a nice “catch-phrase”…..but those are tired and empty. I know what you’re thinking: Why would any ‘new’ Democrat run to replace an ‘old’ Democrat with the same thing? Seems like a wasted effort to me as well…..But education is what I am supposed to be addressing today! In my classic “tail wagging the cat” way, let me present an actual example of a good education and the fruits it produces. The normal activity associated with the phrase “the tail wagging the dog” is defined as a situation where a small part is controlling the whole of something, but here at the Vote for Newton Headquarters we don’t leave old dogs lay, in office or ever allow the cat to remain aloof. It is my favorite past-time to irritate the cat; thus, I choose the allegory “cat” opposed to “dog” here….. As I started this morning I alluded to the gathering at my house with family…..At the end of the day, my daughter got in her car to drive back to college where presumably she is pursuing an education. (There’s that word again-education). She was gone for around 15 minutes when we got a call that her car broke down at the gas station while she was getting gas. So I jumped in the truck, drove the three miles to the station to find her stuck in “park” at the pump. I’ll spare you the details that involved a young Boy Scout hoping to earn a merit badge for a ‘good deed’. I won’t even go into my long distance call to Montana for mechanical advice to a friend standing by his father on his death-bed, but I will impart to you the sum total of my extensive education from 23 years in the car business, years engrossed in the study of Law and the Constitution and a number of my own personal political campaigns that help formulate the action I took today….. Here it is. After evaluating the situation with the car, my daughter, weighing the possible outcome from any action I was about to take, I ripped out the offending part which prevented her from “going forward” and threw it in the trash. Now the car runs fine and she continued on her way back to school and presumably to obtain an education. The lesson here today is simple: Everyone is throwing around the phrase “the laws of our land” and yet only a few people speaking out really know anything about the primary law(s) of our land! We would not have ever fallen below that threshold of intelligence enumerated by our Founders to our current level of dysfunction had we heeded those so called “laws of our land”. In fact, much of what is called the Laws of our Land are violations of the law and therefore, they are not laws at all! This morning I can associate that with The National Transportation and Safety Administration. It is a regulatory department of our dysfunctional government that daily violates our Constitution and our rights as they create un-Constitutional regulations without oversight, representative input or discussion. Most of those directives cause gadgets to be installed on automobiles because the population is pretty much uneducated. I’ll bet every one of you reading this put your foot on the brake when you start the car, so why is there a device that makes that mandatory? Rather than promoting the education of people, the government instead chooses to award credentials for stupidity while supporting an environment that creates sanctuaries to for it to breed in. In all cases that hierarchy begins at the local level with most every potential candidate for public office lacking any real education on the Constitution of the United States and the history and references to Natural Law which created it. Your ‘take-away’ today is elementary. Throw in the trash those useless, unnecessary, offending parts of our government, caste out the people with them who endorse restrictions to personal freedom, inalienable rights and freedom and disturb all of those small parts controlling the whole. Wag the cat for a Change! It’s an informed move forward that respects the ‘real’ laws of our land ….. And it might even get us out of the gas station and on the campaign trail. Pants and shoes required!
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 13:36:07 +0000

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