WRONG FOUNDATION Everything you see on earth has a foundation. - TopicsExpress


WRONG FOUNDATION Everything you see on earth has a foundation. Just as no structure can stand without a foundation, in the same way nothing can ever exist without a root, a source where it all began. And it is the foundation that determines the fate of the structure. Therefore, the type of structure you want to put in place determines the foundation give to it, if you want it to survive. We all as human beings also have foundation; our foundation is our lineage, where we directly descended. This then buttress the fact that absolutely everything on earth began from somewhere. If this is true, I want to deduce that every relationship, marriage and organization also has a foundation, and this is where it all began or started. If we understand this it will help us to be careful when we are starting up anything, so many men and women are suffering today in their marriages, some are even regretting because of the way and manner they got into it. Some people have betrayed their friends; some have lied and deceived other people. While others went as far as visiting prayer houses and native doctors just to get what they want; not knowing they are laying a wrong foundation. Proverbs 11:3 says “if the foundations be destroyed what can the righteous do” maybe this is exactly the situation you find yourself. The solution is not to complain and cry, regretting why you ever forced yourself into that marriage or why you ever take that decision to do what you did, In 2 kings 2:19-21, Elisha had just returned from Jordan to Jericho after his master was just taking from him. The men of the city came to him and reported the situation of the land how they could not drink the water despite the fact that the land was good. It was good means it was in a perfect condition to be fruitful, but instead if was rather barren because the water was bad. How many men who are supposed to be successful in life going by their qualification and connection but are begging because of wrong foundations. How many women are in perfect condition to bear fruit in their homes but are still looking for the fruit of the womb because of wrong foundations. (This is not to mean that every woman who is having challenge in child bearing is as a result of foundation). After listening to them Elisha asked for salt and went down to the spring of the water and cast in the salt. The spring is the source, the origin and foundation of the problem. Immediately after that the water was healed. Let’s stop deceiving ourselves, go back to the foundation and address the problem and it will be over. As you take up the bold step to tell yourself the truth, I see you smiling again. The psalmist said “the Lord hear thee in the day of trouble; the name of the God of Jacob defend thee; send thee help from the sanctuary and strengthen thee out of Zion.” Psalm 20:1-2. If you like it, say amen and share.
Posted on: Mon, 30 Sep 2013 20:32:11 +0000

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