WRONG VIEWS Wrong views include the view that actions Cause no - TopicsExpress


WRONG VIEWS Wrong views include the view that actions Cause no karmic effect, and the views of eternalism and nihilism. According to the view that actions cause no karmic effect, positive actions bring no benefit and negative actions no harm. The views of terns and nihilism include all the different views of the tirthikas, which, although they can be divided into three hundred and sixty false views or sixty two wrong views, can be summed up into the categories of eternalism and nihilism. Eternalist believe in a permanent self and an eternally existing creator of the universe, such as Ishvara or Vishnu. Nihilist believe that all things just arise by themselves and that there are no past and future lives, no karma, and no liberation. As it says in the doctrine of Black Ishvara: The rising of the sun, the downhill flow of water, The roundness of peas, the length and sharpness of thorn, The beauty of the iridescent eyes of peacocks tails: No - one created them, they all just naturally came to be. They argue that when the sun rises in the east, No - one is there to make it rise. When a river flows downhill, nobody is driving it downwards. No - one rolled out peas to make them all so round, or sharpened the long points of thorns. The beautiful multicoloured eyes on a peacock s tail were not painted by anyone. All these things just are so by their own nature, and so it is with everything in this world whether pleasent or unpleasant, good or bad - all phenomena just arises spontaneously. There is no past karma, there are no previous lives, no future lives. To consider the texts of such doctrines true and to follow them, or even without doing so, to think that the Buddhas words, your teachers instructions or the texts of the learned commentators are in error and to doubt and criticize them, are all included in what is meant by wrong views. The worst of the ten negative actions are taking life and wrong views. As it is said: There is no worse action than taking anothers life; Of the ten uni to us acts, wrong view is the heaviest. Except for those in the hell, there is no being who does not shrink from death or who does not value his or her life over anything else. So to destroy a Ife is a particularly negative action. In the Sutra of Sublime Dharma of Clear Reflection, it is said that one will repay any life one takes with five hundred of ones own lives, and that for killing a single being one will spend one intermediate kalpas in the hell. Even worse is to take some meritorous work you may be involved in, such as building a representation of the Three Jewels, as an excuse for committing harmful actions such as killing. Padhampa Sangye says: To build a support for the Three Jewels while causing harm and suffering is to cast your next life to the wind. It is equally wrong, mistakenly thinking you are doing something meritorious, to slaughter animals and offer their flesh and blood to the Lamas invited to your house or to an assembly of Monks. The negative karmic effect of the killing comes to both givers and receivers. The donor, although he invited the guests, is making an impure offering: those who receive it are accepting unsuitable sustenance. Any positive effect is outweighed by the negative one. Indeed, unless you have the miraculous power to resuscitate your victims on the spot. There is no situation in which the act of killing does not bring defilement. You can also be sure that it will harm the lives and activities of the teachers. If you are not capable of transferring beings consciousness to the state of great bliss, you should make every effort to avoid faking their lives. To have wrong views, even for an instant, is to break all your vows and to cut yourself off from the Buddhist community. It also negates the freedom I this human existence to practice the Dharma . From the moment your mind is defiled by false views, even the good you do no longer leads to liberation and the harm you do can no longer be confessed.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 02:16:57 +0000

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