WROTE 5 YEARS AGO!! REACHING OUT!! VERY SPECIAL: MY ENCOURAGEEMENT: Jesus Reinstates Peter: When they had finished eatting, Jesus said to SImon Peter, (Simon son of John, do you truly love me more than these?) Peter said, (Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.) Jesus said, (Feed me lanbs.) Agains Jesus said, (Simon son of John, do you truly love me?) He answered, (Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.) Jesus said, (Take care of my sheep.) The third time he said to him, (SImon son of John, do you love me?) Peter was hurt because Jesus asked him the third tims, (DO you love me?) He said, (Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you.) Jesus said, (Feed me sheep. I tell you the truth, when you were younger you dressed yourself and went where you wanted, but when you are old you will stretch out your hands, and someone else will dress you and lead you where you do not want to go.) Jesus said this to indicate the kind of death by which Peter would glorify God. Then he said to him, (Follow me!) Peter turned and saw that the disciple whom Jesus loved was following them. (This was the one who had leaned back against Jesus at the supper and had said,) When Peter saw him, he asked (Lord, what about him?) Jesus answered, (If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you?) You must follow me.) Because of this, the rumor spread among the brothers that this disciple would not die. But Jesus did not say that he would not die; he only said, (If I want him to remain alive until I return. what is that to you?) This is the disciple who testifies to these things and who wrote them down. We know that his testimony is true. Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world not have the room for the books that would be writte..Amen to this powerful testimony about Jesus Christ and its beautiful story that goes with it.. IN My Own WOrds and thoughts: I wanted to share this with you because I believe even our leaders today truly needs to be encouraged, Those who are leading in the bible study classes are known as teachers, Those who leads the ministry of any kind, Welcoming, COrnerstone, Kids, FOr those who leads the member of a zone or any kind of cell group, coaches I look up to you and even the directors and also cell group leaders, the disciple training leadership and For every Pastors who is here to reach us, to teach us and even pray for us, Even the seminray students who are trying to be our leaders..Now I want to lift you up through this message so that you may feel encouraged by a brother who truly loves you all for the heart, committment, dedication that you put for the followers of Jesus CHrist, When you look at what Jesus is telling us, He said Simon, DO you truly love me more than these? What do you think about what Jesus says. I believe he can be saying, DO you love me more than the brothers, DO you love me that the brothers love you, Or all the things Jesus has done to Show Simon Peter, do you love me..Those are the three things that I got when he said to Peter..Before Peter becomes an apostle, He was a disciple of Jesus Christ..Peter was loyal to stay with Jesus for more than 3 years long learning and training to become this great apostle.. You see that Jesus begins to ask him something that hits his heart.. You know that Peter denied Jesus CHrist three times and even the leaders I believe that before you became who you are today to touch lives, impact souls, and to lead people, You probably did what Peter did in the past and thas why some of the leaders are so fired up to reach other lives..Jesus saids to Peter, If you love me, (Feed my lambs,) The new brothers or sister who just joined the body of CHrist, you needs to teach them through gods words, If you Love Me, And you tell Jesus Christ Yes I do, (Take care of my sheeps) Even Jesus says one more time, If you love me (Feed my sheep) The leaders that I see is that you guys are like Peter, Jesus sees the courageous heart he has and even sees that he is ready and thas why he choose he to finish off what Jesus CHrist cannot do cuz Jesus is going back to the Father..Now, when I look at the leaders that Jesus CHrist has chosen you for s specific taks to do in his name cuz of the gifts he has given you to lead the young lamps by feeding them the truth through the word of the Living God, Also you are suppose to take care of the sheep which who are the believers of Christ and trying to grow stronger faith in Jesus and even to teach us by feeding us through the truth of the WOrd of Living God..One thing that I see is that Jesus has given us all gifts or talents to use in the name of Jesus CHrist by encouraging others and to remind about our Father God Lord Jesus CHrist, but there is a part that When Jesus tells the kind of death Peter is going to face and points to John (Lord, how about him.) Not only death but also when people are showing the gifts that God had given to a believer to use in his name, SOme can also ask Look at my gifts but how about his gifts.) We all have different gifts and are very important to use, Noone is better than another cuz Jesus has created us different, if we all had the same gift then the world would be so boring to live as one unity..This message is so beautiful becuz I wanted to give something to my leaders, To the pastors through words to encourage each one of you who are feeding us through Gods words, To lead us to the truth by proclaiming Gospel, to protect us and even trying to take care of us to become one as the body of christ..Each of you leaders that I write too, SOme may have multitalents that you share with others to encourage us, SOme may only have one gift but remember that God gave it to you so that you can reach out to us by impacting us to come close to our Heavenly Father God Lord Jesus Christ.. SO that we may follow those who are Godly Men and WOmen which is our leaders..I believe that every leadership needs to be encouraged from time to time so that you guys may smile, so that it can refuel you tank when it is very low..Only thing I can do is encourage the body of Christ and write everything from my heart to show you how much I appreaciate the things that you are doing in our lives..I am nobody but I do belong in the body of CHrist cuz I believe I am saved through the Blood of Jesus Christ dying for me and rosing on the third day..For my leaders, I do thank you so much for the times you put out, FOr how it is not even easy becuz of the way people would look up to you and even there can be times of disaapointments when the leaders goes into fault and fails but I know that you guys are all humans and will make mistakes but Grace is why it strengthen our faith Cuz Jesus CHrist loves you. You guys are Peter in my eyes. Every single of you my leaders are the heros for the new and the next generation to build up on the believers, Feed the Lambs, Take care of the SHeep, and Even Feed the Sheep, Jesus tells Peter that and even Jesus is telling you my leaders that if you truly believe in the name of Jesus, You will obey his command..I Thank all my leaders from the bottom of my heart, In the name of Jesus CHrist I write and share..Thanks for listening DJ..Ps..It is wednesday and two more days, FInish Strong and FIght hard to the end of the week, ALways SMile.. VERY SPECIAL: MY ENCOURAGEMENT: It was about this time that King Herod arrested some who belonged to the church, intending to persecute them. He had James, the brother of John, put to death with the sword. When he saw that this pleased the Jews, he proceeded to seize Peter also. This happened during the Feast of unleavened Bread. After arrresting him, he put him prison, handing him over to be guarded by four spuads of four soldiers each. Herod intended to bring him out for public trial after the Passover. SO Peter was kept in prison, but the church was earnestly praying to God for hi,. The night before Herod was to bring him to trial, Peter was sleeping between two soldiers, bound with two chains, and senties stood guard at the entrance. Suddenly an angel of the Lord appeared and a light shone in the cell. He struck Peter on the side and woke him up. (Quixk, get up!) he said, and the chains fell off Peters wrists. Then angel said to him, (Put on your clothes and sandals.) ANd Peter did so. (Wrap your cloak around you and follow me.) the angel told him. Peter followed him out of the prison, but he had no idea that what the angel was doing was really happening; he thought he was seeing a vision. They passed he first and second guards and came to the iron gate leading to the city. It opened for them by itself, and they went through it. When they had walked the length of one street, suddenly the angel left him. Then Peter came to himself and said, (Now I know without a doubt that the Lord sent his angel and rescued me from Herods clucthes and from everything the Jewish people were anticipating. Amen and Praise Father God to this remarkable story and its beautiful message about FREEDOM..> In My own Words and my Thoughts: When you look at this powerful story, you see a man named Herod, It seemed like he did not like Christians and Even Jesus himself had to deal with this man, Herod even asked Jesus to show him some wonders or signs but Jesus did not do anything and had to die in the end, You also see that James, one of the brothers as the believer of Jesus Christ also died of the hands of this man named Herod through the sword, a brother of John and now the Jews were pleased of what this was happening, Now Herod goes after the big dawg named Peter, Locked him up in the prison with many soliders surrounding him..About 40 soliders was around him and you also see that a church is praying for Peter and how he was locked in chains becuz he was a believer of Jesus Christ.. I believe the next morning would be Peters trial and Herod was going to put Peter to death but on that very night, As Peter was chained up and there was also two soliders with me, on the left and on the right side also chained together guarding him, The Angel of the Lord came down to get Peter Out of the prison.. Peter thought he was dreaming as the chains came off from his arms and he was released..The Angel tells him to get dress, put on the sandals, and put on the cloak cuz it could of been cold outside and lead him out as Peter passed the two soliders, and even the iron gate opened it self as Peter went out into the city streets. When the angel disappeared into the thin air, thats when Peter knew that he was not dreaming or having another Vision from the Lord but it was Jesus Christ who set him free and It hit Peter by letting him know how real God is to him by rescuing him from this torment..I look at this message and it is so powerful cuz of what Jesus is teaching us in this story..When Lord Jesus Christ choses someone to do something on his behalf, Everything Jesus is showing us is that our Father God has a specific plan for all of us, Just when we thought that maybe this is where the road ends for Peter, No, it is when Jesus tells us that it is his timing that he calls it out, If Jesus wants Peter to die in the prison, he could of let Peter died but that was not Jesuss plan for his time yet Cuz Peter had more things to show and tell others about Jesus Christ..Some of us thinks that we can control the timing that Jesus plans for us, If we are in this umbrella of his love and we truly give our hearts to the Lord Jesus Christ, The more you look up, the more he will show you the truth about the way he loves us..And those who are counted by Jesus Christ and we belong to his pen, DO you see how the angel of the Lord came down to rescue those who are his people and who are in need of his help that he will set any us free..It is like we were all once a slave, We were once in chains cuz of being a sinner and not a believer of Jesus Christ, Satin is like Herod who wants to throw us into the Prison and some of us are still locked up, You look at the church who were praying for Peter and thas what we needs to those that we know who needs the salvation, One thing that caught my heart in this story is that I was once in the Prison, I was facing life and death cuz Satin was the one who got hold of me.. But Jesus Christ was looking into my heart and even sees all the hearts out there who was locked up by Satin..And the thing is that Jesus Christ already had plans for all of us all and it had to hit with the right timing, Right when i was going to face death he called upon my name, The angel of the Lord got to the chains off and I was released, Even tho it was 2000 years ago that Jesus Christ died for my sake and rose to get rid of my sins, Rigth when you start to believe in the name of Jesus Christ and calls upon his name you are released from the chains and can walk out of the prison, Jesus Christ has powers to change lives when you accept the FACT, The beauty about this message is that Even you are set free and can truly understand this message cuz there are going to be people who wants to persecute you, There are going to be people who wants to tell you lies and wants to kill you and even hurt you, When Jesus Christ is in the mist in your life, Nothing can be stopped when you become his instrument when you call upon the Lord..Jesus hears all of us, He knows when his sheep is crying out to him when you go through the desert storms of life and Right when you are going to face death alone, Jesus sees that it is not your time to go so he scoops you up and put you in his loving arms through the Light of an angel..The thing that got to my heart is that God has his timing, Our Lord Jesus Christ Heavenly Father God gives us time to live or to die but when you are his children and You keep on going to him then he will release you from the sins that put you on hold for not going far, I want to encourage you my fams. That even you can suffer or struggle like how Peter is going through, Even through the mist of hardship, When we call upon the Lord through prayer, The Angel of the Lord will release you from the chains, the slavery of your sin..In the name of Jesus Christ I write and share amen..thanks for listening DJ..> VERY SPECIAL: MY ENCOURAGEMENT: When this had dawned on him, he went to the house of Mary the mother of John, also called Mark, where many people had gathered and were praying. Peter knocked at the outer entrance and a servent girl named Rhoda came to answer the door. When she recognized Peters voice, she was so overjoyed ran back without opening it and explained, (Peter is at the door!) (Youre out of your mind) they told her. When she kept insisting that it was so, they said, (It must be his angel.) But Peter kept on knocking, and when they opened the door and saw him, they were astonished. Peter motioned with his hand for them to be quiet and described how the Lord had brought him out of the prison. (Tell James and the brothers about this) he said, and then left for another place. In the morning, there was no small commotion among the soldiers as to what had become of Peter. After Herod has a thorough search made for him and did not find him, he cross- examined the guards and ordered that they be executed..Amen and Praise Lord Jesus Christ for this powerful message and its beautiful story.. In My Own WOrds and thoughts: WHen you look at this story, Peter has been released from the Prison by the Lord of an angel, When you look at the end of this story, You see that the King Herod, They found that Peter was gone, on those days when a prisoner escapes from behind bars, Becuz it was the guards responsiblity as their duty to keep an good eye on the prisoner, When the guards fail to do their part as the soliders, and could not keep up with the duty they were given, The king can excute and kill those who were on duty, Now you see that Peter is knocking at the door to John Marks mothers house and people inside the house were deeply praying heavily for Peter to be set free and a servent girl in the house answeres the door and knows Peters voice, I guess Peter been there few times that she knows the voice and tells the people who are deeply praying that Peter is alive and has been set free from the Prison, You see how they give a response to the servent girl that it cannot be true, God cannot answer prayers that fast and tells the servent girl it must be Peters angel..They open the door cuz someone kept on knocking and when they open the door, They were amazed or can feel a little SHOCK how can this be, but you see how Peter is telling the people how the Angel of the Lord came to him and set him free to tell James, not the dead James but Jesus brother and the other brothers that God has set him free and went off..This is an amazing story about how PRAYERS can be so powerful when the Lord Jesus Christ hears your voice crying and calling out to him, I dont know how many people doubt tho and if you look at this story, You see how Father God answers their prayer so quickly even tho we may think that it might take time for him to answer it..If these people doubted saying naw, maybe later he will answer even tho they were hoping it to happen rite now, it is same for all of us to feel, When you pray to our Father God, not those prayers that is only 5 minutes and it is done but it gots to be deep, intimate level of the spiritual connection between you and the Father God, He will listen to your words, to your thoughts, to your hearts and even listen to your cry when you are deeply wounded..These people felt like why would Peter go into the Prison and what will happen to him but he did not do anything wrong to anyone but kept on proclaiming the name of Jesus CHrist..I believe that God use this to teach us something deep, That Father God put people into a hardship or through a tough struggles so that we may humble ourselves before the Lord, that we may put our focus on him by saying I cant do anything Lord, but I believe only you can set us free. He tests our hearts to see the true side of it, if it is a real cry or just becuz someone is praying I gots to pray too and when the real hearts is tested and it is good in the eyes of the Lord, He will release all the angry, frustration, the deep emotions that we all feel when we are in the downer slope of scale, Lord Jesus Christ is also seeing how much do you care about others that you feel when this circumstances happens to you loved ones and if you are willing to go realli Low for that person by praying in the name of Jesus Christ..And you see that many has humble themselves before our Lord and King Jesus Christ cuz noone can break this person Peter free, They had no power but only the Power to pray for someone they truly care abouts..Now, DO you see that Jesus Listens when it is the real cry, when it all comes from the heart and you are not faking it, When Jesus SMiles by knowing the truth what the hearts are feeling, He sets those who you love to be free, Now you see how Peter came to them and share the good news what Our Lord Jesus CHrist did to them and told them to tell others about this beautiful testament about How God Listens to our crys and he will answer cuz you been humble, faithful and honest with him, When a prayer gets answered, you can use that as a praise report about how mIghty and powerful our Lord Jesus CHrist is and in the name of Jesus you can give all the glory to him, It is a wonderful message what I got of this story and I hope that what I can share with you about my faith in CHrist, May it help you to feel encouraged by a brother who can only give a very little through writing..I give all the glory in the name of Jesus Christ as write and share..Thanks for listening DJ..> VERY SPECIAL: MY ENCOURAGEMENT: Then Herod went from Judea to Caesarea and stayed there a while. He had been quarreling with the people of Tyre and Sidon; they now joined together and sought an audience with him. Having secured the support of Blastus, s trusted personal servent of the king, they asked for peace, because they depended on the kings country for their food supply. On the appointed day Herod, wearing his royal robes, sat on this throne and delivered a public address to the people. They shouted, (This is the voice of a god, not of a man.) Immediately, hecause Herod did not give praise to God, an angel of the Lord struck him down, and he was eaten by worms and died. But the word of God continues to increase and spread. When Barnabas and Saul had finished their missin, they returned from Jerusalem, taking with them John, also called Mark. Amen and Praise our Lord Jesus Christ for this wonderful story and its powerful message.. In My Own words and Thoughts: When you look at this part of the story, You see that King Herod began to move to different places, From Judea to Caesara and he stay there for awhile, It seems like there was a crowd begin to join from the people of Tyre and Sidon. People were gathered about a food supply, Now you see that the King Herod came out to say something to address the people and People loved what he said, People were amazed and they begin to say that the words that King Herod spoke is not from a mans speak but it is from the voice of God and people began to shout that, It looks like the glory came out but King Herod began to feel big instead of giving it to God and you see that the Angel of the Lord came down and struck him down, the worms began to eat the King Herod and he died on the spot but you see the word of God continued to increase and it kept on spreading, Now you see Saul and Barnabas comes into the picture as they go to Jerusalem after done with their mission, even a man named John also called Mark joins together and I believe they begin a mission together as brothers in Christ to spread the good news to the people who never heard about Jesus Christ..In this story, I believe that our Lord has given this King Herod many chances to live, He was the one who put Peter into Prison who did not deserve to be in there just becuz Peter was preaching and spreading the good news about Jesus Christ, Even he was the one who also killed James, the brother of John who walked with Jesus CHrist I believe for proclaiming the good news as well, Father God could of killed this King Herod on the spot but you see the Grace that the Lord had for him, Father God also helped King Herod address to the people cuz you see the crowds cheering and shouting that King Herod had the words to speak to the people and were shouting that the voice came from the Lord, DO you see How Jesus CHrist still gives people chances until it boils up the heart of God, WHen the Lord had enough with this King Herod trying to show him love but becomes prideful, arrogrant and even disobeys the Lord, The Lord will show you that if you take me very lightly, I do not mess with that after what he has done for you, The worst consquences a man can ever face is the wrath of God and you needs to fear the Lord or the death will knock around the corner, thats what happen with this King Herod cuz he did not Listen and gave all the glory to himself and now the ANgel of the Lord struck him not only on the ground but faced death..This story teaches you that the Lord gives you many things in your life, he even blesses you in so many ways and is patient with you, We all have a calling to do something good and to have the right kind of the heart for the Lord, When the Lord gives you something special to use it on his behalf and The Lord will test your faith and see the kind of heart and motives you have in your mind, WHen the Lord raises you up with a blessing or a gift that he gives you and people are amazed of what you can do for the Lord, SOme of us begins to think that now i have the power, Now I look good and I dont need the Lord anymore, The Pride is the worse enemy you gots to face, Becuz of the pride you have in your hearts, along comes the arrogrances saying that I dont need anyone, I dont even need God when the Lord is the one who is the one who lifted you up, WHat you learn is to always show others from the roots of your heart to be more humbled, To lower yourselves even more when people are trying to praise you and boost you up, What the Lord is seeing is your heart when you become someone to the publics eye and God even sees when you are receiving the praises from the Men, GIve the Praise and share with others that it is not to be me to be praised but to the Holy One who is teaching me to become someone for the Lord and it is not about the words but it is the heart, Many can say it but do you truly mean it from the heart, You can fool people around you but you cannot ever fool the Lord your God who is always looking from the above..I am only a messenger to share what is right, I am only doing my part to write for the Lord, Just look what happens to a person when the praise you receive should of been glorified to the Lord, But see what happens when your heart begins to build on the pride and arrogrant mind, Becuz the Lord is the one who gave you those things, Noone wants to face the consquences cuz when there is a Wrath from the Lord, You will face hardship through the strike from the Angel of the Lord..I am always praising my Lord Jesus CHrist for all the things he is doing in my life and also given me to use on his behalf, I know I cannot do anything rite but becuz I truly believe that he is working in the mist of my life, That is why I am able to share my faith I have in the Lord..I hope that you guys can truly feel the encouragement about when you get the praise, KNow how to humbly yourselves before God cuz it is not you but the work is coming from the Lord..In the name of Jesus CHrist I share and write, thanks for listening DJ..> VERY SPECIAL: MY ENCOURAGEMENT: In the church at ANtioch there were prophets and teachers: Barnabas, Simoeon called Niger, Luccius of Cyrene, Manaen(WHo had been brought up with Herod the tetrarch) and Saul. WHile they were worshipping the Lord and fasting, the Holy SPirit said In my Own WOrds and Thoughts: WHen I look at this powerful story, you see how Paul and Barnabas and his companions sailed to Perga in Pamphylia and John Mark who was with them, he left the crew, or the brothers and went to Jerusalem. Paul and his companions went to Pisidian Antioch and on Sabbath they went to a church their and sat down, Now you see that a chance came to Paul as he stood up and spoke to the Gentiles who was there to listen and even the Jews were there in the church, Now you see that Paul began to speak to these men about the Old testment, Starting with the 40years in the desert going down to the Canaan which the Jews were slaved for 450 years an God gave them judges till the Prophet of Samuel to the kings which Saul became a king back then till it hit to David which he took over by being the King as well..God said in the end that what he is looking for is a man who is after his own heart and David was chosen by Lord God to become one of the greatest King that ever lived..When I look at what Lord God means is that God chooses people like David who is after his own heart, You see that Lord God wants people to love him as he is, Not people who wants to use God only to get what you want, And this hits me cuz I believe that we needs to do the same like How David, chosen by Lord God to become the Ruler and even a King cuz of the heart he had for the Lord..What you can learn in this message is that God still be looking for his people, He is still looking for the ones who is after our Lord Gods heart, If a person is wondering how can we tell that our hearts is Looking for Lord God, You will first tell yourself that I am not arrogrant, I am lower than the Lord God and I can not do anything without him and you keep on searching for a higher being.. Look at David how he came about in the story, He was unqualified, people did not care about him cuz even his occupation was lower than they are, He was a sheperd and the more lower you experience in life, If you had all the raggy jobs and also you were struggling through those raggy jobs, You will find it so hard that you NEED Lord God to help you, Most people, How low have you experience in your life means, how hard did you live..When Samuel the Prophet came around looking for a man who God was sending him to find, Even their own family did not accept David cuz he was a sheperd, But David was also after Lord Gods heart cuz He was humble, You should NEVER judge a Book by its COver, And Just becuz a person has a lower position in life, People still judges that person but when you have the Heart for Lord Jesus Christ, Even Jesus Christ goes after him, I Look at myself and if you are humbled towards the king by lowering yourself, God Chooses those people to be under his umbrella when you go after his heart..David Got chosen by Lord God, David had the reputation, He had probably sisters going after this man too, He was popular and very strong person that many people loved him, Even King Saul was jealous but for one reason, David always lowered himself. He bow down to Lord God and even to his people, If you wants people to respect you, You needs to give first by lowering yourelf than you can receive from God, It is so much better ro receive the gift from God than from the people so you gots to make our Father God Happy first..The thing that got to me is this part,,(The God of the People of Israel chose our fathers, he made the people prosper during their stay in Egypt, with might power he led them out of that country, he endured their conduct for about forty years in desert.) The thing I wanted to share with you all that when God chose you, can be a nation or group of people, When God picks you, Even through many bad discissions you make and Lords Hand is with you, God can even prospser you if you let him be the one to take over your life, Just how Paul were sharing to the Gentiles and even the Jews, He was telling them the story how God can work in a might ways through the power he has when he is covering over for his people, And for you my fams, what I wanted to tell you is that God is watching you always, Lord God wants to choose you to become something for him, He wants you to be used like the King David when you go after the Lords Hearts and will also Prosper you when you let him take over by giving him the Trust that you have for him, Only thing I can say to you my dear fams. is tha Lord God is still looking for those who are willingly to sacrifice by being obedience to him. I hope that you guys enjoyed the 4th of July..In the name of Jesus CHrist I share and write, thanks for listening DJ..> VERY SPECIAL: MY ENCOURAGEMENT: (From this mans descendants God has brought to Israel the Savior Jesus, as he promised. Before the coming of Jesus, John preached repentence and baptism to all the people of Israel. As John was completing his work, he said: Brothers, children of Abraham, and you God-fearing Gentiles, it is to us that this message of salvation has been sent. The people of Jerusalem and their rulers did not recognize Jesus, yet in condemning him they fullfilled the Words of the prophets that are read every Sabbath. Though they found no proper ground for a death sentence, they asked Pilate to have him executed. When they had carried out all that was written about him, they took him down from the tree and laid him in a tomb. But God raised him from the dead, and for many days he was seen by those who had traveled with him from Galilee to Jerusalem. They are now his witnesses to our people. The fact that God raised him from the dead, never to decay, is stated in these words: {I will give you the body and sure blessings promised to David.} So it is stated elsewhere: {You will not let your Holy One see decay} FOr when David had served Gods purpose in his own generations, he feel asleep, he was buried with his fathers and his body decayed. But the one whom God raised from the deade did not see decay. Therefore, my brothers, I want you to know that through Jesus the forgiveness of sins is proclaimed to you. Through him everyone who believes is justified from everything you could not be justified from by the law of Moses. Take care that what prophets have said does not happen to you: {Look, you scoffers, wonder and perish, for I am going to do something in your days that you would never believe even if someone told you.} Amen, Praise Lord God for this powerful messsage and its beautiful story.. In my own words and thoughts: When I look at this message, it is all about repentence to Jesus CHrist about the sins you have and ask for forgiveness by believing in the name of Jesus Christ, I look how the Prophets were the ones who first called out that the Messiah is coming and he is coming to our town, As a man and as a God to be with us..Even tho you see how Paul is sharing this to the Gentiles and some of the Jews, he also mentions about who came before Jesus Christ and it was John the Baptist calling out the people that Jesus is Coming to town, Most people or the Jews did not believe the Truth about Lord God Jesus Christ and God had promised through the Holy Scriptures through the Prohpets Jesus is coming to set everyone free who ever believe in his name..Jesus did come and did died on the Cross to save us, giving us the freedom so that we may live with him in Heaven..The thing that I wanted to share with you my fams, is about Jesus Christ and what we can learn through the Lord Gods ways and his truth.. If you ever read the four Gospels of Mathew, Luke, Mark and John, it is nothing about Jesus Christ who wanted to show us how much he loved us all, His compassion for the people and how he wanted to save his people out of slavery, I look and see that Jesus Christ always goes to Father God, before the wonders or the miracles he performed to get peoples attentions, he thank Father God first by looking up to the Sky and BAM! A miracle is shown, Once the miracles gets peoples attention then he begins to speak up by teaching them the Word of God, but Jesus Always first gives the Father God the Glory and tells the people that it is not my own but from Father God, Everything that Jesus teaches us that he has someone to look up too and he gives it all to the One who deserves it, That throw the work Jesus Gives, it is to Glorify the One who gave Jesus the Strength and Wisdom through the Truth he speaks, Jesus CHrist is the greatest model cuz even God himself humbles himself to the disciples by washing their feet and even riding on a donkey instead of a white horse to show us how God himself is telling us how to be..The Last is the favored One by LOrd God, The first is the one that Lord God looks at least to get the crown in the end..When I look at the teaching of Paul and how he shows us that John the Baptist came first, he was a messenger warning people that Christ is coming, Believing through the Prophets who wrote about the COming of Christ in the Black Book called the BIBLE.. Through the Baptist, John saw something in Jesus, the voice from the CLoud I think and a dove over Jesuss head..That was the sign that told John, This is the One who will save the world, Now You see that Jesus did many things and has shown Love towards to all the people even tho they hated him, Even tho Jesus did not do anything wrong, Jesus was murdered by the hanging on the Cross and came back cuz God raised him up, You even see how Paul were sharing about how the all the Prophets fell asleep and theirs bodies were decayed, Even David himself who was loyal friend of Jesus CHrist fell asleep and even his body decayed, The old testsment prophets tells the people that Jesus will die but his body will never decay and when Jesus returned for the cross to his disciples, Jesus body did not decay and how Jesus stayed with the disciples for awhile and went up to heaven after 40 days..The thang that I love about Jesuss testimony is that he gave his life for you and me, You even see that Paul is speaking to Gentiles as well, and even to the Jews, We are Gentiles and we has to thank Lord God Jesus Christ for what he has done in YOUR Life, One thing that I have noticed about Lord God Jesus CHrist is that he wins your heart, when you are searchin for him the Truth always shows up to those who are faithful to him, I been learning so much Truth that even for myself is sharing what Jesus means to me, When Jesus Christ comes into your life and wins your heart, You will begin to follow him and wants to change for him, You wants to give all things you have cuz he gives you much more in the end and I felt his love and thas why I share all things, The glory is not MINE but it is his cuz he is the one who is teaching me the Truth by setting me Free..SOme of us loves to hear about other peoples testimony but what about YOUR own testimony about Lord God is doing in your life, DO not look at other people what they are doing but focus on what you have and learned, when you begin to focus on your Heavenly Father Lord God, He will build you up by giving you SPiritual Wisdom and through that you can share with others, in time you will see HOW mIghty and Powerful Lord God Jesus Christ is in your life, If you never repent any of your sins to Lord God, If you believe in his name, Ask for your forgiveness, That is the starting line to journey a walk with the Lord God, when you learn to humble yourself and give all the glory to the Heavenly Father God, He will use you to impact, touch and make a difference to those around you, In the name of our Father Jesus Christ I share and write..Amen..Tanks for listneing DJ..> VERY SPECIAL: MY ENCOURAGEMENT: As Paul and Barnabas were leaving the synagogue, the people invited them to speak further about these things on the next Sabbath. When the congregation was dismissed, many of the Jews and devout converts to Judiasm followed Paul and Barnabas, who talked with them and urged them to continue in the grace of God. On the next Sabbath almost the whole city gathered to hear the word of the Lord, When the Jews saw the crowds, they were filled with jealousy and talked abusively against what Paul was saying. Then Paul and Barnabas answered them boldly; (We had to speak the word of God to you first. Since you rejected it and do not consider yourselves worthy of eternal life, we now turn to the Gentiles. For this is what the Lord has commanded us: ) When the Gentiles heard this, they were glad and honored the word of the Lord; and all who were appointed for eternal life believed. The word of the Lord spread through the whole region. But the Jews incited the God-fearing women of high standing and leading men of the city. They stirred up persecution against Paul and Barnabas, and expelled them from their region. So they shook the dust from their feet in protest against them and went to Iconium. And the disciples were filled with joy and with the Holy Spirt..Praise our Heavenly Father God for thie Powerful message and its wonderful story In My own words and thoughts: You can see how Powerful the Spirit of God can be in this story, The Spirit of the Truth I known him as the Holy Spirit and when it enables us, the believers and the follower of Jesus Christ, it reminds all of us who Lord God Jesus is and what he can do in us and through us..Look at Paul and Barnabas, after done the work for the Lord by sharing the Good news to the Jews and the Gentiles, It stirr their hearts and wanted to know if they can come back to the Next Sabbath, The people spread and almost the whole city came to see Paul preach the TRUTH about the word of God, I wonder how many leaders we have today can be like Paul when the Holy SPirit enables his heart to speak on behalf for Jesus Christ..You see that some of the Jews began to complain, did not believe and were filled with Jealousy in their hearts of what they be hearing, When you look in the begining of Pauls transformation, Jesus said something, He will be the Light for the Gentiles and for the Name of Jesus Christ, He will suffer for him, Now you see there is a huge commotion, And people began to divide by the haters and the believers, Some would believe in the name of Jesus Christ but others would not want to hear it anymore so they reject, You see that those who did not believe was some of the Jews I believe they were in Judiasm and also you see that Paul turned to the Gentiles and some who heard this, They were glad and filled with Honored the word of the Lord..How they are saved in the name od Jesus Christ and will have an eternal Life..Also you see that the God-fearing High standing leading men and women came through and they wanted to persecute Paul and Barnabas so they kicked them out, You see that Paul and Barnabas shook the dust off from their feet and went to Iconuim filled with Joy and with Holy SPirit..One thing that got to my heart is that when a person rejects the word of the Lord, You see you can shake the dust off your feet to him or her telling that even God will reject you too..When you look at Pauls heart and his mission work of giving the Good news to others who may not know Jesus Christ through the Salvation, How can we follow his footsteps, and Look how the Holy Spirit Lord God taking over his life to fill the work for him..It is not Paul that makes him a great person but it is the SPirit of Truth that is reminding him to do the Will of the Lord and sometimes I wonder, How can I have this kind of heart and Passion, compassion, and even the commitment that is given from the Lord, The SPirit of the Truth can only bring people closer to the Lord cuz we cant do it with our own knowledge or our own understanding, Gods words is Spiritually and only way to get that kind of the wisdom is through Lord God Holy SPirit..The thing that amazes me is that we all can have the Holy SPirit in us, How Jesus Christ wants to come in us but only way is to believe in the Name..When I look at the overall story of this chapter, What Paul spoke was from the Lord God, that Lord Gos uses us as an instrument to bring us closer to him but some of us thinks it is us that is doing the WIll of the Lord, The thing that I see is when you Focus in him, And Trust in the Lord with your hearts and minds, Lord God will bring forth the Holy SPirit in you, When Lord God speaks through you, The whole city will come to hear the WOrd of the Lord, It penetrates your soul so deeply that HIS words heals souls who are broken and who wants to a renewal of the mind and change of the heat..Noone can do anything with Lord God in your life cuz we are nothing to him but Like Paul how Jesus Said, He will be my instrument cuz he will work for me, Lord Jesus Christ chooses through amazing Grace cuz I believe he looks at the heart first, Most of us wish that we can chang people lives but how can you if you can not change your own life first, Look at the double life of Paul, WHo was a killer to the CHristian world and through a change of his heart and soul from Jesus Christ, Look at how he keeps on running, Paul is like most of you guys, WHo are well educated and lived a high standing Life, He was very comfortable until how little he became, Saul was prideful and arrogrant, Paul is the little person who humbles himself before God but he was always commited to WOrk of the God, He always had the heart to run deeply for his faith, Now I can challenge the Body of Christ, You gots to leave behind the comfort ZOne and work for the eternal life, Which means to Suffer and truly read Gods words, When the Holy SPirit sees your heart dedicated to him and just going to him for some help, The Spirit of the Truth will guide you by coming into your heart and soul, The way Lord God sees things, You can see as well, When you speak the Truth, he will speak it for you and Thats why the Holy Spirit Lord God is very powerful cuz he reminds you to Fear the Lord and you will go DOwn on your knees, SOme of us wants that life like Pauls way of reaching out, Well, he suffers in the Name of Jesus Christ and cuz he does that believeing, The Spirit of the Truth works in him, Many will reject the word of The Lord, And many will come if the SPirit enables you but either way if you are with the Lord Jesus Christ, You will be filled with the Joy in your hearts and with the Holy Spirit in You rejoicing to the Truth what you are doing, I am only sharing my side so that you see my heart for Christ, But remember that I am doing this in the Name of Jesus Christ and not for myself, I give the Glory through the writings I share to the Lord God Jesus Christ..I hope that this can truly encourage the Body of Christ, We have two more days to go, Fighting!! And finish Strong my dear fams. In the name of Jesus CHrist I write and Share..Thanks for listening DJ...> VERY SPECIAL: MY ENCOURAGEMENT: At Iconium Paul and Barnabas went as usual into the Jewish Synagogue. There they spoke so effectively that a great number of Jews and Gentiles believed. But the Jews who refused to believe stirred up the Gentiles and poisones their minds against the brothers. So Paul and Barnabas spent considerable time there, speaking boldly for the Lord, who confirmed the message of his grace by enabling them to do miraculous signs and wonders. The people of the city were divided; some sided with the Jews, others with the apostles. There was a plot afoot among the Gentiles and Jews, together with their leaders, to mistreat them and stone them. But they found out about it and fled to the Lycaonian cities of Lystra and Debre and to the surrounding country, where they continued to preach the good news. Amen and Praise the Lord God for this WOnderful story And its powerful message..> In My own words and Thoughts: When you look at this story, You see Paul and Barnabas heading to a place called Iconinum and always they go to the Jewish Synagogue which means of todays language a Church to teach and preach the Good News from the Holy Scriptures..The thing about Paul is when the Holy Spirit Of Jesus Christ comes into this mans live..It just uses him a great and a mighty way, Most people are not giving the Credit to the Holy SPirit of Jesus who is enabling him to do all these miracles and wonders and only See Paul as a great man..He came out with Boldiness and spoke in front of the Gentiles and Jews people about the Lord Jesus Christ that it made people think twice.. Now a great number of people began to believe in our Savior Lord Jesus Christ but of course there is also controversey within the people, Those who are the believers in Judiasm who did not believe in the Word of what Paul was saying are those who began to talk saying that It is not True and poisoned the Gentiles mind and they went against the Brothers..You see even tho there were people who was saying stuff and stirred up the crowd, Paul and Barnabas refused to give up and they stayed there considerable time and kept on talking and speaking about Jesus Christ..Through Paul and Barnabas Lord God would bring abouts a miraclous signs and wonders so the people or the crowd may see what the Lord God can do through men by bring them the gift of faith..SO the people began to divide as usual, SOme of the Jews and Gentile became believers of CHrist, Some would reject it by denying the fact that Jesus is not the Christ..You also see that A plot came about to stone and to mistreat Paul and Barnabas through the Haters (SOme Jews and Gentiles) and the Leaders together they wanted to go after them, Of course Paul and Barnabas found out about what was to come and fled away to Lycaonian cities of Lystra and Derbe and still they kept on Pressing on by spreadin the good news there..When you Look at Paul and his love for Jesus Christ, You even see what is happening in this story about SOme Jews who does not believe in the name of Jesus Christ would go around to Gentiles and poison their minds and try to get them into their side, Together with the other leaders of the city would join hands by trying to stone Paul and Barnabas, If you know that a message from Heaven Lord Jesus Christ gave you..and through the message you are spreading the good news to others and it becomes a threat in your life, People are wanting to harm you and hurt you, How many of you would put down the Book of Jesus CHrist when you have haters circling around you..Do you see the Heart of Paul who has the Spirit of Jesus CHrist in Him, Becuz of Jesus CHrist even himself had to over come the world by taking our sins and choosing death to give us salvation and rose again the third day, That is the COre of the message and when you understand the Love of Jesus Christ, If you love Jesus Christ you will be obedient and will humble before the King, When Paul knew what our Father in Heaven meant for him, Knowning how much suffering he had to go through to win it for Jesus Christ, even in the begining how he was facing death by the people who wanted to stone him, That is the core of Pauls heart which Lord God Choosed as his instrument, WIthout the SPirit of Jesus Christ, No man can stand in the presence of the Lord with his head lifted high looking up the sky, You see how much Paul had to strive, His will became Lords will, His purpose in his life became Lords purpose becuz he surrender his life to him, ANyOne can give up this CHristian life that they live in But Even someone like Paul who had the SPirit of Jesus Living in him, He faced many deathes and threats from the un-believers of Christ..Then what are we, we do we complain if we cannot go abouts what Paul faced, Our lives is nothing compared with Paul and some of us wants to give up..Why AM I SHARING the Book of Acts, WHy am I typing Each WOrds on the Holy Scriptures, to show you about a one mans heart named Paul, WHo was also determined, motivated, Bold, COurageous, Passionate and Ambitious for Lord God, If he did not have the mind that he carries and the Heart, There is no way you can overcome the way he did, Look at your heart, If you do not have the Heart and what it takes to reach out For Lord God, You needs to Ask the SPirit of Jesus CHrist to guide you and come into your life..This my Second Book I am Sharing, Remember that WIthout the Spirit of Jesus Living in you, YOU are NOBody, You are Nothing but if the Spirit is with you, Then you are suppose to IMPACT by touching LIves, Look at your life and see what you are doing for others..IN the name of Jesus CHrist I write and Share, thanks for Listening DJ..>
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 04:33:43 +0000

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