WWE Main Event 30th October, 2013 Results :- Match Number One: - TopicsExpress


WWE Main Event 30th October, 2013 Results :- Match Number One: Kofi Kingston versus Ryback Kofi with kicks to Ryback as the bell rings. Kofi with a forearm and kicks in the corner. Kofi with punches but Ryback runs Kofi into the corner. Kofi with more kicks and punches. Ryback with a single leg trip and he kicks Kofi before choking him in the ropes. Ryback with a punch and Irish whip but Kofi with a forearm and kicks. Ryback with a shoulder tackle and he slams Kofi. Ryback misses a splash and Kofi with a kick to the midsection followed by a back heel kick. Ryback with a side head lock take down. Ryback tries to block a head scissors attempt but Kofi finally applies one and he kicks Ryback in the head. Kofi with a forearm but Ryback with a kick and forearm to the back. Kofi with an arm drag but he is unable to hit Trouble in Paradise when Ryback rolls to the floor. Kofi with a baseball slide to Ryback through the ropes and then he this a pescado onto Ryback. Ryback sends Kofi into the apron and then he tries to Irish whip Kofi into the steps but Kofi leaps over and he hits a double sledge off the steps. Ryback with a boot to the head that knocks Kofi off the apron. We go to commercial. We are back and Ryback with a reverse chin lock. Kofi gets back to his feet and he connects with elbows and a punch. Ryback with a back elbow for a near fall. Ryback with a kick and he chokes Kofi in the ropes. Ryback gets Kofi up for a suplex but he turns it into a jackhammer and gets a near fall. Ryback sends Kofi into the turnbuckles and he chops Kofi in the corner. Ryback with another chop and a forearm. Ryback says that it is too easy but he misses a chop. Kofi with punches and chops but Ryback runs Kofi into the opposite corner. Ryback puts Kofi on the turnbuckles and he pulls Kofi down and tosses him across the ring by the head. Ryback with a kick and he chokes Kofi in the ropes. Kofi with punches but Kofi with a knee and overhead belly-to-belly suplex and Ryback gets a near fall. Ryback gets Kofi on his shoulders for a back breaker. Kofi with elbows and he gets to his feet and he tries for a backslide but Ryback pulls him over. Kofi with kicks. Ryback puts Kofi on the apron and Kofi with a shoulder and then Kofi goes for a springboard move but Ryback catches him and hits a spinebuster for a near fall. Ryback waits for the lariat but Kofi counters and hits a DDT. Both men are down and Kofi is the first to get back to his feet. Kofi with chops followed by a drop kick. Kofi with the flying clothesline and then he kicks Ryback in the chest a few times before he hits the Boom Drop. Kofi sets for Trouble in Paradise but Ryback catches him and goes for Shellshock but Kofi escapes. Kofi with a rollup for a near fall followed by a pendulum kick and cross body for a near fall. Ryback sends Kofi throat first into the ropes and then Ryback goes to the turnbuckles for a dive onto Kofi but he is met with Kofi’s feet. Kofi with a springboard drop kick for a near fall. Ryback catches Kofi and hot shots him and then he hits the lariat. Ryback says that it is over and he hits Shellshock for the three count. Winner: Ryback We take a look back at John Cena’s comments from Monday night and Damien Sandow’s attempt to cash in. John Cena will be on Smackdown this week. Match Number Two: Santino Marella versus Heath Slater (with Jinder Mahal and Drew McIntyre) Santino rolls around after the bell rings and he confuses Slater. They lock up and Slater with a single leg trip and then he does some air guitar. Santino tries for a kip up but he fails. Santino decides to get up a traditional way. They lock up again and Slater sends Santino shoulder first into the turnbuckles. They lock up again and Santino with a side head lock. Santino holds on when Slater tries to send him against the ropes. Santino comes off the ropes and he connects with a shoulder tackle followed by a clothesline and then he holds his arm in a cobra position and Slater retreats into the ropes to talk to Jinder and Drew. Slater with a kick and punch. Santino power walks across the ring but Slater with a punch to the back of the head and he gets a near fall. Slater with knees to the back and he applies a reverse chin lock. Santino gets to his feet and he punches Slater. Santino with jabs to the head and leg but Slater with a punch and he gets a near fall. Slater sends Santino over the top rope but Santino tries to skin the cat and it takes him a while but he gets back into the ring. Santino celebrates but he turns around and Slater punches him. Slater goes to the turnbuckles but Santino rolls away. Slater goes to the opposite turnbuckles but Santino rolls to the other side of the ring and he hits a kip up. Santino with a split and hip toss followed by a diving head butt. Santino goes for the cobra and Mahal gets on the apron and he is attacked by the Cobra. Slater misses a splash into the corner and Santino with the Cobra for the three count. Winner: Santino Marella We go to commercial. We are back with the Raw Rebound and a look at Big Show’s role in the Orton Celebration. We now go to the Michael Cole interview series with Triple H. Michael reads what David Otunga said about the lawsuit on WWE. He says that Otunga feels that the lawsuit could be successful for wrongful termination, breach of contract, slander, and discrimination. Hunter tells Cole to stop. Hunter asks if he is supposed to be concerned with Big Show’s frivolous lawsuit or David Otunga’s irrelevant opinion? He wants to know if Geraldo has any other questions. Hunter tells Cole that he has some breaking news for him. As of this moment, the Big Show is banned from the WWE . . . for Life. Match Number Three: Fandango (with Summer ‘MRS. FANDANGO’ Rae) versus Great Khali (with Natalya and Hornswoggle) Fandango with a chop but Khali with a punch to the head and then he sends Fandango into the corner and he connects with elbows to the head. Khali with a chop across the chest and then Fandango falls into the opposite corner. Khali with another chop. Fandango goes to the floor and Summer checks on him. Hornswoggle laughs at Fandango and Fandango pushes Hornswoggle. Khali protects his little buddy with a forearm. Khali sends Fandango back into the ring and Fandango kicks the rope as Khali returns to the ring. Fandango with knee drops to the leg. Fandango with an elbow drop to the leg. Fandango with a kick to the head and then he goes to the turnbuckles. Fandango is met with a chop. Khali with an elbow and a kick followed by a clothesline. Khali waits for the chop but Summer gets on the apron and Natalya pulls Summer off the apron. Fandango with a kick to the back of the leg followed by a DDT and the FandangoBama Jam for the three count. Winner: Fandango We go to commercial. Match Number Four: Los Matadores (Fernando and Diego with El Torito) versus Los Locales (Local Nuevo and Local Classic) Diego and Classic start things off. Diego avoids Classic and hten he gives him a drop toe hold. Classic with a wrist lock but Diego with a reversal into a wrist lock and arm bar. Classic with a single leg trip into a wrist lock. Classic with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Diego kips up and he tries Classic. Diego with a series of arm drags into an arm bar. Fernando tags in and they hit a double hip toss and they kick Classic. Fernando with an arm drag out of a wheelbarrow position and a drop kick for a near fall. Classic with a punch and Nuevo tags in. Fernando with a leg sweep and take down. Nuevo with a take down and he gets a near fall. Nuevo with a jackknife cover. Fernando with a rana for a near fall. Fernando with a side head lock and Classic makes the tag. Fernando kicks Nuevo and Classic holds Fernando in the ropes and Nuevo with a drop kick and Classic gets a near fall. Classic with a splash into the corner and he kicks Fernando. Fernando with punches but Classic tags in and connects with a double sledge. Nuevo with a rolling mare and kick for a near fall. Nuevo wih a head scissors but El Torito gets on the apron to motivate Fernando. Nuevo takes care of Diego and then Torito gets into the ring. Nuevo knocks Classic off the apron and Torito with a rana from the turnbuckles. Fernando with a head scissors and Diego tags in. Diego with a flying forearm or two. Diego with a monkey flip and then he goes to the turnbuckles for the double chop. Fernando tags in and they hit the double back drop driver for the three count. Winners: Los Matadores
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 10:47:51 +0000

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