WWE Monday Night RAW Results (September 29, 2014) Chicago, - TopicsExpress


WWE Monday Night RAW Results (September 29, 2014) Chicago, Illinois Highlights: Dean Ambrose and John Cena took on Kane and Randy Orton. Paul Heyman was upset that Seth Rollins tried to Cash in at Night of Champions. Triple Treat match for the Intercontinental Championship. Dean Ambrose returns Seth Rollins Money in the Bank Briefcase. Big Show tore Russian Flag. Quick Matches: Cesaro vs Dolph Ziggler vs The Miz (Triple Treat match for the Intercontinental Championship) Layla vs Rosa Mendes Bo Dallas vs Mark Henry Brie Bella vs Cameron and Eva Marie ( 2 on 1 Handicap Match) Los Matadores vs Slater-Gator AJ Lee vs Alicia Fox Damien Mizdow vs Sheamus Dean Ambrose and John Cena vs Kane and Randy Orton Triple H and Stephanie McMahon kicks off RAW. The middle rope is colored pink for National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. There is also a logo on the ramp. WWE teaming up with Susan G. Komen for the third straight year. Stephanie McMahon: I always wonders why people chant for quitters. It’s because you’re quitters yourselves. Rather than fighting for what they believe in, they quit. Things get hard at work; they just quit their jobs. They take the easy way out. They either quit or steal, just like Dean Ambrose on Smackdown when he stole the Money in the Bank briefcase from Seth Rollins. That was unnecessary because the contract is still intact and belongs to Seth Rollins. He just wants to send a message to The Authority. We’re here to send a message to Ambrose because it will not be tolerated. Triple H: The briefcase is a symbol. It’s a symbol that represents this business. They will not let anybody, and we mean anybody, disrespect this business. Paul Heyman comes out to the stge. Paul Heyman: Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Paul Heyman, and pardon the interruption, but I am the advocate for the reigning, defending, undisputed WWE Heavyweight Champion of the World, Brock Lesnar. It’s ironic that you used the word “disrespected” because my client feels disrespected. He’s disrespected by the preposterous notion that John Cena was within a moment of becoming the champion at the expense of my client. He’s also disrespected by the fact that your boy, Seth Rollins, not only got involved in what was surely to be a successful title defense, but Curb Stomped my client from behind. Then Rollins attempted to actually cash in the Money in the Bank contract, which is why, with all due respect, my client, Brock Lesnar, has instructed me to come here tonight to Chicago and find out first hand if my client has a problem that he needs to deal with involving Seth Rollins or… Stephanie McMahon: Youre a shrewd businessman. I warn you to choose your next words carefully because if your threatening them… Seth Rollins’ music hits, and he makes his way out to the ring. Seth Rollins: I want to get something straight. No one in The Authority told me to run down and cash in the contract on your client. I did that on my own. Further, no one suggested that I Curb Stomp Brock Lesnar’s face into the mat either. Im kind of disappointed because I figured you would respect my decision at Night of Champions. Im trying to build a career like you did on opportunity. Youre a opportunist, and I figured I’d understand that I was making the most of my opportunity at Night of Champions. I speak for everyone here when I says that no one wanted to see John Cena win the world title again. I wanted to become champion by beating the best, and the best is your client, Brock Lesnar. Lesnar should be flattered and complimented by what happened at Night of Champions, not insulted. If Lesnar is offended in any way, from the bottom of my heart, Im truly sorry. Paul Heyman: What you did took a lot of hutzpah, but if it ever happens again, you won’t be dealing with me, you’ll be dealing with Brock Lesnar. Seth Rollins: I appreciate The Authority coming out to chastise Dean Ambrose over what happened on Smackdown. I know Ambrose, and he is the furthest thing from normal. He won’t respond to this like normal people do. There are personal items of his in that briefcase that need to be returned to me immediately. If you does not come down to this ring right now, stomping your head through cinder blocks is going to look like nothing when I gets my hands on you. Dean Ambrose appears on the titantron Dean Ambrose: You used to be a man, but now that youre letting your corporate mommy and daddy fight for you, I have a message for all three of you. If you want the briefcase back, you need to come get it. Triple H, Stephanie, and Rollins leave the ring and make their way backstage. John Cena’s music hits, and he attacks Rollins. Cena gets him in the ring, but Rollins immediately slides out and runs out through the crowd. ========================================= Seth Rollins is backstage with The Authority. Triple H: Im giving Jamie Noble and Joey Mercury the authority to get the briefcase back. I want it back in one piece. This ends tonight. I dosn’t care how. Jamie Noble: I understand. Can we have some sledgehammers? ========================================= Triple Treat Match for the WWE Intercontinental Championship Cesaro vs Dolph Ziggler (c) vs The Miz Winner and still WWE Intercontinental Champion: Dolph Ziggler By: Pinfall What Happened: Miz comes off the top rope into A Very European Uppercut from Cesaro. Cesaro punches Sandow off the apron before eating a superkick from Ziggler. Ziggler then covers The Miz for the win. Note: Damien Mizdow involves in this match at times. ========================================= Backstage: Jamie Noble and Joey Mercury are backstage with The Authority. They say they’ve been to catering, the male locker room and the female locker room, but they can’t find Dean Ambrose. Stephanie McMahon: Let me give you some inspiration, find Dean Ambrose or they’re fired. They scurry away. The Miz and Damien Sandow burst in. Damien Mizdow: He is an A-list Hollywood celebrity. We demand action. Triple H: You’re here to make me laugh. In the meantime, the stunt double can have a match with Sheamus. If The Miz ever walks in here barking orders, his little Straight To DVD career comes to an end. ========================================= Layla w/ Summer Rae vs Rosa Mendes w/ Natalya and Tyson Kidd Winner: Layla By: Lay Out from Lyla on Rosa Aftermath: Natalya walks off on Kidd while he belittles her. ========================================= Dean Ambrose makes his way to the ring with a travel bag and the Money in the Bank briefcase. Ambrose set a Table in the ring and put the briefcase on. Dean Ambrose: For those that were looking for me earlier. I was in the concession stands earlier, but they walked right by me. This briefcase, is priceless. During my time with the briefcase, I found Rollins’ personal effects. We were close in The Shield, but I never knew this side of him. Jamie Noble and Joey Mercury come out to ringside. Dean Ambrose: Uh oh, they sent the cruiserweight division out to get me! Noble and Mercury get on the apron and ask him to toss the briefcase to him. Dean Ambrose: You’re going to have to stop being so intimidating. If you want the briefcase, you can come in the ring and get it. Noble and Mercury get off the apron, and they back up the ramp. Seth Rollins’ music hits, and he makes his way to the ring with Noble, Mercury, and some security guards. Dean Ambrose: I had my fun and Im sorry. Take the briefcase. I don’t want any problems He leaving the ring. Ambrose goes over the barricade and into the crowd. Rollins opens up the briefcase, and the case explodes green goo all over him! Rollins shakes in anger as Ambrose starts laughing. ========================================= Backstage: Seth Rollins is complaining to Triple H, Stephanie, Kane, and Randy Orton. Kane and Orton are laughing. Seth Rollins: My eyes are burning! Triple H sends him to the trainer’s room. Triple H: Where is Ambrose? Kane: The last report was he was in John Cena’s locker room. Triple H: Tell Ambrose and Cena they’ll face Kane and Orton later tonight. Orton is angry that they have to fight Rollins’ battles again. ========================================= Mark Henry makes his way to the ring. Mark Henry : The past week has been very emotional for me. I apologize, Bo Dallas: Do not apologize to the WWE Universe. You have to apologize to yourself. You lost to Rusev… twice. Youve been knocked out, passed out, and you even cried your eyes out. You arent living up to your potential. It’s time to close the Hall of Pain and join the Hall of Bolievers. Being a Boliever means never having to say you’re sorry. Mark Henry vs Bo Dallas Winner: Bo Dallas By: Bo Dog ========================================= Backstage: Bo Dallas is walking backstage when Renee Young stops him. Renee Young: How you accomplished the biggest win of your career so far. Bo Dallas: All you have to do is Bolieve! Mark Henry attacks him from behind. Henry sends him into the walls before slamming him into some crates. He rolls a heavy crate into him twice. ========================================= Brie Bella is waiting for her opponent when Nikki Bella makes her way out to the stage. Nikki Bella: It’s so appropriate that the quitter is getting ready for a match in the same place where you quit. So many things have changed and for what? Oh yeah, for your little precious Daniel Bryan. It worked out so well that he’s sitting at home on the couch recovering. You didn’t quit for Daniel. When you quit, I was put in handicap matches every week as punishment. Where were you? You were nowhere to be found. Per The Authority, who was nice enough to allow me this announcement, you’ll be in a handicap match. 2 on 1 Handicap Match Brie Bella vs Cameron and Eva Marie Winner: Brie Bella By: Roll up/ Small Package ========================================= Note: Adam Rose and The Bunny are sitting by the commentary table. Los Matadores (Diego and Fernando) w/ El Torito vs Slater-Gator (Heath Slater and Titus ONeil) w/Mini Gator (Hornswaggole) Winners: Slater-Gator By: Pin Fall What happened: Diego gets on the second rope, and Gator comes it. El Torito comes in, and the Gator runs away. Slater rips Diego off the ropes and pins him. Aftermath: Slater and O’Neil attack Los Matadores before slamming El Torito down. The Gator then comes up and does a gator roll on El Torito. Rose and The Bunny get on the apron. O’Neil charges him, but Rose pulls the top rope down. Los Matadores then take Slater down before the Bunny hits him with a top rope frog splash. ========================================= Rusev and Lana make their way to the ring. Lana: Big Show is a sore loser. Big Show’s music hits, and he comes out to the stage. Big Show: That was really good. Lana twisted the facts. Their propaganda machine runs well. They talk about how great Russia and Vladimir Putin are, but we all know it’s a bunch of crap. The thing you can’t handle the truth. The truth is I Knocked him out on SmackDown. Rusev: I want to jam my fist down your throat and pull out your guts. I will bite your ear. I will kick you in your groin. Big Show, I will break every bone in your body. Big Show: No one understands Russian. It’s time for the Big Lebowski to go down there and knock out the White Russian. Big Show goes to the ring, but Rusev gets out and walks off with Lana. Big Show then rips the Russian Flag down! Rusev charges the ring, but Big Show stops him. Rusev then backs away from the ring. ========================================= Renee Young is backstage with John Cena. ReneeYoung: You’ll team with Ambrose to face Kane and Orton. How you think that will go. John Cena: Tonight, the Windy City seems unstable. We heard the entire WWE Universe chanting Ambrose’s name. As far as tonight is concerned, Im glad Im fighting with him rather than against him. That’s just for Orton and Kane. We both have our eyes set on Rollins. If he’s unstable enough to get in between… Dean Ambrose walks up. Dean Ambrose: After we’re done with Kane and Orton, Rollins is mine! John Cena: If Rollins shows his face before, during, or after our match, he’s got a beat down coming by my hands, and I’ll be cashing in. Dean Ambrose: Remember that no one takes food off my plate, not even you! ========================================= Paige: When I first started, I couldn’t see that certain individuals were preying on my trusting nature and mistook my kindness for weakness. That was a big mistake. After very careful consideration, I would love to present AJ Lee’s opponent, my new best friend, Alicia Fox. AJ Lee vs Alicia Fox w/ Paige Winner: Alicia Fox By: Scissors Kick What Happened: Paige distracts AJ, and Alicia hits her with a Scissor Kick for the win. Aftermath: Paige stomps AJ as Alicia goes under the ring and grabs two cans of Mountain Dew. Alicia shakes them up. AJ tries to fight them off, but Alicia big boots her. Paige then hits the Ram-Paige on her. ========================================= Note: The Miz will be on commentary for the next match. Sheamus vs. Damien Mizdow Winner: Sheamus By: Brogue Kick Note: Miz tried to distract Sheamus on this match. ========================================= Hulk Hogan appears before the live crowd Hulk Hogan makes his way to the ring. Hulk Hogan: Well let me tell you something, brother! Hulkamania has been running wild for thirty years. I had some very special moments in my career. Not only is it an honor standing in this ring, it’s an honor to make this huge announcement. This is the third year the WWE has teamed up with Susan G. Komen to fight cancer and save lives. Ive turned in my red and yellow because the whole WWE has gone pink to honor National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. They’re all heroes to us, but the real heroes are the ones who fight this disease head on and search for a cure. Give a huge round of applause to the breast cancer survivors in attendance. Whatcha gonna do when Komenmania and the WWE run wild on you, brother? ========================================= Backstage: Randy Orton is with Kane. Orton is complaining about fighting Seth Rollins’ battles. Randy Orton: Im tired of this. Kane: I supposed to be the Director of Operations, but Ive only been putting out the fires of Rollins. Stephanie McMahon walks in Stephanie McMahon: you’re going to do your jobs. When John Cena and Dean Ambrose attacked Seth Rollins, they were attacking The Authority. The Authority is more than just a moniker, we’re a family that stands by one another through thick and thin. Tonight, Ambrose embarrassed Rollins. We’d be looking forward to this since we weren’t successful last week. People say you’ve gone soft and don’t have the killer instinct. Kane: Are “they’re” saying that or if it’s you trying to get what you wants. ========================================= Dean Ambrose and John Cena vs Kane and Randy Orton Winners: Dean Ambrose and John Cena By: Disqualifications What Happened: When Ambrose hit the Dirty Deeds on Orton Seth Rollins attack him. Aftermath: All hell broke loose as all the competitors goes after the opponents. Cena punches away at Rollins in the corner. Ambrose jumps over Cena and punches Rollins. Cena pulls Ambrose away, and he punches Rollins. Ambrose throws Cena out of the ring and grabs the briefcase. Orton turns Ambrose around and gives him an RKO. Then Kane gives Ambrose a Chokeslam. After that Rollins gives Ambrose a Curb Stomp on the briefcase. Cena runs in for the save, but Orton soon takes him out with an RKO. Then Kane gives Cena a big Chokeslam. Then Rollins hits a Curb Stomp on Cena into the briefcase. The show ends with Rollins, Kane, and Orton standing tall over a broken Cena and Ambrose. ========================================= What moment do you enjoy most from WWE RAW? What grade will you give to WWE RAW? =========================================
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 17:47:11 +0000

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