WWE Monday Night RAW Results (September 8, 2014)(Season - TopicsExpress


WWE Monday Night RAW Results (September 8, 2014)(Season Premiere) Baltimore, Maryland #WWE #RAW Highlights: Sami Zayn, Adrien Neville and Tyler Breeze WWE Debut! A spectacular Steel Cage Match, Bray Wyatt and Chris Jericho. Randy Orton promise to takeout Roman Reigns in their match tonight. Paul Heyman delivers a warning to John Cena. Jerry Springer holds an intervention for The Bella Twins. Dolph Ziggler reveals some leaked pics of the Miz. Match Card: Bray Wyatt vs Chris Jericho (Steel Cage Match) AJ Lee and Paige vs Natalya and Rosa Mendes Seth Rollins vs Sheamus Adrian Neville and Sami Zayn vs Tyson Kidd and Tyler Breeze Goldust and Stardust vs Los Matadores Adam Rose vs Titus O’Neil Randy Orton vs Roman Reigns Steel Cage Match (SummerSlam rematch) Bray Wyatt vs Chris Jericho Winner: Bray Wyatt By: Escaping the Cage Note: Jericho climbs to the top rope and goes to leave the ring, but Harper and Rowan begin banging on the cage. Jericho stands on the top of the cage and leaps off with a cross-body block to Wyatt!!! Jericho is bleeding from the bridge of the nose. What Happened: Wyatt start punching Jericho’s injured knee. Finally, Jericho shoves Wyatt off, but in doing so causes Wyatt to fall out of the cage and pick up the win! Aftermath: Wyatt smiles on the ringside before slamming the door into Jericho’s knee. Wyatt slams his head off the steel steps before throwing him back into the ring. Harper and Rowan hold the door closed as Wyatt stalks Jericho. Wyatt then hits Sister Abigail before kneeling and saying, “Follow the buzzards!” ======================================= Backstage: Kane is talking to Seth Rollins Kane: This is an awesome way to start the season premiere of Monday Night RAW. Triple H came. Triple H: This is the season premiere of RAW, so that means we have to put on something that no one will forget. Randy Orton walks up Randy Orton: How unforgettable you wants the premiere to be? There’s only one man who is in the main event. It’s not the guy in the corporate suit or the corporate sellout! I want your permission, I wants to do something to Roman Reigns that will make what Rollins did to Ambrose look like Sunday school. ======================================= Dolph Ziggler is in the ring. Dolph Ziggler: Last week was a very controversial week in Hollywood. Several celebrities had their devices hacked via the cloud and a lot of sensitive pictures were leaked online. No one, even D-listers, deserve to be disrespected like that… except for one. Im talking about The Miz. I have some sensitive photos of The Miz. The first photo is of Miz in underwear wearing a shower cap and some facial cream. The next photo is Miz provocatively looking into the mirror while shaving his chest. Dolph Ziggler: I have one more that will take the cake. The Miz comes out to the stage with Damien Sandow, his stunt double. The Miz: This is an outrageous invasion of my privacy. Youre invading the sanctity of my home. Those photos were for medical purposes only, but that’s beside the point. My people will sue you, the people in the building, and everyone in the world if you try to republish those photos. If you take this any further, I will make sure you never wors in this town again. Dolph Ziggler: I might as well get my money’s worth then. A censored photo of a naked Miz is shown with Sandow giving him a spray tan! Damien Sandow charges the ring. But Ziggler beat him down. Ziggler dares Miz to get in the ring. Ziggler hits Sandow with the Zig-Zag as Miz looks on. Miz looks like he’s going to cry. ======================================= AJ Lee and Paige vs Natalya and Rosa Mendes Winners: AJ Lee and Paige By: Black Widow from AJ on Rosa. Note: Paige volunteers to start the match and she refuse to tag AJ during the match. Rosa also refused to tag Natalya at one point. What Happened: AJ grabs her by the hair and slaps her chest to tag in herself! Aftermath: Paige: What is wrong with AJ, I had that match. AJ rips the Divas Championship out of her hands and slowly kisses it. Paige grabs it back and seductively kisses it. ======================================= Backstage: Chris Jericho is in the trainer’s room getting his knee treated. The trainer: It might be a torn meniscus. Randy Orton then attacks him from behind, throwing him into a table before sending him into a crate. Jericho clutches his knee in pain Randy Orton: Attention to the fact that you said I had everything handed to me last week. From ======================================= Paul Heyman delivers a warning to John Cena: Paul Heyman is in the ring. Paul Heyman: Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Paul Heyman, and yea though I walk through the valley of the Cenation, I fear no thuganomics for I am the advocate for The Beast, The Conqueror, the reigning, defending, undisputed WWE Heavyweight Champion of the World, Brock Lesnar! My client has authorized me to disseminate some confidential information. John Cena’s music hits, and he makes his way to the ring. John Cena: If you want to say something to my face, here Im. Paul Heyman: Lesnar felt Cena would come out to the ring. If that were to be the case, which it is, Lesnar authorized me to drop the warning and give you some inside information.This is your lucky night because Ive been authorized to tell you how to beat Brock Lesnar at Night of Champions. John Cena: Save your breath. I know how to beat Lesnar at Night of Champions. At Night of Champions, my strategy is simple, Never give up! This is my playbook, and I doubts Lesnar can read it. Cena then tried to walk off. Paul Heyman: You can’t help being yourself. With all due respect, that is your biggest problem, you live to be John Cena. When Brock Lesnar steps into the ring, Lesnar doesn’t hear anybody but three people: the referee, who has the power to disqualify him, Me, who strategizes his greatest victory, and the suffering of his victims, like Cena was victimized at SummerSlam. Im here to give you a gift, and it isn’t even Hanukah. I’ll tell you how to beat Lesnar. Youve to give into temptation. Youve heard the people say, “Cena sucks,” after years of busting your back for them. Don’t you want to tap into the hatred and resentment in your soul, turn to that guy, and scream, “Shut up” We’ll do it together. They’ll say, “Cena sucks,” and we’ll say, “Shut up!” Put them in his place. Paul Heyman gets on his knees and begs Cena to give in. Paul Heyman: You need to understand that you need to lose the wristbands, the t-shirt, and forget the concept of “Hustle, Loyalty, and Respect.” When you gives into the hatred, then you can be the one who beat the one in twenty-one and one. Either that, or you can be just one of many victims that fell at the hands of The Conqueror, Brock Lesnar. My client doesn’t mind me telling you that because I believe in you. My client, Brock Lesnar, says You don’t have it in you. Cena charges to the apron and looks out into the fans. Cena looks like he’s struggling within himself. Cena came back to ring. John Cena: Shut up, Paul Heyman! I know what you are trying to do. Brock Lesnar wants to end me, so does you. The way you want to do it is have me turn my back on every single person who ever believed in me. You live in a world that is, “Eat. Sleep. Conquer. Repeat.” If you could get ahead by stabbing Lesnar in the back, you would do it and ask for seconds. You are talking about something you knows nothing about, which is living a life of purpose and a sense of being. In my world, the rules are, “Eat. Sleep. Be John Cena. Repeat.” That’s who Im because I was born to be that, loves to be like that, and wouldn’t change if I could. I like being that guy that gets the kids to do their homework early so they can come to RAW with his dad. That same dad says I sucks, but I appreciates him doing what is right for his kid. I also loves being that guy who is given one final wish to hang out with him for a day. Those are my heroes, and they tell me that Im their hero. That’s why all I knows is “Eat. Sleep. Be John Cena.” If I strip it all away, what did I really win? Im done talking and it’s time to fight. I’ll give you seven days. Im coming to RAW, and Heyman can bring Brock Lesnar. If Lesnar gets in the ring, we can fight. If Lesnar takes another week’s vacation, then I’ll fight you! I’ll see you next Monday! ======================================= Seth Rollins vs Sheamus Winner: Seth Rollins By: Curb Stomp Note: Cesaro came to ringside during the match. What Happened: Cesaro took the United States Championship so Sheamus argue with him behind Rollins tried to roll him up but gets a 2 count. Cesaro then gets to the steel step with the title, Sheamus grabs it, and they have a tug of war with it. Sheamus intentionally lets it go so Cesaro falls into the barricade. Rollins hits a dropkick to the back of the head before hitting a Curb Stomp. Aftermath: Cesaro slowly gets into the ring and hit the Neutralizer on Sheamus ======================================= Rusev comes to the stage with Lana. Lana: Most Americans do not know that the National Anthem, “The Star Spangled Banner,” was written in this decrepit city. Lana then begins to sing the National Anthem. Lana then changes the line to sing, “Everyone stood in awe of the Russia’s Rusev’s might.” Lana then has the Russian National Anthem played. Rusev aggressively waves the flag. ======================================= Note: Adrien Neville, Sami Zayn and Tyler Breezes RAW Debut! Adrian Neville and Sami Zayn vs Tyson Kidd and Tyler Breeze Winners: Adrian Neville and Sami Zayn By: Red Arrow from Adrien Neville ======================================= Jerry Springer holds an intervention for The Bella Twins: Stephanie McMahon makes her way to the ring. Stephanie McMahon: In all seriousness, it breaks my heart to see a family ripped apart like the Bellas have been. I wrestled my own father in this building, but we’ve reconciled. The lesson Ive learned is there is nothing more important than family. It’s time to bring Brie and Nikki back together. Only one man can do that. It’s an honor to welcome back to RAW a television icon, Jerry Springer. Jerry Springer comes out with his security guard Jason. Jerry Springer: Thanks Stephanie for the introduction. Ive been dealing with family dysfunction, but when I heard what was going on here, how could I say no to being here and on Monday Night RAW. Springer then has Brie Bella come out. Jerry Springer: I see that Nikki abuses you before you snaps and assaults her. The very next day, you tweeted an apology to WWE and her family. Why are you apologizing? Brie Bella: I don’t forgive Nikki for being horrible to me, but she’s my sister. Jerry Springer: That comes off as you thinking your better than Nikki. Springer then has Nikki Bella come out to the ring. Nikki shakes hands with Brie. Nikki Bella: I accepted your apology last week, but that doesn’t mean that I forgives you for all the years of being treated as a second class sister. Im ready to move on. A lot going on for me. The third season of HER show, “Total Divas,” premiered last night. I also have a Divas Championship match in two weeks. I won’t let you negativity bring me down. Brie Bella: Whatever happened at SummerSlam happened. Springer says this all happened long before SummerSlam. Jerry Springer: Brie, your mother is telling you to swallow your pride. Brie Bella: Nikki cost me the match, she wished I were dead, and broke my heart. Springer then has JJ Bella come out to the ring. Jerry Springer: Who JJ thinks is in the wrong. JJ Bella: Brie, Stop acting like the victim. Nikki, you arent the victim. Springer stands between them, but gets knocked down as they begin to brawl. JJ pulls Brie off Springer and Nikki, and Nikki slaps her. Brie tackles Nikki, and they roll all over Springer. Stephanie comes in the ring to break it up, and she falls down as well. They continue to brawl and roll on Springer. Finally, referees and Jason, the bodyguard, come in to help. Springer’s ankle appears to be injured! EMTs take him out on a stretcher as he holds his thumb up for the crowd. ======================================= Pre-Taped: Jimmy Uso: Gold and Stardust hurt my brother. When you hurt one of us, you hurt both of us. Jey Uso: The pain is coming really soon. We’ll face at Night of Champions with the WWE Tag Team Championships on the line. Goldust and Stardust vs Los Matadores Winner: Goldust and Stardust By: Dark Matter from Stardust to Fernando Aftermath: Goldust and Stardust pose at the top of the stage. Jey Uso then hits Stardust in the back with his crutches. The Usos try to take them out, but Goldust and Stardust escapes. ======================================= Adam Rose w/ The Bunny vs Titus O’Neil w/ Heath Slater Winner: Adam Rose By: Party Foul What Happened: The Bunny distracts O’Neil. Heath Slater tries to attack the Bunny, but he misses. The Bunny then superkicks Slater. Rose then hits O’Neil with Party Foul for the win. Aftermath: The Bunny goes to toprope to frog splash ONeil ======================================= Backstage: Renee Young is backstage with Roman Reigns. Renee Young: What Reigns thinks Orton meant when he said he would make this a premiere people will never forget? Roman Reigns: I don’t know, but Orton is The Viper. Orton has the venom, but I have the antidote. Believe that. ======================================= Note: Seth Rollins and Corporate Kane are seen watching from TV. SummerSlam rematch: Randy Orton vs Roman Reigns Winner: Roman Reigns By: Disqualification What Happened: When Reigns hits Superman Punch, Orton motions to the stage. Corporate Kane and Seth Rollins run down with a bunch of guys in black t-shirts. Kane and Rollins stomp away at Reigns as the referee calls for the bell. Note: Randy is bleeding from his lips. Aftermath: Orton joins in, and they begin to triple team Reigns. Orton calls for the cage to come down, and it begins to lower! Reigns makes a comeback and gets both Kane and Rollins out of the ring, leaving him with Orton. Rollins gets a chair in the ring before the cage completely lowers over the ring. Reigns picks up the chair, and Orton attacks him from behind. But Reigns send him into the wall of the cage three times. Then level him with a Spear. Rollins then wipes Reigns out with a cross-body off the top of the cage! Kane gets in the ring and uppercuts him down. Kane sends him headfirst into the wall of the cage a few times before hitting a Chokeslam. Orton slam the chair on Reigns. Orton points at Rollins and tells him to finish it. Rollins hits Reigns with a Curb Stomp on the steel chair! Orton, Kane, and Rollins stand tall over a broken and beaten Roman Reigns as the season premiere of Monday Night RAW comes to an end. ======================================= What Part/ Match of this weeks RAW do you enjoy the most? Or What moment? =======================================
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 14:54:32 +0000

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