WWE Money In The Bank 2013 (7/14/13) Philadelphia, - TopicsExpress


WWE Money In The Bank 2013 (7/14/13) Philadelphia, Pennsylvania WWE Tag Team Championships: The Usos vs The Shield Series of quick roll ups between Rollins and Jey. Reigns in unloading on Jey with big right hands. Jey fighting out of the corner. Suplex blocked by Reigns. Reigns looking for a suplex but Jey with a kick. Tag to Jimmy and double suplex on Reigns. Snapmare to Reigns. Jimmy misses with the big kick as Rollins pulls Reigns out of the ring. Usos still in control of the match and Rollins takes control off the irish whip. Reigns misses with an elbow. Jey sent over the ropes onto the apron. Jey takes out Rollins and Reigns hits a clothesline sending Jey from the apron to the floor. Reigns unloads on Jey and The Shield isolating Jey in their corner. Jey delivering a series of headbutts. Reverse chinlock by Rollins. The Shield with the upper hand, Reigns misses with a clothesline in the corner. Jimmy unloads on Rollins. Reigns comes in, Jey counters a back suplex. Rollins pulls Jey off the apron and Reigns sends Jimmy through the ropes. The Usos take over. Crossbody from the top ropes onto Rollins. Big splash in the corner to Rollins, Reigns taken out. Samoan Drop by Jimmy. Jimmy going airbourne again and Rollins cuts him off buying himself some time. Rollins climbs to the top rope and hooks Jimmy up for a superplex. Jey comes in and The Tower Of Doom. Rollins runs into a right hand. Kick by Jimmy, Jimmy with the big splash from the top rope. Jimmy picks Rollins up on his shoulder. Jimmy looking for a samoan drop from the top rope. Reigns with a big right hand. Powerbomb in the corner by Rollins and Reigns hits a spear for the three count The winners of the match: The Shield Welcome to Money In The Bank and we are live from the Wells-Fargo Arena in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. World Heavyweight Championship Money In The Bank: Fandango vs Dean Ambrose vs Jack Swagger vs Antonio Cesaro vs Wade Barrett vs Damien Sandow vs Cody Rhodes vs Wade Barrett Fandango goes after Barrett. Swagger unloads on Ambrose and The Real Americans clear the ring. The ladders coming into play in the early goings of the match and it’s a stand off between Team Rhodes Scholars and The Real Americans as both teams throw ladders into each other. Rhodes gutwrenched onto the ladder and Sandow whipped into the ladder. Rhodes with the Disaster Kick to Cesaro. Swagger setting up the ladder climbing up, Ambrose pulls him down and looks to nail him with the ladder but Swagger moves out of the way. Swagger thrown out of the ring and now Ambrose looking to climb up cut off by Barrett. Ambrose pulled through the ladder and Barrett delivers knee strikes and a big boot. Cesaro and Fandango get nailed with the ladder. Fandango with a legdrop onto the ladder laying on top of Barrett. Fandango looking to reach the briefcase. Rhodes on the top rope sent toppling to the floor by Ambrose. Sandow pulls Fandango down and whips him into the ladder. Suplex onto the ladder by Sandow. Barrett unloading on Sandow with a rung from the ladder. Barrett close to reaching the briefcase and Ambrose climbs up the other side. Cesaro sends Barrett crashing to the mat. DDT by Ambrose to Swagger. Slugfest between Cesaro and ambrose atop the ladder. Cesaro has Ambrose hanging from the ladder sends him crashing to the mat. Cesaro fights Rhodes off and Rhodes picks Cesaro up dumping him onto the ladder. Big kick to Fandango by Barrett and a suplex. Swagger with a slingshot to Sandow on the outside. Barrett and Swagger fighting on the ladder and Barrett’s head bounces off the ladder. Barrett hits the Bull Hammer to Swagger. Fandango climbs up the other side of the ladder. Fandango with a sunset flip from the top of the ladder. Ambrose drives Fandango face first into the mat. Cesaro folds the ladder up as Ambrose is standing on it. Ambrose using the ladder as a propeller taking out everyone. Ambrose skins the cat on the ladder as Swagger and Cesaro both grab one end and dump Ambrose out of the ring. The ladder gets thrown out of the ring. Cesaro climbs onto Swagger’s shoulder and Swagger walks to the middle of the ring. Rhodes dropkicks Swagger. Sending Cesaro crashing to the mat. Swagger sent over the ropes. Cross Rhodes to Fandango. Barrett goes for Wasteland and Rhodes delivers Cross Rhodes to Barrett. Rhodes brings the ladder back in. Ambrose climbing up the opposite side and the slugfest begins between Ambrose and Rhodes. Rhodes grabs Ambrose and throws him off the ladder. The Shield get involved and get taken out. The Shield pull Rhodes down and double team him. Barrett gets kicked by Rollins. Spear to Fandango by Reigns. The Usos run in going after The Shield. Ambrose alone in the ring gets sent crashing to the outside by Rhodes. Rhodes sets up the ladder and climbs to the top but Sandow pulls Rhodes down and unhooks the briefcase. The winner of the Money In The Bank Match: Damien Sandow Justin Roberts introduces the new GM of Raw. Brad Maddox. Maddox says what an audience we have tonight and says he is honoured to be the brand new GM of Monday Night Raw and thanks Vince McMahon for his belief in him to get the job done. He doesn’t pretend to be able to follow in the footsteps of Vickie Guerrero and makes a bad joke about high heels. He says he’s placed Vickie in the Money In The Bank pre-show spotlight panel and thanks her for her dedication and contributions to Raw and asks everyone in Philadelphia to chant “Thank You, Vickie”. He says she’s beloved around the world even in Philadelphia and turns everyone’s attention to the jumbo tron where we get a tribute to Vickie Guerrero. Maddox asks everyone to give Vickie a standing ovation WWE Intercontinental Championship: Curtis Axel vs Miz Side headlock by Miz. Shoulderblock to Axel. Axel unloads with a chop on Miz. Miz with a flapjack and a dropkick to Axel. Baseball slide to the outside. Miz then falls down telling the referee that Paul Heyman struck him and Heyman gets ejected from ringside. Sunset flip by Miz. Miz looks for the SCF but Axel counters. Back suplex by Axel. Axel stomps away at Miz. Dropkick by Axel. Axel works over the arm. Axel misses with a clothesline in the corner. Forearm by Miz. High running knee and big boot to the face by Miz. Running clothesline in the corner and axehandle to the skull by Miz. Axel counters another SCF. Miz counters the PerfectPlex, Axel counters the figure four. Axel hits the PerfectPlex the second time around. Miz looking for the figure four. It’s locked in. Axel reverses the figure four and Miz turns it back around. Miz chases Axel around the outside of the ring. Axel with a kick to the jaw. Axel drives Miz’ head into the mat for the three count The winner of the match: Curtis Axel Diva’s Championship: AJ vs Kaitlyn Kaitlyn takes control early on dropping AJ across her knees. AJ falls to the outside and Kaitlyn picks her up looking for a slam but AJ counters and slams Kaitlyn into the ringpost. AJ going after the injured arm. Kaitlyn rolled back into the ring. AJ works over the arm. AJ with a submission hold looking for the tap. AJ still holding onto the injured elbow. AJ locks onto Kaitlyn’s back and Kaitlyn backs her into the corner. Kaitlyn with a backbreaker. High elbow and a dropkick by Kaitlyn. Shoulderblock to AJ. Inverted DDT by Kaitlyn. AJ with a slap to Kaitlyn and Kaitlyn hits a clothesline. Suplex countered by AJ and AJ back to the arm. AJ to the top rope and Kaitlyn pushes her off as Langston catches her. Spear by Kaitlyn. AJ with The Black Widow on Kaitlyn for the submission The winner of the match by submission: AJ Lee Chris Jericho vs Ryback Ryback overpowering Jericho and Jericho fighting back but Ryback in control delivering clubbing blows to Jericho. Ryback with shoulder tackles in the corner. Jericho delivers knife edge chops. Ryback slides to the outside. Dropkick by Jericho not allowing Ryback to get back in the ring. Jericho from the top rope drives a knee into the back. Ryback, off the irish whip fires out of the corner with a clothesline. Big splash by Ryback. Reverse chinlock on Jericho. Ryback with a big splash from the second rope. Another clothesline to Jericho. Jericho hits the announce table and Ryback taking advantage back to the chinlock. Suplex by Jericho. Jericho looking for the Walls Of Jericho. Jericho off the ropes caught by Ryback and an overhead throw. Ryback with the Meat Hook clothesline. Ryback picks Jericho up for Shell Shocked. Codebreaker countered by Ryback. Jericho powerbombed by Ryback. Clothesline by Ryback and Jericho back to the leg and an enziguri to Ryback. Codebreaker by Jericho and Ryback bounces off the ropes landing on the outside. Jericho on the top rope lands a crossbody. Ryback goes for Shell Shocked again but Jericho counters with a DDT. Jericho misses with the Lionsault and Ryback rolls Jericho up for the three count The winner of the match: Ryback World Heavyweight Championship: Alberto Del Rio vs Dolph Ziggler Quick roll up by Ziggler. Del Rio unloads on Ziggler. Side headlock takedown. Dropkick by Ziggler. Clothesline in the corner to Del Rio. Ziggler delivers his series of elbowdrops. Del Rio clotheslined over the ropes to the floor. Enziguri by Del Rio. Ziggler thrown into the barricade. Del Rio with a reverse chinlock. Ziggler with a sunset flip, follows up with a dropkick, Ziggler misses the splash in the corner and his head bounces off the turnbuckle. Del Rio stomping away at Ziggler. Del Rio going after the head area. Ziggler with a faceplant from the top rope. Neckbreaker by Ziggler, Ziggler sidesteps Del Rio in the corner. Famouser countered by Del Rio with a German Suplex. Del Rio misses with the kick to the head, Ziggler hits the Famouser. Ziggler looks for the ZigZag but Del Rio counters with the tilt o whirl backbreaker. Del Rio off the ropes, caught by Ziggler. AJ comes skipping down to ringside. Neckbreaker countered by Del Rio but Ziggler hits a DDT. Ziggler goes to the top rope and Del Rio cuts him off. Inverted superplex by Del Rio. Ziggler counters the cross armbreaker. The kick to the head by Del Rio. AJ clotheslines Del Rio as the referee calls for the bell. The winner of the match by DQ: Alberto Del Rio WWE Championship: John Cena vs Mark Henry Cena runs into a shoulderblock. Headbutt by Henry and Cena gets overpowered in the corner. Hard irish whip into the corner by Henry. Big splash in the corner by Henry. Suplex by Henry onto the ring steps. Cena against the ropes and Henry delivers a knee to the back of the neck. Cena with a dropkick. Henry picks Cena up and delivers the pendulum into the barricade. Cena goes to slam Henry but Henry shifts his weight and falls on top of Cena and now Henry working over the neck. Cena unloads with punches and Cena and Henry engage in a slugfest. Cena with shoulder tackles taking henry off his feet. Side suplex by Cena. Cena hits the five knuckle shuffle. Cena goes for the AA but his knees buckle under him. Powerslam by Henry countered by Cena into a DDT. Cena hits the AA second time around. Cena from the top rope caught by Henry. Henry hits the WSS. Henry whipped face first into the exposed turnbuckle. Cena locks in the STF. Henry pushes Cena into referee Scott Armstrong, low blow by Cena. Cena locks the STF in and Henry taps out The winner of the match: John Cena WWE Championship Money In The Bank: RVD vs Christian vs Daniel Bryan vs Randy Orton vs Sheamus vs CM Punk Everyone unloads on RVD sending him to the outside. Sheamus goes for a Brogue Kick and right away he gets sent out of the ring. Christian and Punk square off while Bryan and Orton square off. The ring is cleared and now it’s Bryan and Punk one on one. Bryan unloads on Punk and Punk takes control with knife edge chops. GTS early on but Bryan counters with the Yes Lock. Sheamus introduces the ladder into the ring and kick to Sheamus by RVD. Monkey flip to Christian out of the corner. RVD has cleared the ring now. Hits a baseball slide to the ladder into Sheamus. RVD counters the Killswitch and military presses him onto the ladder. Rolling Thunder onto Christian. Orton back in sends RVD to the outside once more. Kick to the side of the head by RVD. RVD setting up for the Five Star Frog Splash but Christian nails him with the ladder. Christian with a ladder to Orton sending him to the outside. Christian sets up the ladder and he’s first one up but is stopped by Sheamus. Sheamus goes up and Christian stops him climbing over Sheamus to reach the briefcase. Christian counters the Celtic Cross. Sheamus nails Christian with a punch through the ladder. RVD knocks the ladder out from under Sheamus. Sheamus with the rolling senton to RVD onto the ladder. Sheamus makes a bridge with the ladder between the apron and the announce table. Picks Bryan up looking to put him through the ladder. Bryan counters looking to send Sheamus through the ladder. Sheamus rolls through but Sheamus hits the running high knee. Punk climbing up, Orton with a headbutt. Orton up the ladder stopped by Christian. And it’s Punk and Christian both climbing up. Bryan climbing up a second ladder. All six men on two ladders looking to grab the briefcase and they all topple to the mat. Sheamus with Irish Curse backbreakers to Bryan and Orton. Sheamus hits White Noise on Christian. Brogue Kick to RVD. Slugfest between Sheamus and Bryan. Bryan delivers The Fiery Red Hand. Sheamus seconds away from unhooking the briecase gets pulled down by Punk. Sheamus unloads on Punk. Sheamus misses with the ladder. Punk hits the high running knee into Sheamus. Punk takes the ladder drives Sheamus into the mat. And it’s Orton and Punk exchanging punches. T-bone Suplex into the ladder by Orton. Orton plants Punk with the DDT. Christian with a spear to Orton. Christian climbs up the ladder but RVD sends Christian to the mat. RVD sets the ladder up in the corner. Spinning legdrop onto Christian. Christian stops RVD. Christian and RVD slugging it out on top of the ladder. Christian falls and RVD jumps to the opposite ladder. Perched atop the ladder, RVD with the Five Star Frog Splash onto Christian. RVD climbs up the ladder, Sheamus climbs up the opposite side and RVD knocks him down. Sheamus knocks the ladder over. Bryan back in delivering kicks to both Sheamus and RVD. Running dropkick into the ladder by Bryan. Bryan with the suicide dive to the outside, to the top rope, Bryan hits a double missile dropkick. Bryan clears the ring and sets the ladder up once more. Bryan climbs up the ladder but Axel runs in and hits Bryan with a steel chair and delivers a neckbreaker on the outside. Punk hits Axel with a GTS. Punk slowly climbing up the ladder. Heyman steps into the ring and slams the other ladder into Punk. RVD rolls back in and climbs up the ladder to unhook the briefcase but Orton hits an RKO. Orton climbs the ladder and unhooks the briefcase The winner of the match: Randy Orton -End Show-
Posted on: Mon, 15 Jul 2013 03:14:06 +0000

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