WWE NXT RESULTS 11/27/14 The opening video played... Tyler - TopicsExpress


WWE NXT RESULTS 11/27/14 The opening video played... Tyler Breeze made his entrance and got a decent babyface reaction. Marcus Louis was out next with no video, no tron, no kneepads, and a towel over his head. This isnt a great look. 1. Tyler Breeze vs. Marcus Louis. The bell rang but Louis was hesitant to take the towel off his head and Breeze got a microphone. He said that nobody can expect him to take on the uggo of all uggos and that hes not this Golems precious. He pretended to throw up in his mouth as the crowd chanted precious and Louis cowered. Breeze pulled off the towel and told him to leave. He then berated him calling him a hideous monster who nobody will ever love and said he doesnt get to touch Prince Pretty tonight. Then, Breeze hit the Beauty Shot out of nowhere and pinned him. Tyler Breeze made Marcus Louis look like a total jabroni in about 3:15. Breeze left and Louis had a meltdown. He really does look like Golem. Then suddenly, he went stoic in the middle of the ring and the entire arena chanted this is awkward to close the segment... [C] A replay of the events during the break showed Marcus Louis walking out of the NXT arena defeated... Back in the arena, Enzo Amore and Colin Cassady made their entrance onto the stage. Enzo did his usual schtick and then introduced Carmella. She told the other Divas in NXT to watch their backs. Bada-bing, hottest chick in the ring. Enzo and Cass had a surprise for Carmella and someone mustve tipped off the crowd because they were chanting for blue pants. Enzo called this one of the most anticipated Divas matches in history and introduced Blue Pants who got a big pop from the crowd. Once again, Cass sang her to the ring. 2. Carmella (w/ Enzo and Cass) vs. Blue Pants (a/k/a Leva Bates). The crowd was firmly behind Blue as the two ladies traded some basic offense. Carmella hit two single-leg dropkicks and applied her submission. The crowd chanted No but Blue Pants tapped... Carmella squashed Blue Pants in about 0:50. Backstage, the roving reporter approached Finn Bálor and asked about his mentality going into his singles debut tonight. Bálor said he was out to make a big impact. He said that Tyson talks a lot about history but the future is now. He suggested Tyson make a DVD of tonights match and send it to his uncle Bret... Tyson Kidd vs. Finn Bálor was hyped as the main event... The Lucha Dragons were hyped up next to be reacting to The Vaudevillains skit from last week... [C] Back in the arena, The Lucha Dragons made their entrance once again looking like a pair of human highlighters. A graphic aired for the upcoming tag team title match between the Dragons and the Vaudevillains at what theyre calling Takeover: R-Evolution in December 11. The most prolific barely-existent tag team of all time, Jason Jordan and Tye Dillinger were out next. 3. The Lucha Dragons vs. Jason Jordan and Tye Dillinger in a non-title match. The crowd chanted Charlie Haas at Dillinger. Turds. The Dragons quickly took control of Dillinger and used a double-team wheelbarrow senton. Dillinger and Jordan took control of Cara and isolated him for a decent portion of the match, but the action was unspectacular. Kalisto got the hot tag around the three-minute mark and came in with a springboard high crossbody He hit his springboard tornillo and then an impressive triple-jump lucha armdrag. Sin Care wiped Dillinger out at ringside with a tope suicida and Kalisto connected with Salida del Sol in the ring for the win... The Lucha Dragons over Dillinger and Jordan in about 3:30. The commentators hyped Takeover III and then threw to a replay of Becky Lynchs win over Bayley from last week. They showed Charlotte making the save post-match and warning Bayley not to go after Sasha or Becky this week. Bayley was hyped for a promo after the break... [C] A new Kevin Owens vignette aired. Pictures of his family were shown and he said fighting is the best way for him to provide for his family. He was shown wearing a shirt with Fight Me splattered on the front and brief clips were shown of him hitting some of his trademark spots. He said that hes worked 14 years to get here and hell fight anyone and everyone because thats what he does best. He said he loves proving people wrong almost as much as he likes fighting, and thats why hes here. He said his name is Kevin Owens and hes going to change everything. 12/11/14... Back in the arena, Bayley made her entrance. The commentators reminded everyone that Charlotte wasnt around this week and she had warned Bayley not to call out Becky or Sasha. Bayley took a mic and the crowd chanted for her. She said she doesnt have a match tonight, but she wanted to be here. She said Charlotte warned her that she couldnt have her back this week, but shes dealt with bullies her whole life and Sasha and Becky are bullies. She said her mom told her that bullies are cowards. Sasha and Becky interrupted and got in Bayleys face. Bayley went after Sasha but was overwhelmed by the numbers game. They stomped out her knee before the refs hit the ring and backed Sasha and Bayley off. Bayley was down selling her knee and a bunch of people in the crowd did the Peter Griffin hurt knee thing. Hilarious... Backstage, the roving reporter asked Tyson Kidd for his thoughts going into tonights match against Bálor. Nattie answered before Kidd could and said that tonight is another chance for Kidd to prove himself. She said each new competitor beings a unique challenge, Kidd said if you want his thoughts, hes right here. Nattie said she was just putting him over. Funny. Kidd said that two weeks ago, Justin Gabriel and his knack for losing got in the way. Fact. He said hes been working extensively with his uncle Bret and theres a new Hitman on the horizon. He said that Bálor is one of these guys with a ton of hype, some smoke and some mirrors, but hes not as good as everyone thinks and Kidd will prove it. Nattie said she loved him and he said he had to go FaceTime with the cats... A Vaudevillains vignette aired. It was an old-timey film with title cards and all titled BOOM goes the Lucha Dragons. The commissioner called English on an old-timey phone and asked for help with the Lucha Dragons who were trying to rob a bank. They decided to train first, which involved English doing jumping calisthenics and Gotch wrestling a bear. They finally made it to the bank where the mini luchadors were setting off some TNT. Am I seriously covering this? What is my life? The Vaudevillains snuck up behind them and put the TNT there, which caused them to blow up in a big mushroom cloud. The segment ended with the Vaudevillains posing with the NXT tag titles and the minis dead bodies. A voice-over informed everyone that no actual Lucha Dragons were harmed in the making of the film but there will be no such promises at R-Evolution... Graphics hyped the Takeover 3 lineup matches set so far: The Vaudevillains vs. The Lucha Dragons for the tag titles, Sasha Banks vs. Charlotte for the womens title, and Sami Zayn vs. Adrian Neville for the NXT title... Back in the arena, Tyson Kidd made his entrance accompanied by Natalya. The crowd chanted for Nattie. Finn Bálor made his overdone entrance as a graphic hyped Bálor and Itami vs. The Ascension at Takeover 3. 4. Tyson Kidd (w/ Natalya) vs. Finn Bálor. Both guys came out with some mat work early and then traded some fancy armlock reversals. There appeared to be a miscommunication and they went right to a grounded chinlock. Bálor used a drop-down and a leapfrog before connecting with a dropkick that sent Kidd to ringside. Bálor was going to hit a dive, but Kidd pulled Nattie in front of him so Bálor stopped short. [C] Back in the ring, the crowd was doing the chicken dance as Kidd briefly got the better of Bálor until eating a high kick. Bálor looked to springboard, but Kidd dropkicked him off the ropes and knocked him to ringside. Kidd hit a hard neckbreaker at ringside before tossing Bálor in the ring for a quick two-count. Kidd wore Bálor out in the corner and hit a slingshot into the bottom turnbuckle for a two-count. Bálor tried to fight back but Kidd whipped him hard into the turnbuckles and retained momentum. Kidd hung Bálor up in the tree of woe and showed Nattie how he wanted her to choke Bálor before connecting with a big hesitation dropkick for a two-count. Kidd settled into a chinlock and ordered the ref to ask him in Irish! Funny. Bálor fought out with a series of hard chops to the chest. He hit his Pele kick and followed up with a big twisting brainbuster for a near-fall. Bálor knocked Kidd off the ropes with a kick to the head, but missed a diving double stomp. Kidd couldnt apply the Sharpshooper, but he used a drop toe hold onto the bottom rope and followed up with a slingshot guillotine legdrop for a good near-fall. Kidd went for a springboard elbow but Bálor got his knees up. Bálor hit the ropes and connected with a running penalty kick to the chest and Kidd was out. Bálor went to the top rope, but The Ascension interfered and knocked Bálor off the top rope to cause the DQ. Finn Bálor apparently beat Tyson Kidd by DQ in about 9:30. The Ascension put the boots to Bálor in the corner until Hideo Itami hit the ring. The Ascension briefly got the better of him until Bálor got back to his feet and things evened up. Referees hit the ring and tried to peel everyone apart, but failed. The show closed with the refs and some no-name talent in the ring trying to settle the chaos... -David
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 08:13:54 +0000

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