WWE Raw Results – January 27, 2014 * Welcome Ladies and - TopicsExpress


WWE Raw Results – January 27, 2014 * Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen to the post Royal Rumble edition of Monday Night Raw. The show begins with stills from last night showing the attack on John Cena by the Wyatt Family after his match with Randy Orton. We are live in the arena, where we are welcomed by The Authority, Triple H and Stephanie Mcmahon. Stephanie starts by welcoming everyone to Monday Night Raw. She starts talking about how good the show was last night, but she is quickly cut off by loud “YES” chants by the crowd. Triple H asks the crowd if they didn’t get what they wanted last night. He says that’s too bad for the crowd. Triple H says last night was an incredible night. Randy Orton defeated John Cena, Brock Lesnar destroyed Big Show, and Batista won the Royal Rumble match. Stephanie says there is still one more stop before Mania, and that is the Elimination Chamber. Orton will defend the title in the chamber. The music of Daniel Bryan starts up, and he makes his way to the ring. The crowed explodes in “YES” chants. Daniel Bryan asks the crowd to please stop Yesing, because The Authority doesn’t like it. Loud “YES” and “DANIEL BRYAN” chants fill the arena. Bryan says last night, he had a very tough match against Bray Wyatt. He said people are talking about his match over the rumble match itself. Triple H says Bryan made a good little effort last night. Bryan says the biggest disappointment last night was him not being in the royal rumble match. Bryan says everyone wanted him in the rumble, and to listen to the crowd. Bryan says every time he asked The Authority to be in the rumble, they said no. Stephanie says that as management, they have to look out for the well being of their superstars. She says due to Bryan’s recent medical history, they didn’t want him to be in 2 matches. Bryan asks how many times have they made him wrestle all 3 members of the shield and all members of the family. Bryan says they don’t care about protecting his help, or what’s best or business. Stephanie says that isn’t true, and all Bryan ever thinks about is himself. She asks if Bryan thinks everyone here only came to see him. The crowd explodes in ‘YES” chants. Bryan asks the crowd if they came to see Randy Orton or Triple H? The crowd responds in a loud no. Bryan tells them to listen to the people. Loud “DANIEL BRYAN” chants now from the crowd. Bryan says he isn’t here to complain about last night, but he wants to be in the chamber match. Bryan tells HHH that neither of them should leave the ring until he gets what he wants. Triple H says that it sounds good, but he has company. The music of The Shield starts up, and they make their way to the ring through the crowd. As they make their way, Bryan slides out of the ring and grabs a chair. Reigns makes it in the ring and attacks Bryan from behind. The other 2 members get in the ring to join the attack. Sheamus’ music starts up and he makes his way to the ring. The Shield gets the upper hand on him, and John Cena comes to the ring. The sides are even now and they have all paired off. All 3 members of The Shield get tossed to the outside and they retreat through the crowd as the faces celebrate in the ring. -Commercial Break- Back on Raw, Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara are in the ring. They will be in tag team action against The Real Americans. Zeb Colter comes out with a mic in hand. Zeb says that the only men that wear masks where he comes from are criminals. Zeb tells everyone to put their hand over their hearts and say “we the people.” Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara vs. The Real Americans Cesaro starts the match out on the offensive, but Mysterio gains control right back. Sin Cara now tags in. Cesaro gains control of Sin Cara and tags in Swagger. Swagger charges Sin Cara, but Sin Cara catches him with a head scissor. Sin Cara covers for a 2 count. Sin Cara goes or a sunset flip, but Swagger catches him. Swagger goes to the outside, but Sin Cara dives through the ropes onto him. Swagger and Colter have words, and Zeb slaps him in the face. Swagger gets back in the ring and hits an olympic slam followed by a shoulder tackle to Sin Cara as we go to commercial. -Commercial Break- Back on Raw, Cesaro is in control of Sin Cara. Sin Cara catches Cesaro with a kick to the head from the apron. Swagger now tags in. Swagger lifts Sin Cara up, but he counters into a tornado DDT. Both men are now down. Swagger gets to Cesaro, but Sin Cara back drops Cesaro to the outside. Sin Cara almost gets to Mysterio, but Cesaro pulls Mysterio off the apron. Cesaro is now back in the ring. He lifts Sin Cara up, but he counters into a roll up. Cesaro lifts Sin Cara on his shoulder and hits a slam. He follows with a cover for a 2 count. Swagger now tags back in. Big double team slam by The Real Americans and Swagger covers for a 2 count. Swagger with kicks to a prone Sin Cara. Swagger comes off the middle rope but miss the Swagger Bomb. Sin Cara gets to Mysterio. Mysterio is on fire and hits a tilt a whirl head scissor. Mysterio goes to the top and connects with the seated senton. Mysterio hits his bulldog and covers for a close 2 count. Mysterio with a big kick to the head with a cover, but Swagger breaks it up. Sin Cara lifts up Rey, and he connects with the 619 on Cesaro. Sin Cara goes for the swanton, but Cesaro moves. Sin Cara goes for a springboard move, but Cesaro catches him with the big uppercut. Cesaro connects with the neutralizer and covers for the 3 count. Winners by Pinfall – The Real Americans -Commercial Break- Back on Raw, we are joined by Bad News Barrett. Barrett asks for everyone’s attention. He says he has some bad news for everyone. He says later on tonight, we are having a match between The Miz and Dolph Ziggler. The match is entitled the battle of Cleveland. He’s grateful that it hasn’t been titled the battle for Cleveland. The winner would be a loser, because everyone from Cleveland are losers. We go to the announcers and they plug the WWE Network. We are then showed a video highlighting the Monday Night War. Back in the arena, Fandango and Summer Rae make their way to the ring. He will be in one on one action after the commercial break. -Commercial Break- Back on Raw, R-truth is in the ring with Fandango. They will go one on one. R-Truth vs. Fandango Both men lock up to start the match. R-Truth catches Fandango with a clothesline and follows it up with a back slide. R-Truth goes for a move but Fandango slides out of the ring toward the announce table. R-Truth gives chase, but Fandango catches Truth with a clothesline to the outside. Both men are now back in the ring. Fandango covers for a 2 count. Fandango hits a clothesline and covers for another 2 count. Fandango with a suplex and another cover for a 2 count. He now locks in a rear chin lock. Truth fights back to his feet, but Fandango knocks him back down. Truth gets whipped into the corner, and gives Fandango an elbow to the face. R-Truth connects with his modified stunner and covers for a 2 count. Fandango back on his feet and connects with a spinning heel kick for a close 2 count. Fandango goes to the top rope and jumps off, but Truth gets up and catches Fandango with the Little Jimmy for the 3 count. Winner by Pinfall – R-Truth We see Randy Orton in the back making his way to the ring. He will join us after the commercial break. -Commercial Break- Back on Raw, we are joined by the General Manager of Raw, Brad Maddox. He introduces the WWE World Heavyweight Champion Randy Orton. Orton makes his way to the ring. Orton starts by saying “the champ is here.” He says last night he beat John Cena again, and left the rumble as the champion. He says all that matters is that he won the match. He says he got to work this morning, and found out he has to defend the title in the elimination chamber. He asks Brad if it was his idea, or The Authority’s. He is cut off by the music of Batista. Batista makes his way to the ring. Batista congratulates Orton on his win last night. Loud “DANIEL BRYAN” chants by the crowd. He syas he is here to win the rumble and to become the WWE World Heavyweight Champion. He says he doesn’t care who the champion is at Wrestlemania, he is going to walk out as the champion. Brock Lesnar’s music starts up, and he and Paul Heyman make their way to the ring. Paul Heyman introduces himself to Brad Maddox. He says that Brock’s patience is running thin, and he wants Maddox to go back to the Authority and tell them they have 2 choices. They can make a match between Randy Orton and Brock Lesnar for the title, or they can make a match between Brock Lesnar and Batista. Heyman says he likes both suggestions, but it’s not to him. Heyman and Brock want an answer tonight, or else. Heyman and Lesnar make their way out of the ring and up the ramp as Batista and Orton look on. -Commercial Break- Back on Raw, Dolph Ziggler makes his way to the ring. He will be going one on one with The Miz in “the battle of Cleveland.” The Miz vs. Dolph Ziggler Both men lock up to start the match. Ziggler gains control with a headlock. Ziggler hits the ropes and connects with a shoulder block. Miz comes back with a knee to the gut. Miz charges in and hits his clothesline in the corner. Miz goes up top and jumps off, but Ziggler catches him with a shot and covers for a 2 count. Miz goes for the fameasser, but Miz moves. Ziggler jumps on Miz’s back and locks in a sleeper hold. Miz fights back to his feet and backs Ziggler into the corner. Miz gets seperation and connects with a boot to the face. Miz covers for a 2 count. Miz sets Ziggler up for the skull crushing finale, but Ziggler counters into a rollup for a 2 count. Miz goes for the mizzard of oz, but Ziggler pushes him away. Miz takes him down and locks in the figure 4 leg lock. Ziggler gets to the ropes to break the hold. Miz pulls Ziggler to the middle and goes for the figure 4 again, but Dolph rolls him up for a 2 count. Both men up and Ziggler connects with the Zig Zag for the 3 count. Winner by Pinfall – Dolph Ziggler -Commercial Break- Back on Raw, Ryback and Curtis Axel are in the ring. They will be in tag team action against The Usos. Ryback and Curtis Axel vs. The Usos Jey Uso and Ryback start this match off. They lock up and Ryback tosses him into the corner. Jey fights out of the corner with right hands. Jey jumps into Rybacks arms and Ryback slams him in dueling corners multiple times. Ryback now tags in Axel. Axel lands some stiff kicks. Axel connects with a standing drop kick and poses or the crowd. Jey fights back to his feet with right hands, but Axel clubs Jey back to the mat. Axel starts biting the forehead of Jey in the ropes. Ryback now tags back in. Axel and Ryback with a double team move in the corner to Jey. Ryback lifts Jey up in a stalling suplex and hits it. Ryback covers or a 2 count. Ryback taunts Jey, but Jey starts fighting back. Ryback hits an elbow and right hand to gain control again. Axel now tags back in. Axel connects with a couple big chops in the corner. Ryback now tags back in. Ryback with a snapemare followed by a mule kick. Ryback now locks in a rear chin lock. Jey fights back to his feet with right hands. Ryback charges Jey in the corner but Jey moves and Ryback falls to the floor. Ryback tags in Axel, and he cuts off Jey from making a tag. Jey gets away and tags in Jimmy. Jimmy is on fire off the hot tag. Jimmy with a big uppercut followed by shots in the corner. Jimmy charges in and connects with the samoan drop. Ryback comes in off the blind tag. Ryback gets Jimmy up for the shell shock, but Jey blind tags in as well. Dueling superkicks followed by a splash off the top by Jimmy Uso give the Usos the 3 count. Winners by Pinfall – The Usos -Commercial Break- Back on Raw, Kofi Kingston is in the ring. He will be going one on one with Alberto Del Rio. Kofi Kingston vs. Alberto Del Rio Both men lock up to start the match. Del Rio backs Kofi into the corner and attacks with a kick to the gut and right hands. Del Rio with a snapmare and starts choking Kofi on the middle rope. Kofi starts fighting back with kicks and punches. Kofi connects with a drop kick and a kick to the gut of Del Rio. Kofi charges and connects with 10 punches in the corner. Kofi charges again and Del Rio gets both feet up. Del Rio connects with a clothesline and covers for a 2 count. Del Rio connects with a big right hand in the ropes. Del Rio charges at Kofi in the ropes, but Kofi moves and Del Rio lands on the outside. Kofi dives through the ropes onto Del Rio. Both men are now back in the ring. As Kofi is getting back in the ring, Del Rio catches Kofi with an enziguri. Both men are now on the outside and Del Rio tosses Kofi back first into the barricade. Both men are now back in the ring. Del Rio covers for a 2 count. Del Rio now locks in a rear chin lock. Kofi fights back to his feet but Del Rio tosses him down by his hair. Del Rio goes to the 2nd rope and connects with an ax handle. Del Rio all over Kofi with stomps to the back. Del Rio and Kofi are now fighting on the top rope. Both men fall off the top rope to the floor as we go to commercial. -Commercial Break- Back on Raw, and Del Rio is in control of Kofi Kingston. Del Rio covers for a 2 count. Del Rio now locks in a rear chin lock. Kofi fights back to his feet and connects with a jaw breaker for separation. Kofi with a sunset flip for a 2 count. Del Rio comes back with a german suplex for a close 2 count. Del Rio charges to Kofi in the corner, but Kofi catches him with an elbow. Kofi connects with a big tornado DDT and both men are now down. The ref starts the 10 count. Both men get up about the 6 count. Kofi hits double chops and a drop kick. Del Rio attacks Kofi’s leg to gain control, but Kofi rolls him up for a 2 count. Kofi connects with the boom drop. Kofi calls for the trouble in paradise. He goes for it but Del Rio ducks. Kofi catches Del Rio and connects with the SOS. Kofi gets a 2 count when Del Rio grabs the middle rope to break the count. Del Rio pushes Kofi away and then connects with a tilt a whirl back breaker. Del Rio now calls for the cross arm breaker. Kofi fights out, but misses with trouble in paradise. Del Rio connects with the back stabber and covers for a close 2 count. Del Rio now goes to the top rope, but Kofi hangs him up there. Kofi goes up top with him. Del Rio fights Kofi off and hangs him on the middle rope. Del Rio comes off with a double stomp from the top rope. Del Rio connects with a kick to the jaw and covers for the 3 count. Winner by Pinfall – Alberto Del Rio -Commercial Break- Back on Raw, the next match will be for the tag team championship. The challengers, The Brotherhood, make their way to the ring. They are followed by the WWE Tag Team Champions, The New Age Outlaws. The Brotherhood vs. The New Age Outlaws Road Dogg talks trash to Cody and Goldust as the match gets started, and Cody and Goldust lay in a few shots to the outlaws. Billy Gunn and Goldust will officially start this match off. Billy starts with a crotch chop and Goldust lands some quick shots. Goldust is on fire to start the match and Billy retreats to the outside. The Outlaws regroup to gain their thoughts. Billy now gets back in the ring. Road Dogg now tags into the match. The men lock up and Goldust gains control with a quick shoulder block. Road Dogg retreats in the corner to get separation. Goldust wants a test of strength, but instead lands a right hand to Road Dogg. Cody now tags in and connects with an elbow off the top. Cody now locks in a front face lock. Road Dogg fights back to his feet, but Cody connects with a clothesline. Cody covers for a 1 count. Cody now locks in a shoulder lock. Road Dogg back to his feet and eats an elbow in the corner. Cody tries to come off the top but Road Dogg retreats to the outside. Road Dogg now back in the ring. Road Dogg and Cody trade kicks to the gut and Cody gains the advantage. Cody hits a snapmare and locks in another shoulder lock. Cody lands 2 knees to the arm of Road Dogg and covers for a 1 count. Road Dogg fights back with jabs to the face of Cody, but Cody comes back with a drop kick to the face. Cody covers for a 2 count. Goldust now tags back in. Goldust lands a shot to the gut and drops a knee to the face. Cover by Goldust for 2. Goldust locks in a shoulder lock of his own. Road Dogg backs Goldust to his corner and tags in Billy. Billy with big right hands followed by a cover for 1. Billy with a knee to the gut and tags Road Dogg back in. Road Dogg eats a right hand by Goldust. Goldust gets backed into the corner again and Billy tags back in. Goldust connects with a right hand followed by an atomic drop. Goldust hits the ropes but eats a boot to the face by Billy as we go to commercial. -Commercial Break- Back on Raw, Billy Gunn is in control of Goldust. Billy charges in and Goldust connects with a power slam to get some separation. Both men are down and the ref starts the 10 count. Billy gets to Road Dogg, but Goldust connects with the fade to black for a close 2 count. Both men get the tag and Cody Rhodes is on fire off the hot tag. Cody connects with a high knee to Billy, followed by a springboard double drop kick to both outlaws. Cody goes for the disaster kick, but Billy ducks and connects with a clothesline. Lesnar and Heyman make their way to the ring in the middle of the match. Lesnar connects with an F5 to both members of The Brotherhood. Winners by DQ – The Brotherhood Heyman says that The Authority took too long with their answer, so Lesnar will not face anybody tonight. Lesnar starts unloading chair shots to the back of Cody and Goldust. Lesnar poses over Cody and Goldust as we see a replay of what just transpired. Brock and Heyman make their way to the back as the ref checks on Cody and Goldust in the ring. -Commercial Break- Back on Raw, it will be 8 divas tag team action. The Funkadactyls and The Bells Twins will team against AJ Lee, Tamina, Aksana, and Alicia Fox. The Funkadactyls and The Bella Twins vs. AJ Lee, Tamina, Aksana, and Alicia Fox Cameron and Aksana trash talk and Cameron connects with a kick to the gut. Brie Bella now tags in. Brie connects with a drop kick and a cover for a 2 count. Nikki now tags in and connects with a drop kick to the back of the head of Aksana. Alicia Fox now tags in connects with a tilt a whirl back breaker for a 2 count. Alicia puts Nikki in the corner and tags in AJ. AJ with a snapmare followed by a modified sleeper. Nikki back to her feet, but eats a neckbreaker by AJ. AJ covers for a 2 count. Aksana now tags back in. Aksana lands stomps to Nikki in the corner. Aksana picks up Nikki and hits a sidewalk slam. She covers and gets a 2 count. Aksansa drops an elbow and drags Nikki back to her corner. Tamina now tags into the match. Tamina hits a scoop slam and drops a knee to the face of Nikki. Tamina now locks in a rear chin lock. Tamina gets Nikki back up and whips her into the corner. Tamina picks Nikki up and puts her on the top rope. She hangs Nikki upside down in the corner. Nikki counters with a kick to the face of Tamina. Tamina tags in AJ and Nikki gets to Naomi. Naomi connects with a few dropkicks and then hits a flipping clothesline. Naomi hits a leg drop and covers for a 2 count. All the divas are now in the ring fighting. The divas hit a triple suplex. AJ hits a kick to the gut of Naomi. Naomi connects with the rear view and covers for the 3 count. Winners by Pinfall – The Funkadactyls and The Bella Twins -Commercial Break- Back on Raw, Jerry Lawler is in the ring. He formally announces the next inductee in the 2014 WWE Hall of Fame, Jake “The Snake” Roberts. We then see a video package highlighting the career of Jake Roberts. We go back to the announcers, and they plug the WWE Network and show us an original program that will be on the network “Wrestlemania Rewind.” Back in the arena, John Cena makes his way to the ring. The first of his tag team partners, Sheamus, now makes his way to the ring. Their partner, Daniel Bryan, now makes his way to the ring. They will be in 6 man tag action against The Shield. The winning team of this match will be in the Elimination Chamber match. -Commercial Break- Back on Raw, The Shield make their way to the ring for the 6 man tag team match. Daniel Bryan, John Cena, and Sheamus vs. The Shield John Cena and Dean Ambrose will start the match. They lock up and Ambrose gains control with a headlock. Ambrose hits the ropes and eats a shoulder tackle by Cena. Rollins tags in the match. Rollins goes behind Cena, but Cena counters with a snapemare. Rollins counters back with a front face lock. Rollins hits the ropes and eats a right hand from Cena. Roman Reigns now tags in the match. Reigns and Cena lock up. Cena hits the ropes and eats a shoulder tackle by Reigns. They lock up against and Reigns gains control with a headlock. Reigns hits the ropes and hits a shoulder tackle. Cena back to his feet and goes for the AA, but Reigns fights out. Sheamus now tags in the match. Sheamus and Reigns lock up and Reigns backs Sheamus into the corner. They lock up again and Reigns backs him into the corner again. Reigns lands a few right hands to Sheamus in the corner. Sheamus starts fighting back with right hands and knees. Sheamus connects with a forearm to the jaw of Reigns. Sheamus connects with a neckbreaker and covers for a 1 count. Reigns connects with a big right hand and works on the arm of Sheamus. Rollins tags back in. Sheamus connects with a kick to the face, and follows it with a rollout slam. Sheamus hits a big boot to the back or Rollins. Rollins is trapped in the ropes and eats 10 clubbing blows to the chest. Sheamus gets Rollins on his shoulders, but Rollins fights out and connects with a dropkick to the knee of Sheamus. Ambrose now tags into the match. Ambrose all over Sheamus with stomps. Ambrose leans Sheamus on the ropes, but Sheamus fights out with a running forearm to the face. Daniel Bryan tags into the match. Daniel Bryan all over Ambrose with kicks to the gut. Daniel charges in and hits a drop kick to Ambrose in the corner. Both men go up and top Bryan hits a frankensteiner for a 2 count. Ambrose gets separation and tags in Rollins. Bryan takes Rollins down and locks in the surfboard stretch. Bryan tags Sheamus while he still has the hold on. Sheamus connects with a big boot to the face of Rollins. Sheamus drops a leg and covers for a 2 count. Sheamus tags in Cena. Sheamus and Cena hits a double suplex to Rollins for a 2 count. Cena eats an elbow from Rollins followed by a running lariat. Rollins covers for a 2 count as we go to commercial. -Commercial Break- Back on Raw, Ambrose is in control of John Cena. Ambrose has Cena by the leg and tags in Rollins. Rollins attacks Cena to cut off the tag. Rollins slaps Cena and starts taunting him. Cena fights back with right hands to the gut. Cena charges in and eats a boot. Rollins comes off the top with a blockbuster for a 2 count. Rollins chokes Cena on the bottom rope and tags in Reigns. Reigns hits his seated drop kick to Cena on the apron. Reigns covers and gets a 2 count. Reigns calls for the superman punch and connects with it. Reigns calls for the spear, but Cena moves and Reigns falls to the outside. Cena tries to make a tag but Reigns gets back in the ring and cuts Cena off with a tackle. Reigns covers for a 2 count. Ambrose tags back in the match. Ambrose stomps on the fingers of Cena and follows with some right hands. Ambrose whips Cena hard into the corner and Cena is down. Ambrose tries to whip him again, but Cena reverses. Cena tries to make the tag but Rollins tags in and cuts him off. Rollins has Cena by the foot, and runs over and knocks Bryan off the apron. Rollins gets Cena back in his corner and lands big boots. Ambrose tags back into the match. Ambrose and Rollins hit a double suplex and Ambrose covers for a 2 count. Ambrose locks in a shoulder lock. Bryan and Sheamus are trying to get the crowd into the match. Ambrose transitions into a sleeper hold. Cena fights back to his feet and carries Ambrose on his back. Cena backs Ambrose into the corner to break the hold. Ambrose runs out and hits a knee to the gut. Ambrose hits a big DDT and covers for a close 2 count. Cena gets to his feet and connects with an AA on Ambrose. Cena gets to Bryan and Bryan starts cleaning house. Bryan with big right hands to Rollins. Bryan flies to the outside onto Ambrose. Bryan goes up top and hits a missile drop kick to Rollins. Bryan connects with big kicks to the chest and head of Rollins. Bryan covers but Reigns breaks it up at 2. Reigns hits a spear on Sheamus followed by one to Cena. Bryan runs in and hits the flying knee to Reigns. Rollins rolls up Bryan from behind and gets a close 2 count. Rollins and Bryan trade right hands. Rollins goes for a german suplex but Bryan lands on his feet. Rollins connects with a power to Bryan in the corner. Rollins covers for a close 2 count. Rollins charges in and hits a forearm to the face of Bryan. Rollins goes up top and goes for the curb stomp, but Bryan moves. Bryan connects with a release german suplex. Bryan tries the drop kick in the corner, but Rollins moves. Bryan locks in the Yes lock, but Ambrose breaks it up. Sheamus hits the brogue kick to Ambrose. Rollins misses Bryan in the corner. Both men hit the ropes and connects with a double cross body block. Reigns and Cena tag in. Cena locks in the STF on Reigns. Reigns fights out of the STF with his strength. As he fights out, the lights go out and The Wyatt Family are in the ring. The Wyatts square off with Bryan, Cena, and Sheamus. The Wyatt Family get tossed out of the ring and Justin Roberts announces that Bryan, Cena, and Sheamus will be in the chamber match. Winners by DQ – Daniel Bryan, John Cena, and Sheamus After the match, The Shield protest angrily on the outside while the faces celebrate in the ring as we go off the air.
Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 16:25:46 +0000

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