WWE Raw Results (6/16/14) Cleveland, Ohio Posted By: Elio C. on - TopicsExpress


WWE Raw Results (6/16/14) Cleveland, Ohio Posted By: Elio C. on Jun 16, 2014 Source: Welcome to Monday Night Raw and tonight we are live from Cleveland, Ohio Raw opened with a wide-shot of the arena, then a look at the roster assembled on the stage. John Cena was front-and-center representing the babyfaces and Seth Rollins front-and-center representing the heels. Then, Triple Hs music played to bring out Hunter and Stephanie McMahon. The Authority marched down to the ring as WWE replayed Dr. Maroons comments last week explaining why Daniel Bryan will not be medically cleared to wrestle and Stephanie announcing the end of Bryans title reign. In the ring, Stephanie welcomed everyone to Raw as the WWE Title and World Title belts hung above the ring. Steph turned to face the locker room, noting they want all of them to know that they care. And they know how much it hurts to not have a WWE World Hvt. champion. Hunter spoke next about needing a champion year- round. Steph talked up Hunter as the greatest ever to boos, then said its quite sad that all of the wrestlers have been represented by a B-Plus Player like Daniel Bryan. The crowd responded with Bryans Yes! chant. Hunter said whats really disappointing is Bryan has no heart because his selfishness produced his refusal to give up the title belt. Hunter said everyone - the fans included - deserve better than Bryan as champion. Hunter continued that standing on the stage right now might be the next WWE World Hvt. champion. The crowd chanted Daniel Bryan over Stephanie, who talked over the chant that someone will join the MITB qualifiers to determine the next WWE World champion. Steph then put all of them in a battle royal to determine the next qualifier. Hunter said not everyone, though. He said there are certain stars who have refused to evolve and comply to authority. Those stars not in the battle royal will be Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns. Boos. And also John Cena. Steph smirked at Cena from the ring. Hunter told Cena not to get excited because hell get his opportunity to compete. Hunter said he knows how much Cena likes to help people, like Bryan and The Shield. See, just a short time ago, Stephanie promised the audience a particular type of match, but because Bryan cannot compete, they have not been able to give that match. And they hate to lie. So, tonight, Cena will get his chance to enter the MITB ladder match by winning a stretcher match. And its against Kane. Kanes music played, then an ambulance backed up into the arena off-stage. EMTs emerged and wheeled a stretcher down to ringside to wrap up the segment. -Commercial 8:12pm- 1. Seth Rollins vs Dolph Ziggler The bell sounds and here we go. Rollins’ ring gear is pretty much the same as when he was in The Shield, only he doesn’t have a vest on, he’s got a skin-tight Nike sleeveless black mesh shirt and black cargo-type pants. The crowd is hot for this one, as they are mixing up a bunch of different chants. Rollins takes the early offensive lead over Ziggler, but Ziggler quickly takes over. The fans unify on a loud “you sold out” chant directed at Rollins. It isn’t long before Rollins takes over the offense of the match. He has Ziggler grounded as Cole recaps the announcements made by The Authority in the opening segment of tonight’s show. Ziggler lands a picture-perfect dropkick to change the tide of the match -Commercial 8:20pm- Were back from break and Rollins turns the tide back in his favour using a chinlock on Ziggler. Ziggler connects with a jawbreaker. Rollins sidesteps Ziggler as he goes sailing through the ropes to the floor. Rollins goes for a dive through the ropes but Ziggler connects with a right hand. Rollins misses with a clothesline. Ziggler with a clothesline of his own. Rollins counters with an enziguri. Rollins goes for the curb Stomp but Ziggler plants him with a DDT. Ziggler unloads with punches on Rollins. Ziggler goes for The Famouser but Rollins counters. Ziggler has the sleeperhold locked in. Rollins counters, Ziggler with The Famouser. Ziggler goes for the ZigZag, Rollins shakes him off. Rollins with a springboard but lands on his feet. Ziggler rolls him up but gets a 2 count. Ziggler going for another DDT but Rollins counters and drops him in the corner. Curb Stomp by Rollins and Dean Ambrose runs in and attacks Rollins chasing him from the ring. The winner of the match: None Post Match: Ambrose takes the mic and says he knows Rollins doesnt do anything without the say so from the boss but Rollins should just save himself the time and come down to the ring and get it over with. Triple H appears on the screen and tells Ambrose he knows Ambrose wants Rollins tonight but hes got some bad news for Ambrose. And Bad News Barrett makes his way out to the ring for our next match as we go to commercial -Commercial 8:31pm- Dean Ambrose vs Bad News Barrett Back from break and we join this match in progress. Ambrose controlling the match delivers a crossbody to Barrett. Ambrose stomps away at Barrett in the corner. Barrett suplexed out of the corner. Barrett with a chinlock on Ambrose. Ambrose counters with a back suplex. Barrett connects with a kick and boot to the face. Barrett with knee strikes to Ambrose and Ambrose explodes out of the corner unloading on Barrett. Clothesline sends Barrett over the top rope and Ambrose dives over the top rope taking out Barrett. The ringsteps come into play as Ambrose bounces Barretts head off the steps. Ambrose on the top rope and Barrett connects with a clubbing forearm sending him crashing to the floor. Ambrose tries to get back in the ring but Barrett connects with the big boot. Barrett follows Ambrose and goes after the injured shoulder -Commercial 8:39pm- Barrett maintaining control throughout the break and back in the ring Barrett continues to wear down the injured shoulder. Ambrose mounting some offense as he connects with clotheslines. Irish whip out of the corner reversed by Barrett. Barrett hooks Ambrose up but its Ambrose countering with a DDT. Ambrose with a nearfall on Barrett. Ambrose measiures Barrett with short jabs. Off the ropes, Ambrose gets planted with Winds Of Change by Barrett. Barrett picks Ambrose up for Wasteland but Ambrose counters with a nearfall. Clothesline to Barrett. Rollins appears out of nowhere standing on the announce table distracting Ambrose. Ambrose knocks Rollins down. Barrett sent to the outside. Ambrose back in takes out both Barrett and Rollins. Ambrose goes after Rollins as Barrett rolls back into the ring. The referee administers the 10 count giving Barrett the win The winner of the match by count out: Bad News Barrett Post Match: Ambrose runs back into the ring and delivers the Dirty Deeds to Barrett Backstage: Vickie Guerrero was holding two drinks when Roman Reigns stopped her in the hallway. Reigns tried to sweet-talk Vickie, then reminded her that shes a Guerrero. He told Vickie to stand for something, unless she wants to kiss Steph and Hunters butts for the rest of her career. Reigns noted The Authority likes sweetener in their coffees, then Vickie scrambled to find sweetener as Reigns put something in their drinks with his back to the camera. No indication whether the additive was to knock out The Authority or give them upset stomachs. Vickie returned and accidentally sneezed on the drinks after Reigns asked her when shes going to tell Authority to shove this job. Vickie shrugged her shoulders after sneezing on the drinks, then walked off -Commercial 8:50pm- A ladder was in the ring for the MITB title match visual. The Wyatt theme interrupted, then Bray Wyatt led Erick Rowan and Luke Harper down to ringside. Once in the ring, Bray spoke in a dark arena about needing power. Is he bringing in MVP? Bray said power can be so addicting and he just so happens to think power will be the downfall of all mankind as we know it. Bray said a powerful man is to be respected. And the power lies up there (the WWE World Title belts hanging above the ring), Brays first real explanation of why he is motivated to become WWE World champion. Bray said Harper and Rowan were viewed as worthless, like dirt, by this world, but his brothers are going to fight for the Tag Titles and destroy The Usos at Money in the Bank. Bray said he will stand at the top of the ladder and he will change the world forever. Because hanging above this ladder is his glory, absolution, and the change that the audience has been praying for. And then he will be able to truly say he has the whole world in his hands. Bray led the crowd in song, then Sheamuss music interrupted. On-stage, Sheamus addressed Bray that hes not sure if Bray is aware of this, but its bad luck to walk underneath a ladder. Sheamus said Bray likes to sing about having the whole world in his hands, but he would like to shove his whole boot down his throat. Bray smiled and clapped, saying he likes that. Sheamus then entered the ring to start the match. Sheamus vs Bray Wyatt Wyatt and Sheamus trade punches. Wyatt with a headbutt. And Sheamus counters with his own set of headbutts. A kick and forearm by Wyatt. Right hand to Sheamus. Sheamus fires back and delives a short arm clothesline. Boot the face by Sheamus and a big uppercut. Wyatt wrestles Sheamus to the ground and lands a series of right hands. Irish whip into the corner by Wyatt. Punch to Sheamus. Sheamus counters Wyatts suplex and delivers one of his own. Elbow to the back of the neck by Sheamus follows it up with a neckbreaker. Wyatt back on the offense runs off the ropes and into a clothesline by Sheamus. Knee strike to Wyatt.. Sheamus on the second ropes lands a right hand and count of 1 on Wyatt. Sheamus goes for the Ten Beats Of The Bodhran but Wyatt counters. Sheamus sends Wyatt crashing to the floor. Harper and Rowan stare down Sheamus and The Usos run down to even up the numbers as we go into break -Commercial 9:05pm- knee to the spine by Sheamus. Sheamus explodes with double sledges and shoulder to the gut. High running knee ducked by Wyatt. Elbows by Sheamus and Sheamus connects with the Ten Beats Of The Bodhran. Sheamus picks Wyatt up on his shoulder looking for White Noise but Wyatt counters with a clubbing blow to the back of the head. Uppercut to Sheamus. Powerslam by Sheamus. Sheamus goes for The Brogue Kick but Rowan and Harper double team him and The Usos get involved and and a brawl breaks out between all six men. Sheamus with a rolling senton to Wyatt on the floor. The Usos and Sheamus clear the ring of Harper and Rowan. Sheamus holds the ladder in place as The Usos run up the ladder diving to the outside taking out Rowan and Harper. Sheamus caps it off by dumping the ladder over the top rope onto them The winner of the match by DQ: Sheamus Office: The Authority are talking and Vickie brings their coffee in but accidentally spills Triple Hs and he orders her to go get him another coffee -Commercial 9:15pm When we return from commercial, Renee Young is with a coffee- drinkin’ Stephanie McMahon. She asks Steph for her prediction on tonight’s battle royal. Steph gets choked up and says “may the best man win.” As she walks off, we see Paul Heyman. Heyman introduces himself to Renee Young and talks about the Money In The Bank ladder match being for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. Heyman talks about some of the guys who could leave the match as the new champion. He says Cesaro winning the MITB isn’t just a prediction, much like Brock Lesnar ending Undertaker’s undefeated streak at WrestleMania — it’s a spoiler. Rusev vs Heath Slater Heath Slater is shown standing in the ring by himself. “The Ravishing Russian” Lana is introduced, along with Rusev. The two come out together and head to the ring without Lana cutting her typical promo. Once the two get into the ring, then Lana grabs a mic. The fans break out in “U.S.A.” chants and Lana simply yells at them to “shut up.” She then cuts a typical Lana-style promo. Rusev says a couple of words and then Slater gets on the mic and tells them that if they like Russia so much they should go back there. He informs him that tonight he’s going against “The American Rock Star” Heath Slater. Right hand by Slater and Slater staggering Rusev with kicks and punches but its Rusev with a kick to Slater. Rusev plants a foot on Slaters back and locks in The Accolades for the submission The winner of the match: Rusev Backstage: Backstage, Triple H is standing outside of a bathroom. Stephanie is in it and she’s sick. Vickie walks up with coffee. He tells her to go in and check on Steph. Steph ends up puking in Vickie’s face. Twice. I mean all over her face, too. Big time. HHH helps a sick Steph out of there as Vickie stands there covered in puke. HHH tells Vickie she’s in charge and to make sure nothing goes wrong in the battle royal. Vickie — covered in puke — screams at the top of her lungs -Commercial 9:33pm- Backstage: Roman Reigns knocks on The Authoritys door and Vickie asks what Reigns wants and Reigns says she should stand up to The Authority and even if she does get fired next week she will have done something positive for the WWE Universe. Reigns demands she make it official and put him in the battle royal and Vickie says fine -Commercial 9:41pm- Backstage: Raw host Kevin Hart is plugging his new movie Think Like A Man 2. Adam Rose walks in and says he liked Harts movie and tells him to climb aboard The Exotic Express. Hart says if Rose si saying what he thinks hes saying no thanks and Rose tells him to think like a Rosebud Adam Rose & Summer Rae vs Fandango & Layla After Layla and Rae paired off to continue their fight, Rose pinned Fandango in short order. Kevin Hart then changed his tune and joined Adam Rose celebrating in the ring. Hart danced around in the ring, then took a flat-back bump into the sea of people with Rose. No, no, no! JBL shouted. Dont do it! The winners of the match: Adam Rose & Summer Rae -Commercial 9:53pm- Battle Royal Damien LeBron James Sandow was ganged up on and eliminated 12 seconds into the match, popping the crowd. Santino was gone next, then Xavier Woods. Heels tried to gang up on Reigns, but Reigns fought them off. Reigns eventually tossed Titus ONeil, prompting Cole to bring up Reigns destroying the Royal Rumble back in January. Swagger then slingshot Sin Cara over the top rope for an elimination. And theres Rob Van Dam getting some facetime in the match. Kofi Kingston and Jack Swagger battled for a while, then Kofi got the best of the exchange by flipping Swagger over the top rope for the next elimination. Cole hyped the action continuing on the App (heavy plugs throughout the show tonight) before Raw cut to break. -Commercial 10:05pm- Back from break it was Roman Reigns who dominated most of the battle royal. Samoan Drop to Ryback. A double spear took out RybAxel. It was then down to three men. Bo Dallas got speared and thrown over the top rope and then there were 2. Rusev and Reigns. Rusev and Reigns traded punches. Reigns with a shoulder tackle to Rusev follows up with the Superman Punch for the final elimination Kofi was eliminated during the break. Back from break, the battle royal was down to about eight men. The focus was on Rusev attempting to look tough driving a foot near Reignss throat in the corner. Ryback then eliminated Dolph Ziggler to boos. Reigns suddenly started flying at folks, popping the crowd. But, no eliminations. That came moments later when Fandango was eliminated. Big E. then eliminated Ryback and Reigns tossed Axel. The match was down to Barrett, RVD, Reigns, Rusev, Big E., and Bo Dallas. RVD shot on Bo with hard strikes, but walked into a big blow from Barrett. RVD came back with a thrust kick, but Bo Dallas suddenly snuck up on RVD and dumped him over the top rope for an elimination. Bo helped up Barrett to show sportsmanship, but Barrett clotheslined him and tried to dump him over the top rope for revenge from two years ago, but Bo held onto the ropes to avoid elimination. Suddenly, Reigns eliminated Barrett as Big E. was eliminated on the other side of the ring. Bo almost eliminated Reigns, but took a spear for good measure. Reigns then dumped Bo Dallas and it came down to Reigns vs. Rusev, giving Rusev a big spotlight his character needs. Rusev ran over Reigns and did his loud noises, but took a Superman Punch from Reigns that sent him flying off the ring apron to the floor. Reigns won, the crowd popped, and Cole said Reigns could be the next champion. The winner of the Battle Royal: Roman Reigns -Commercial- Backstage: Renee Young brought in John Cena to discuss Roman Reigns winning the battle royal. Cena excitedly repeated the storyline talking points and framed Reignss win as doing the impossible. Cena then discussed his main event match against Kane. He sent a message to The Authority by counting down his fingers to a middle finger that he turned into flashing his index finger to keep it PG. Cena smirked and walked off. -Commercial- Paige vs Cameron Cameron was the aggressor early on, trying to prove herself to Paige. But, she lost her cool and lost control of the match. Naomi hung her head in disappointment as Cameron lost control of the match, then Paige applied her Please Tap Out submission for the win. The winner of the match by submission: Paige Locker Room: Byron Saxton brought in Goldust to discuss Codys tag partner selection for tonight. Back from break, Ryback and Curtis Axel were in the ring to handle double-duty on the night. Goldust was then introduced by himself. He looked to the Titantron, where a random video played. Out came Stardust. It was Cody Rhodes dressed as Goldust doing his mannerisms. Goldust didnt seem to know what to make of his brothers new get-up, but rolled with it. Goldust & Stardust vs RybAxel The Rhodes Bros. double-teamed the heels early on, knocking them out of the ring. Cody, as Stardust, did odd gyrations like his brother before delivering a springboard smash to Axel. Stardust with a front-flip bulldog out of the corner and it was good for the pin and the win in less than one minute. The focus remained on Cody, pretty much ignoring Goldusts role in the segment. The winners of the match: Goldust & Stardust Video Package: Opening Ceremony of the 2014 Special Olympics that WWE is sponsoring. Stephanie McMahon, the top heel authority figure, was shown speaking about WWEs involvement in the Games. Back on Raw, Jerry Lawler read a statement about what the Games are about. John Cena vs Kane - Stretcher Match JBL used the early-going to tease even more physicality available at Money in the Bank in two weeks. He then introduced the point of Daniel Bryan being out of action partly because of Kane. Two heels (Heyman and JBL) have covered for Bryan tonight; no babyfaces have. Kane went for an early stretcher ride, but Cena easily rolled off. Cena continued to sell Kanes early offense as Raw cut to break. -Commercial- Raw returned with the crowd in the middle of a traditional Lets Go Cena / Cena Sucks dueling chant. Kane then lit up Cena with a chair as JBL noted there are no rules, which brings up the old question of why not bring out a life-threatening weapon to subdue Cena and stretcher him out. JBL did not go as heavy as Cole did in the Last Man Standing match at Payback to ruin the moment, but its still an unanswerable question. In any event, Kane introduced ring steps into the match, but Cena knocked the legs out from under Kane and Kane ate the edge of the steps. Cena tried an AA into the steps, but Kane blocked and DDTed Cena face-first into the ring steps. Cena was then heard audibly calling a spot to Kane, who dragged Cena out of the ring. Kane placed Cena on the stretcher, but Cena easily rolled off, frustrating Kane. On the other side of the ringside area, Kane cleared the announce table, but Cena sprung on Kane to give him an AA through the table. Cole freaked out on commentary, then Cena surveyed how far he had to go to get Kane to the opposite side of the arena. Cena started the journey of dragging Kane across the ringside area firemans carry-style, but sold losing strength. Cena paused, collected himself, and made it to the stretcher. But, Cena collapsed to the floor. Cena retrieved a second stretcher, placed Kane on the board, and Seth Rollins and Randy Orton suddenly showed up. Rollins and Orton beat up Cena, then sent him into the ring, where Orton delivered an RKO. Rollins wanted a chair shot to Cena, but Dean Ambrose showed up and knocked around Rollins. But, Kane entered the ring and chokeslammed Ambrose. Cena low-bridged Kane out of the ring, though, before surveying the damage around him. For his next move, Cena lifted one of the ring steps into the air and chucked them down at Kane, who stumbled down onto the floor. At 15.00, Cena grabbed a stretcher and placed Kane on the board -End Show- Follow @ WNSource
Posted on: Tue, 17 Jun 2014 03:56:03 +0000

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