WWE Raw Results (6/24/13) North Charleston, South Carolina- - TopicsExpress


WWE Raw Results (6/24/13) North Charleston, South Carolina- shekhar Welcome to WWE Monday Night Raw. Raw this week comes to us from North Charleston, South Carolina and we get a video re-cap of last week’s Raw and CM Punk-Brock Lesnar confrontation as well as Mark Henry’s “retirement” speech. We then go live inside the North Charleston Coliseum for our opening match Randy Orton vs Daniel Bryan Daniel Bryan cuts a promo and says before he starts his match, there are some people who say he has a complex and is an example of the walking little man syndrome and says whether it was teaming with Kane or years ago on NXT some people have always called him the weak link and calls them morons because he has fought toe to toe with Randy Orton twice. And a true weak link would have taken a count out victory and run but he will not be satisfied until he pins Randy Orton or makes him tap out in the middle of the ring. Orton comes out and tells Bryan to shut up and fight. Orton unloads on Bryan and Bryan fighting out of the corner but Orton lands punches and a headbutt. Bryan turns it around landing a series of kicks. Orton tosses Bryan to the outside and levels him with a clothesline. Bryan sent over the announce table. High knee by Bryan and referee Charles Robinson calls for the bell as this match gets completely out of control. More officials run down to separate Orton and Bryan The winner of the match: Double DQ -Commercial- Backstage: Vickie and Brad Maddox are talking and Bryan storms in protesting the double DQ result and Bryan says he wants another match with Orton because this ends tonight. Maddox says it doesn’t end tonight they have a full show and Bryan says if he doesn’t get his match with Orton, he wants a match with Maddox. Vickie gives Bryan his match. Christian & Sheamus vs Team Rhodes Scholars Shoulderblock by Rhodes to Christian. Christian with a shoulderblock of his own. Sunset flip on Rhodes. Christian looking for an open handed slap but the distraction by Sandow allows Rhodes to get the upper hand as he throws Christian into the ring steps. Rhodes stomps away on Christian. Side Russian legsweep and the Cobito Acquiet. Rhodes with a suplex. Sunset flip by Christian, Rhodes rolls through and hits a clothesline. Double axehandles to Sandow and Rhodes. Sandow counters White Noise. Sheamus catches Sandow with the Fiery Red Hand. Brogue Kick to Rhodes for the three count The winners of the match: Sheamus & Christian -Commercial- Backstage: Vickie walks in and tells CM Punk she’s putting him in a match tonight. Punk meanwhile pretends not to hear her and she yells Excuse Me. Punk yells Excuse Me at her and tells her to let him know when Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar arrive. Aksana unloads on Kaitlyn. Slap to Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn ducks a clothesline and hits a shoulderblock. Dropkick to Aksana sending her to the outside as Kaitlyn is distracted by her theme music suddenly playing. AJ walks out dressed like Kaitlyn. Aksana rolls Kaitlyn up from behind. Kaitlyn hits a spear for the three count The winner of the match: Kaitlyn Post Match: AJ cuts a promo on Kaitlyn and how she lost the WWE Diva’s Title as well as her dignity. Big E. Langston walks out with a bouquet of flowers. Layla holds Kaitlyn back We get a Wyatt Family promo -Commercial- We look back at last week’s “retirement” speech delivered by Mark Henry -Commercial- Chris Jericho vs Alberto Del Rio Side headlock takedown by Del Rio. Shoulderblock to Jericho. Jericho with a dropkick. Suplex to Del Rio. Del Rio unloads on Jericho. Enziguri to Jericho. Jericho with a dropkick. Del Rio sent to the floor. Jericho misses with the dropkick and hits the floor and Del Rio throws Jericho into the barricade. -Commercial- Small package by Jericho. Kneelift to Del Rio. Enziguri to the back of the head by Jericho and a shoulderblock to Del Rio Jericho up to the top rope and Del Rio with a kick to the back of the head sending Jericho to the floor. Chinlock by Del Rio on Jericho. Jericho misses with a dropkick and Del Rio stomps on Jericho. Stomp on the head by Del Rio. Del Rio with a series of headbutts. Jericho blocking a superplex sends Del Rio to the mat. Crossbody by Jericho. Bridging suplex by Jericho. Del Rio charges in the corner and Jericho side steps. Jericho looking for the Codebreaker rolls through looking to lock in the Walls. Del Rio kicks out. Cross armbreaker countered by Jericho. Jericho hits the running bulldog. Jericho looking for the Lionsault but Del Rio gets the knees up. Cross armbreaker locked in by Del Rio. Jericho reaches the ropes. Jericho locks the Walls in and Rodriguez attacks Jericho with the pail as the referee calls for the bell. The winner of the match by DQ: Chris Jericho Post Match: Dolph Ziggler attacks Del Rio. Jericho hits Rodriguez with a Codebreaker. Ziggler hits Del Rio with a ZigZag. Jericho and Ziggler are face to face and as Jericho goes to leave the ring Ziggler hits him with the ZigZag Backstage: Triple H walks into Vickie and Brad’s office and says he heard they were thinking of cancelling the Bryan match. Vickie repeats what McMahon said about Bryan being small and being an embarrassment to WWE. Triple H says all that matters is what the WWE Universe thinks and he thinks the WWE Universe wants to see Daniel Bryan vs Randy Orton and he wants Vickie to give the WWE Universe the choice of match Bryan and Orton will have. -Commercial- Jerry Lawler, Brad Maddox and Vickie Guerrero are out to make an announcement for the new WWE 2K14 Video Game. Lawler mentions a contest that is running where fans can create their own cover and the winning cover will be featured on all flipsides of WWE 2K14. Vickie then tells the WWE Universe they have three options to choose from for the type of match Daniel Bryan and Randy Orton will have. 1) Street Fight 2) Lumberjack 3) Falls Count Anywhere. Maddox and Vickie take turns showing their own created covers and Lawler then unveils the official cover which features The Rock -Commercial- Ryback vs Great Khali Khali backs Ryback in the corner and lands a chop. Ryback with shoulder tackles and Khali hits Ryback with the big boot. Clothesline to Ryback. Elbow smashes to the side of the head by Khali and a right hand sends Ryback to the mat. Khali looking for the Punjjabi Plunge. Ryback counters and picks Khali up delivering Shell Shocked for the three count The winner of the match: Ryback -Commercial- John Cena comes out and says the WWE Universe is a lively bunch and know WWE and the WWE Title and only 43 men have had the opportunity to hold the championship and calls it an elite fraternity. Men have done some dastardly things to try and get their hands on the WWE Title but shortcuts are not the way. Last week we saw how low a man will sink to chase the title and last week to chase the title, Mark Henry disgraced his family and cheated the WWE Universe and his speech was a disaster. To men who don’t have the opportunity to stand in this ring and wrestle again, Henry made a mockery of it but he understands why. It might be because the door to his career is slowly closing and by holding the WWE Title he’ll keep it open. Cena says they’re still in whoop ass season and in 3 weeks at Money In The Bank the champ is here and the time is now. We get another RVD promo -Commercial- Tons Of Funk vs The Usos vs 3MB Mahal hammers away at Jey. Clothesline to Mahal. Kick by Jimmy. Baldo Bomb by Tensai. Clay clears the ring of 3MB and from the apron Clay takes out 3MB. Seated senton on Jey. Jey with a kick and Samoan Drop as Jimmy lands the big splash from the top rope for the three count The winners of the match: The Usos Post Match: The Shield come out. -Commercial- Paul Heyman is in the ring and says for 7 days he’s been dogged from every single person in his life about Brock Lesnar attacking CM Punk on Raw. And for the first time he’s ignored Punk’s texts, emails and phone calls. Punk comes out and says he should catch the WWE Universe up to speed on why he has questions. In 2005, after wrestling around the world and generating a buzz, he was signed by WWE and VP of Talent Relations was John Laurinaitis. Laurinaitis sent him down to developmental system and Paul Heyman was in charge of developmental and set up to fail. Punk says he was not supposed to succeed because there were some who felt he was no good and not what they were looking for. Heyman was even told to never consider bringing Punk to Raw or Smackdown and no matter how many times he was told to fire Punk, Heyman never pulled the trigger because he saw something in Punk and had his back and when ECW was resurrected Heyman’s first draft pick was Punk. Punk then says there’s 2 things he wants to say to Heyman. The first is, he’s coming after Brock Lesnar and doesn’t care if he’s bigger or stronger but he’s not better than Punk. Punk tells Heyman there’s no one more sadistic or relentless and he will bring Heyman’s beast incarnate down. He then addresses the actions from last week and says Heyman never did him wrong and asks if last week Lesnar attacked him on his own or if Heyman sicced Lesnar on him and tells Heyman to tell the truth for the first time in his life. Heyman says he never wanted things to be this way and since Punk demands the truth and because he sees through Heyman and because Punk is his best friend, Heyman says he deserves the truth and swears on his children he didn’t know Lesnar was going to be here last week. Heyman says it’s a fact Lesnar fulfilled his contractual obligations at Extreme Rules, the fact is the moment Punk said Lesnar needed Heyman’s help he picked a fight with Brock Lesnar. Heyman always kept Lesnar and Punk apart because of professional jealousy. In 2005, he made an exception, he made business second and their friendship first. Heyman says he’s not stupid and he’ll walk down the aisle with Punk one day when he challenges for the championship because it’s his dream and Heyman tells Punk he loves him and Punk is his bast friend and would never screw up his dreams because Punk says he needs his space. In 2005, people told Heyman to get rid of Punk and now in 2013 everyone is pointing their finger at Punk and telling him to get rid of Heyman and so now Heyman’s fate is in Punk’s hands and it’s Punk’s move. Punk apologizes to Heyman for doubting him and they hug. -Commercial- CM Punk vs Darren Young Waistlock takedown by Punk into a chinlock. Young backs Punk into a corner and forearms by Young but Punk fights out of the corner. Suplex by Punk.Punk with a series of kicks. Punk working over the leg and irish whip to Young. Young with a knee to Punk. Hard irish whip by Young and Young stomps away at Punk. Young with a clothesline. Chinlock by Young. Overhead throw by Young. Kneedrop on Punk’s face. Punk mounting an offense. Irish whip by Punk and Punk misses with a splash in the corner. Punk with a back suplex. High running knee by Punk. Punk to the top rope cut off by Young, Punk with a clothesline from the top rope. GTS countered by Young and Punk dropped across the knees. Punk with a roundhouse kick and he locks in the Anaconda Vise for the submission The winner of the match: CM Punk Post Match: Prime Time Players double team Punk and Curtis Axel comes out to even the odds. Backstage: Stephanie McMahon walks into Vickie’s office and says the show keeps going on and noticed Vickie hasn’t announced the participants for the MITB match but tells her it’s okay she’ll do it. -Commercial- Stephanie McMahon comes out and introduces the participants for the Money In The Bank Laddaer Match. 1) CM Punk 2) Daniel Bryan 3) Randy Orton 4) Sheamus 5) Kane and 6)Rob Van Dam Backstage: Maddox is arguing with Vickie and Ryback comes in and demands that the Mark Henry-John Cena MITB Match be cancelled and changed to Ryback-John Cena. Chris Jericho walks in and says he deserves a shot at being the 7 time World Champion. Ryback says he can eat Jericho alive.Vickie interrupts and asks them who they think they are telling her what they want and reminds them she is their boss and if they want to fight at MITB it will be Ryback vs Chris Jericho -Commercial Backstage: CM Punk walks in and asks Heyman what part he doesn’t understand. Heyman says Punk was being jumped 2 on 1 that’s why he sent Curtis Axel down. Punk says he need Axel’s help. Heyman then says he was just looking out for his best friend but he took care of it. He went to Vickie’s office and says next week it’ll be Prime Time Players vs Curtis Axel and CM Punk. Punk says he’s doing it because it’s his fight and he’s going to prove he doesn’t need Axel, Heyman or anyone and then he’s coming after Lesnar and then he’s going on to win MITB and win back the WWE Championship Mark Henry comes out and says he fooled everyone. He saw all the Mark Henry signs and heard the chants. But more than anything he saw them all cry. And because of his spectacular performance he’s been nominated for an Academy Award and says people like Tarantino, Spielberg and Perry have reached out to him and that’s great but that’s not what he wants or deserves. He’s had people very upset with him because he used his friends and his family and used the other WWE Superstars. And he’s not going to apologize to anyone. People have been telling him his whole life how to live and what defines him. Henry says what’s going to happen at MITB is a no good, dirty, filthy, lying and cheating Mark Henry is going to show up and he calls everyone puppets. Last week he said he’s coming home. He’s coming home alright. He’s coming home WWE Champion. -Commercial- Daniel Bryan vs Randy Orton Bryan and Orton lock it up and Bryan goes to work on Orton. Orton turns it around and lands punches. Orton throws Bryan to the outside. Bryan landing punches and Orton throws Bryan into the stairs. Bryan thrown back into the ring. Dropkick to Orton. Steel chair off the skull by Orton -Commercial- Orton bringing a table into the ring. Bryan fighting back. Bryan hung out on the top rope and Orton setting up the table. Orton looking to slam Bryan into the table. Irish whip and clothesline by Bryan. Bryan with the running dropkick in the corner and a series of kicks. Bryan going for a second dropkick but Orton brings up the steel chair. Orton with a suplex but Bryan blocks it. Orton blocks a clothesline. Bryan with a series of dropkicks. Bryan slides through the bottom rope and powerbombs Orton through the table. Bryan brings out a kendo stick and lands kendo shots to the arm. Orton with an overhead suplex into the table. Orton and Bryan trading punches and Orton hits a dropkick. Bryan seated on the top rope and Bryan blocks a superplex. Orton sent to the mat and Bryan looking for a missile dropkick but Orton plants him with a spinebuster. Bryan has the No Lock on Orton and Orton grabs the kendo stick and nails Bryan in the head forcing a break. Bryan on the receiving end of kendo shots from Orton. Orton hooks Bryan up and drops him with the DDT. RKO countered into a backslide by Bryan. Bryan going for the No Lock once more. Bryan using the kendo stick forcing Orton to tap out The winner of the match by submission: Daniel Bryan -End Show-
Posted on: Tue, 25 Jun 2013 05:34:52 +0000

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