WWE Raw Results (7/15/13) Brooklyn, New York Welcome to Monday - TopicsExpress


WWE Raw Results (7/15/13) Brooklyn, New York Welcome to Monday Night Raw and this week we’re live from the Barclay Centre in Brooklyn, New York and we kick things off with Brad Maddox in the ring and gives himself a drum roll and welcomes everyone to the Brad Maddox Era and books an MITB rematch with Dolph Ziggler vs Alberto Del Rio. John Cena then comes out. Cena says Maddox already made history because this is the only time in the Maddox Era he’s standing next to a person more hated than him. He says they’re excited about the match he just made and Cena says Maddox should be given a chance. Maddox says he’s always admired Cena and for the first time in history he’s going to let Cena choose his very own Summerslam opponent. Cena says Maddox is even stupider than he looks because Cena can choose anyone and calls that decision catastrophic. Randy Orton then comes out. Orton tells Maddox he doesn’t want to get too far ahead of himself because there’s a good chance come Summerslam Cena may not be WWE Champion. He assures Cena he’s not cashing his briefcase in tonight. He’s not going to make the stupid mistake Cena made last year and believes opportunities should not be squandered and he wanted to come out and tell Cena straight up when he does cash it in, Cena won’t see it coming. Fandango then comes out. Fandango says Randy won’t be cashing in against John Cena. He’ll be cashing his briefcase in against Fandango and tells Cena there’s only one man the entire WWE Universe wants to see take on Cena and his name is Fandango. A brawl ensues between Orton and Fandango. Maddox says if they want physicality the first match of the night happens right now. -Commercial- Randy Orton vs Fandango Orton in control stomping away at Fandango. Orton misses with a kneedrop and Fandango stomps away on Orton. Suplex by Orton. Fandango goes to the outside and Orton follows him. Fandango fighting back and Fandango quickly out the other side gets clotheslined by Orton. Fandango dropped on the back of his head off the barricade. Irish whip by Orton and he runs into a boot. Neck lock by Fandango. Backdrop by Orton. Orton with the 10 punch. Dropkick to Fandango. Irish whip by Orton and Fandango lands a kick sending Orton to the outside. Fandango drives Orton into the steel steps -Commercial- Slingshot off the bottom rope by Fandango. Fandango going back to work on the neck. Fandango hitting a series of headbutts. Orton goes for the backbreaker but Fandango counters with a side suplex. Irish whip by Orton and a hard clothesline in the corner. T-bone suplex by Orton. Orton on the top rope has Fandango hooked up and hits the superplex. Orton with the powerslam. Fandango counters the DDT. Fandango heads to the top rope but gets cut off by Orton. Orton delivers the DDT. Orton with the RKO for the three count The winner of the match: Randy Orton Backstage: Dolph Ziggler and AJ are walking and AJ asks if Ziggler’s going to start talking to her and he says he’s stopped talking to her. It’s time for him to move on and tells her they’re done -Commercial- Mark Henry said last night John Cena came as advertised and he gave it all he had and came close to beating John Cena for the WWE Championship. He says he’s not out to make any excuses or apologies for anything he would have done but he knows Cena has the choice to pick whoever he wants to fight at Summerslam and he wants to be that guy. He took Cena to his limits once and he can do it again. The Shield make their way out. Shield with a 3 on 1 attack on Henry but Henry fights them off. Reigns hits a spear on Henry. Shield then pick Henry up and deliver the triple power bomb -Commercial- Backstage: Brad Maddox is his office on the phone and Chris Jericho walks in and says he’s doing pretty good for his first night on the job. Maddox says if Jericho wants to impress John Cena then tonight Jericho should take on a former champion and books Chris Jericho vs RVD Alberto Del Rio vs Dolph Ziggler Dropkick by Ziggler follows up with a neckbreaker. Series of elbows to Del Rio. Ziggler misses with a clothesline in the corner. Inverted superplex by Del Rio. Ziggler hits the clothesline to Del Rio. Del Rio sends Ziggler over the ropes to the floor -Commercial- Del Rio misses with the big kick. Del Rio looking for the enziguri but Ziggler launches himself out of the corner and executes a DDT. Big right hand to the head by Del Rio. Del Rio looking for the cross armbreaker in the ropes but Ziggler counters hitting a dropkick. Ziggler misses with the Famouser. Del Rio with the German suplex. Del Rio lands a series of headbutts. ZigZag by Ziggler. Enziguri by Del Rio. Ziggler placed in the tree of woe. Del Rio hits the ring post shoulder first. Famouser from the second rope by Ziggler. The bell rings and Ziggler’s confused as he looks over and sees AJ. Del Rio with a kick to the head for the three count The winner of the match: Alberto Del Rio Post Match: AJ attacks Ziggler. Ziggler turns around and Big E. Langston clotheslines him and hits the Big Ending -Commercial- R-Truth comes out and the lights go off and The Wyatt Family come out and attack Truth. Bray Wyatt then says there’s no such thing as a hero and people have become addicted to the illusion of heroes and says everything is not alright. Wyatt asks what if he were to tell everyone the man who made them is a liar and their own flesh and blood turned his back on them and says he will never turn their back on them. Truth comes back with a steel chair. Rowan and Harper leave the ring and Wyatt dares Truth to come and get him. Rowan and Harper corner Truth and Wyatt hits a clothesline in the corner and it soon turns into a 3 on 1 attack. Wyatt hits the Sister Abigail on Truth and tells him he is not the truth they seek and tells Kane to follow the buzzards -Commercial- The Usos vs The Real Americans Jimmy with a clothesline to Cesaro. Quick roll up. Cesaro with a gutwrench to Jimmy. Swagger hits the Swagger Bomb. Double stomp by Cesaro. Jey with a crossbody on Cesaro. Kick to Swagger. Cesaro with a gutwrench but Jey rolls up Cesaro for the three count The winners of the match: The Usos -Commercial- Christian vs Damien Sandow Knee strike by Sandow. Sandow to the outside and Christian follows. Christian on the top rope and Sandow sends him to the floor. Tornado DDT by Christian. Drop toehold by Christian follows with a slap. Crossbody by Christian. Sandow looks for the Terminus but Christian counters with a right hand. Killswitch countered by Sandow. Side Russian legsweep. Christian counters the Cobito Acquiet and rolls Sandow up for the three count The winner of the match: Damien Sandow Post Match: Cody Rhodes attacks Sandow -Commercial- Naomi vs Brie Bella Naomi with a clothesline. Naomi with a kick and Brie sent to the floor. Hair toss by Brie and Naomi tied up in the ropes. Brie working over the neck. Naomi with a sunset flip. Brie with a clothesline. Hurricanrana by Naomi. Dropkick by Naomi. Naomi with the Rear View. Naomi up to the top and a crossbody onto Brie for the three count The winner of the match: Naomi -Commercial- CM Punk comes out and says he knows Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar are in the building and he’s not waiting anymore and calls them out. Heyman comes out and says he’s looking at an empty ring right now because in his world, Punk doesn’t exist. Heyman says in 2005, WWE had no vision for CM Punk and he was a figment of Paul Heyman’s imagination and he took Punk in and befriended him. He taught and trained him. They reached the holy grail together. They were the longest reigning WWE Champion of the last 25 years, they were within an inch of breaking The Undertaker’s streak at Wrestlemania, they were the Best In The World. Without Paul Heyman, CM Punk is not the Best In The World. Heyman says everyone’s been asking him why he betrayed CM Punk and he tells Punk the truth is a bitter pill to swallow and he failed them when he couldn’t beat Undertaker so he went home to find himself and then he comes back and thinks he’s better than Paul Heyman. Heyman says he lied, and manipulated Punk and Punk can never claim he dumped Paul Heyman because history will show that Paul Heyman dumped CM Punk. Heyman says he has no family, no wife, no children. All he has is the WWE Universe. And all he wants, craves and needs in his life is the WWE Championship. Heyman says Punk took his best friend away from Heyman so Heyman took his chance at the WWE Championship away from Punk. Heyman says Punk made him swear on his children. But it was his children who made him see things the way they really are. Heyman then says he betrayed CM Punk because the truth is CM Punk can’t beat Brock Lesnar. Punk says he saw firsthand last night that the truth really hurts and says he should have saw it coming but he trusted Heyman. Punk says Heyman knows him better than anyone and knows when he’s telling the truth and when he’s lying and the truth is he is going to get Heyman and everyone who is associated with him. Punk says the truth is Heyman has no future because Punk’s going to burn down everything around him until he’s the last man standing and keep him alive long enough to hurt him. Heyman then spells Punk’s immediate future out for him and mocks Punk’s entrance. Out comes Brock Lesnar. Heyman attacks Punk from behind. Lesnar looks to F5 Punk but Punk counters and a brawl ensues. Lesnar delivers an F5 on the announce table. -Commercial- Backstage: Triple H and Stephanie are talkin to Maddox and tell him he’s doing a good job his first night out but asks him if he checked with Vince before making decisions for tonight. -Commercial- RVD vs Chris Jericho Waistlock by RVD, reversed by Jericho. Shoulderblock by RVD. Jericho with a dropkick. Roundhouse kick by RVD. Monkey flip out of the corner. RVD with a standing moonsault. Jericho with an enziguri. Back suplex and a dropkick by Jericho -Commercial- Bodyscissors by RVD on Jericho. Jericho looking for the Walls Of Jericho. Suplex blocked by Jericho. Suplex to RVD and RVD lands on his feet catching Jericho in the face with a kick. Rolling Thunder missed by RVD as Jericho slides to the outside. RVD with a moonsault from the apron -Commercial- Jericho working over the arm. Dropkick by RVD and RVD hits a series of clotheslines. Series of shouldertackles by Jericho. Axehandle from the top rope. Running bulldog to RVD. Jericho goes for the Lionsault but misses. RVD hits the Rolling Thunder. DDT by Jericho. Walls Of Jericho and RVD counters. RVD counters a running bulldog. RVD misses with the moonsault. Jericho hits the Lionsault. High knee by RVD. RVD goes to the top rope, cut off by Jericho. RVD blocks a superplex attempt. Headbutt to Jericho. RVD hits the 450. Walls Of Jericho locked in on RVD. RVD hits the Five Star Frog Splash for the three count The winner of the match: Rob Van Dam -Commercial- John Cena comes out and says it’s time for him to choose his opponent but he can’t do that because he hasn’t made up his mind. He’s listened to everyone but left out the voice of the WWE Universe. Cena then asks the WWE Universe’s opinion on who he should face but goes out on his own and selects to face Daniel Bryan at Summerslam -End Show-
Posted on: Tue, 16 Jul 2013 04:00:20 +0000

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