WWE Raw Results (7/8/13) Baltimore, Maryland------$hek#@r Welcome - TopicsExpress


WWE Raw Results (7/8/13) Baltimore, Maryland------$hek#@r Welcome to WWE Raw and this week we are live from the 1st Mariner Arena in Baltimore, Maryland and we kick things off with Team Brickie in the ring and Vickie welcomes everyone to Raw and says she has been diligently working on this Sunday’s MITB PPV and says the ladder is a symbol in the WWE and associated with men like Triple H, Shawn Michaels and Razor Ramon. She says the ladder also holds special meaning for her because it is a symbol of how she has risen in the WWE. Vickie then climbs the ladder. She says no one has ever held her hand or told her how to run a show and has done everything on her own. She says she knows the WWE Universe and her have not always seen eye to eye but every decision she’s made has been for the benefit of the WWE Universe. Jerry Lawler then interrupts her and says the McMahons are taking into consideration all factors including the WWE Universe’s input and says the WWE Universe will be able to grade her on her performance by voting on the WWE App. Vickie says she has always considered the WWE Universe her family and makes a string of matches for tonight’s Raw. We get an RVD promo -Commercial- Sheamus vs Daniel Bryan Side headlock takedown by Sheamus. Bryan with an irish whip and Sheamus hits a shoulderblock. Bryan working over the arm into a hammerlock. Sheamus with a back elbow and Bryan with a clothesline to Sheamus. Bryan going after the hamstrings and Sheamus delivers a forearm across the back and a series of kneedrops. Sheamus with a wrist lock turning it into an armbar. Bryan with a kneelift. Bryan with a series of kicks. Neckbreaker by Sheamus. Sheamus misses with a clothesline but hits the Irish Curse backbreaker. Bryan runs across the apron and Sheamus catches him bouncing him face first off the barricade. Bryan with a backflip from the second rope, misses with the clothesline and Sheamus hits a second irish Curse backbreaker. Shoulder tackle and kneelift by Sheamus. Sheamus with the rolling senton on Sheamus. Sheamus misses with The Brogue Kick and suicide dive through the ropes from Bryan. Bryan on the top rope hits the missile dropkick. Bryan with the series of kicks misses with the roundhouse as Sheamus slides to the outside. Sheamus with the Fiery Red Hand. Sheamus with a clothesline from the apron, Sheamus going to the top rope. Bryan looking for a superplex shakes Bryan off and Sheamus hits the battering ram. Sheamus picks Bryan up for White Noise, Bryan counters with a drop toehold and a kick to the head. Bryan going to the top rope misses with the flying headbutt. Sheamus misses with another clothesline as Bryan lands more kicks. Bryan with a cradle pin, looking for the No Lock. Sheamus counters into the Cloverleaf but Bryan rolls Sheamus up for the three count The winner of the match: Daniel Bryan Backstage: AJ is telling Big E. Langston to look out for Kaitlyn and Dolph Ziggler walks in and asks why AJ wasn’t out with him on Raw or Smackdown and says AJ’s obsessed with following Kaitlyn around. AJ says her first priority is for them to both walk out of MITB as champions. We take a look at a Mark Henry video -Commercial- Tons Of Funk vs The Shield Brodus Clay unloads on Seth Rollins and military press dropping him face first. Double chop by Tensai and Clay. Tensai picks Rollins up and delivers a standing suplex. Clay with the T-Bone suplex and the big splash in the corner. Crossbody misses its mark and the kick to the face by Reigns. Reigns picks Clay up and Rollins stomping away on clay. Kick to the head by Rollins. Snapmare by Reigns into a reverse chinlock. Reigns and Rollins with a big splash in the corner. Reigns delivering forearms across the back. Reigns picks Clay up but Clay slides down the back looking for a roll up. Back suplex by Clay. Tensai unloads with a series of clotheslines. Shoulder tackle to Rollins and a rolling senton in the corner. Rollins gets the boots up and drops Tensai face first into the turnbuckle. Baldo Bomb by Tensai on Rollins. Reigns with a spear on Tensai for the three count The winners of the match: The Shield -Commercial- We get a video of a reporter searching for the Wyatt Family in lieu of their debut tonight on Raw John Cena comes out to the ring and says the crowd in Baltimore is a riled up one and if he didn’t know any better he’d think MITB was tonight instead of this Sunday and it may very well be since the World’s Strongest Man Mark Henry said he wants to talk to him. Henry comes out and says Cena has the same look on his face as last week and it’s the look of fear. Cena said he’s not afraid and Henry said he should be. For 17 years he’s been starving and only one thing will satisfy his hunger. Cena makes a Snickers bar remark and Henry said the old Mark Henry would have laughed or run across the ring and done bodily harm but he’s going to chill. He says Cena thinks he knows who the World’s Strongest Man but he doesn’t. He’s a new man and he tells Cena he’s known Cena for 10 years and knew him even before he knew himself and calls him a puppet. The WWE title validates that and makes him a first ballot hall of famer and he’d sell his mama and his family for the WWE Title. Cena said he better win the title and if he does he will have earned it but if he doesn’t there’s 17 years gone and he will have lost the respect of the WWE Universe. Henry says he doesn’t care what the fans think and says some people like Cena and some don’t. Cena dares Henry to cross the line and MITB will start tonight if he does. Henry says he took a 50% paycut and he’s not losing money and Cena will get him on Sunday. Henry nails Cena with a cheap shot and Cena goes for the AA but Henry’s weight is too much as Cena crumbles to the mat. Henry picks Cena up and delivers a WSS. Backstage: Randy Orton says CM Punk’s always called himself Best In The World. But he’s never really believed it. He didn’t believe it two years ago and doesn’t believe it now and still won’t believe it Sunday because he’s going to win MITB and if John Cena retains his WWE Title he will not hesitate to cash in his MITB contract and beat Cena for the title -Commercial- Chris Jericho vs Curtis Axel Paul Heyman says he’s not here to market himself as a martyr for CM Punk. He is here to bask in the glory of perfection in the form of the WWE Intercontinental Champion Curtis Axel. Axel says Jericho calls himself the best in the world at what he does and wears a jacket with Christmas lights on it. Well, all Axel needs is the shine of the intercontinental title to let everyone know he’s arrived and he’s spent a lifetime to get where he is and will not let either him or Miz stand in his way. Jericho unloads with chops. Axel with a shoulderblock. Jericho catches Axel with a dropkick and a clothesline. Another clothesline sends Axel over the ropes to the floor. Baseball slide by Jericho. Axel with shoulder tackles. Neckbreaker by Axel. -Commercial- Axel off the second rope misses. Jericho with a shoulderblock and a clothesline. Jericho looking for the Walls Of Jericho. Axel counters and runs into a boot. Waistlock into a suplex. Blow to the back of the head by Axel and Axel delivers knife edge chops. Axel misses with a forearm in the corner. Crossbody from the top rope by Jericho. Jericho hits the clothesline and misses with the Lionsault. Perfect Twist by Axel. Axel misses with the dropkick. Jericho hits the Lionsault. Jericho goes for the Codebreaker and Axel hangs Jericho out to dry. Axel hits the Perfect-plex. Jericho locks the Walls Of Jericho in and Axel reaches for the bottom rope forcing the break. Axel blasted by Jericho sent crashing against the announce table. Axel sees Miz smirking at him and Heyman backs Axel up telling him he’s going to get counted out. Axel back in the ring gets nailed with the Codebreaker for the three count The winner of the match: Chris Jericho -Commercial- Backstage: Team Rhodes Scholars says MITB will not affect their friendship and Sandow says if he doesn’t win this Sunday, he would like nothing more than his friend Cody Rhodes to win. Zeb Colter and Jack Swagger walk in and Colter says they’re going to own this Sunday and Wade Barrett comes in and says if anyone ‘s going to win MITB it’s going to be him. Fandango walks in and pronounces his name and Barrett knocks him out. We get our second video of the Wyatt Family video and Luke Haroer guiding the reporter through the compound and taking him to a room where Bray Wyatt is awaiting -Commercial- Alberto Del Rio vs Sin Cara Sin Cara with a series of armdrags to Del Rio . Del Rio with a headbutt and shoulder tackle in the corner. Hurricanrana by Sin Cara and a kick to the head. Sin Cara goes to the top rope and a kick to the back of the neck by Del Rio. Knee by Del Rio. Back elbow by Sin Cara. Enziguri by Del Rio. Dolph Ziggler walks out and Sin Cara from behind on the distraction. Del Rio with a clothesline. Ziggler then does an introduction for Del Rio as Sin Cara rolls him up from behind. Del Rio with a kick to the head. Del Rio slides to the outside and a brawl ensues between Del Rio and Ziggler. Sin Cara with a crossbody from the top rope to the outside onto Del Rio. Team Brickie is making their way out to the ring for the job evaluation -Commercial- Vickie and Brad Maddox are in the ring and the McMahons and Triple H come out to the ring. Stephanie says tonight they are here to evaluate Vickie’s performance on Raw and thanks the WWE Universe for voting on the WWE App. Vickie says she has always loved the McMahon Family and has a special love for the WWE Universe but would like to humbly state that she’s took pride in producing priceless entertainment and the time she exposed and replaced the unstable AJ Lee and the returning superstars who have been under her such as Rock and RVD and has even inspired the return of The Undertaker. Stephanie says Vickie is forgetting about signing the man who took out her father and husband, Brock Lesnar. Stephanie then says sometimes you have to make difficult decisions and asks if Vickie thinks it was a good idea to bring back Brock Lesnar. Vickie says yes she signed Brock Lesnar but didn’t know he would attack Vince and Triple H and apologizes for that. Vince says she has nothing to apologize for but calls her highly entertainment. Vince says she has made some bonehead decisions but those decisions were made in the name of quality family entertainment. Triple H says he admits Vickie can be unintentionally entertaining but is terrible at her job. A couple of weeks ago she was supposed to promote the new WWE video game and she screwed up. She was inaudible and the crowd was booing her out of the building and keeping Vickie is not what’s good for business and the WWE Universe wants and deserves better than Vickie Guerrero but on a positive note she does possess the most annoying voice on television. Vince says she has a unique voice but has some admirable qualifications unlike some short sighted individuals in the ring and feels she should be named permanent GM. Triple H then says he doesn’t want to argue. He’s COO and Vince is CEO and it doesn’t matter what they say because Vince is going to do whatever he wants anyways. Triple H then suggests they let Stephanie decide Vickie’s fate. Stephanie then says she’s not going to let anyone or anything drive a wedge between her family so they will let the WWE App decide and the result is 75% voted that she failed. Stephanie says the Universe has spoken and she failed. Vickie then has a freak out over the decision. Stephanie then fires Vickie and Vicke goes to her knees and breaks down. Vince then blames the WWE Universe for the decision. Vince says Vickie didn’t fail. The WWE Universe failed. They threw away what could have been the most entertaining General Manager of all time and the Universe doesn’t know what the right decision is so he’s going to make it for them and appoints Brad Maddox as the new General Manager of Raw. -Commercial- Backstage: Vince is consoling Vickie and says he’ll make it right. Maddox walks in and says he’s really sorry and thanks Vince and will pick up where Vickie left off and will do his best as GM. Vickie then slaps Maddox and attacks him Kane vs Christian Waistlock by Christian and Kane misses with a right hand but Christian unloads with the 10 punch before Kane pushes him down. Kane with a right hand, misses with an elbow drop. Kane grabs Christian by the throat and lands a clothesline in the corner. Christian on the second rope hits the flying back elbow. Kane with a sunset flip attempt but Kane lands a right hand. Kick to the head by Kane. Christian with a drop toehold. Open handed palm strike by Christian. Christian pulls the ropes down and Kane falls to the outside. Christian up to the top rope landing on Kane -Commercial- Tornado DDT by Christian. Kane delivers the big boot. Kane to the top rope misses with the flying clothesline. Kane counters the spear and hits the chokeslam for the three count The winner of the match: Kane Post Match: The Wyatt Family make their anticipated debut and Luke Harper & Erick Rowan attack Kane as Bray Wyatt looks on. -Commercial- Backstage: A dejected video is walking out carrying her belongings and walks into Ryback and Ryback gives her a hug and says she deserves better and it’s going to be okay Kaitlyn & Layla vs AJ & Alicia Fox Kick by Layla and side headlock on Fox. Fox with a sunset flip. Layla with a crossbody onto Fox. AJ tags in and Kaitlyn goes after her unloading on AJ as Alicia Fox and Layla try to separate them. Kaitlyn spears AJ on the floor The winners of the match: No Contest Backstage: CM Punk says Orton doesn’t lack confidence and he’s entitled and he doesn’t believe Punk is best in the world and he’s entitled. But one thing he’s not entitled to is making up facts. Holding the title makes him the best in the world, holding the WWE Title in the modern era makes him the best in the world, beating Randy Orton makes him the best in the world and Sunday when he wins MITB for the third time THAT makes him the best in the world -Commercisl- Randy Orton vs CM Punk Side headlock by Punk and a shoulderblock to Orton. Side headlock by Orton and shoulderblock to Punk. Kick to the midsection by Punk and Orton lands a dropkick. Orton with the Garvin Stomp on Punk. Kneedrop by Orton. Punk with a knee to Orton, hooks him up and delivers a suplex. European uppercut by Orton and Orton looking for the DDT but Punk delivers and catches him with a dropkick sending him to the floor. Suicide dive through the ropes onto Orton -Commercial- Reverse chinlock by Orton and Punk fighting out. T-bone suplex by Orton. Punk trapped in the side headlock lands a series of knee strikes and a dropkick sends Orton to the mat. Orton with a series of clotheslines. Punk counters the powerslam and rolls through for a near fall. Neckbreaker by Punk. Running knee to the jaw by Punk and a clothesline. Punk going to the top rope hits the flying elbow. Punk goes for the GTS but Orton counters and hits the DDT. RKO countered by Punk, Punk goes for a backslide, Orton counters with a powerslam. Series of headbutts to Punk and Orton with the 10 punch in the corner. Punk with another running high knee. GTS countered by Punk and RKO countered by Punk with a kick to the face. Third time’s the charm as Punk hits the GTS for the three count The winner of the match: CM Punk Post Match: Daniel Bryan runs in and attacks CM Punk and pulls a ladder out from under the ring and nails Orton with it. Bryan then sets the ladder up and climbs up to the top unhooking the briefcase as Raw goes off the air -End Show-
Posted on: Tue, 09 Jul 2013 05:01:35 +0000

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