WWE Raw Results (8/11/14) Portland, Oregon Posted By: Elio C. on - TopicsExpress


WWE Raw Results (8/11/14) Portland, Oregon Posted By: Elio C. on Aug 11, 2014 Source: Welcome to Monday Night Raw and we kick things off with Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar coming out to the ring. Heyman hypes Lesnar conquering The Streak at Wrestlemania and also sell this Sundays Summerslam and say John Cena will suffer a beating at the hands of Brock Lesnar. Heyman brings up all of Lesnars past conquests where he conquered The Rock and Hulk Hogan and says if Hogan were to come after Lesnar for revenge, there wouldnt be any celebration tonight. Heyman says Cena won the match the last time he faced Lesnar but didnt win the fight because Lesnar put a beating on him and the only reason Cena won was because he was facing Lesnar at 50% and launches into rap mode and schools Cena. Heyman goes to leave but before doing so he says Lesnar wants everyone to know this is his house and the ring is Lesnars home The birthday wishes for Hulk Hogan begin to pour in with the first two coming from Flo Rida and Weird Al Yankovic -Commercial 8:12pm- Roman Reigns vs RybAxel Axel tries to pull Reigns to his corner but Reigns shoves him. Side headlock on Axel. Irish whip by Axel and Reigns with a shoulderblock. Axel shoves Reigns and Reigns responds with a right hand. Ryback tags in. Side headlock on Ryback and Ryback with an irish whip. Ryback with a shoulder tackle but Reigns doesnt budge. Reigns takes his turn and hits a clothesline and headbutt. Ryback turns it around with shoulder tackles in the corner. Reigns fights out of the corner. irish whip in the corner reversed by Ryback and Reigns with a clothesline out of the corner. Headbutt by Ryback follows up with a suplex but Reigns blocks it and hits his own suplex. Chops by Reigns to Ryback. Axel gets knocked off the apron. Reigns with the ten punch in the corner but Ryback powerbombs him out of the corner -Commercial 8:24pm- Ryback whips Reigns in the corner. Reigns fights out of the corner. High elbow by Reigns. Ryback sent to the outside. Reigns follows. Axel from behind and its Ryback attacking Reigns driving him into the ring post. Axel drives Reigns into the ring post again. Ryback whips Axel into Reigns but Reigns explodes out of the corner downing Axel and Ryback. Ryback sent back to the outside. Reigns with a bootto Axel and Ryback sent into the ring post. RybAxel back in the ring as Reigns sets up for the Superman Punch. Down goes Ryback, down goes Axel. Reigns with a spear to Ryback, Axels up next The winner of the match: Roman Reigns Post Match: Reigns says two weeks ago Orton left him laying and Orton says he stole something but Reigns says hes never stolen anything from Orton but this Sundays hes taking everything and asks what you call a viper whos fangs are knocked down its throat. The answer being a worthless little worm Backstage: Orton is talking to Kane says he finds it hard to believe Reigns isnt afraid of Orton considering what he did to Reigns and says RybAxel couldnt get the job done but he can and this is Summerslam and he will end Roman Reigns. Kane says The Authority wants to make sure Orton is ready for Sunday and have decided to put him in a match against Sheamus -Commercial 8:37pm- Seth Rollins vs RVD Kick by Rollins as he unloads on RVD. Irish whip reversed by RVD. kick to Rollins. Standing moonsault by RVD. RVD with the ten punch in the corner but Rollins turns things around again and stomps away at RVD. Irish whip by Rollins and shoulderblock to RVD. Rollins working over RVDs neck and drives a knee into Van Dams back. Chinlock by Rollins keeping RVD grounded. The crowd launches into an RVD chant as RVD gets to his feet. Irish whip by RVD and RVD counters with a scissors pinning combination. Rollins slides out of the ring. Baseball slide sends Rollins into the barricade. RVD picks Rollins up and plants him on the barricade. RVD goe to the apron and delivers the spinning legdrop but Rollins moves out of the way -Commercial 8:45pm- Rollins back to the chinlock. RVD hits a boot to the head. Rollins misses and hits the turnbuckle. RVD with a clothesline and slam. Rolling Thunder by RVD for a two count. Kick to the face. Split leg moonsault onto Rollins. Irish whip by RVD reversed by Rollins. Another reversal of irish whips. Monkey Flip blocked by Rollins and RVD lands on the back of his head. Rollins hits the Curb Stomp for the three count The winner of the match: Seth Rollins Post Match: Rollins walks up the ramp and stands there looking at the gifts sensing Ambroses presence. Rollins walks to the back but Dean Ambrose crashs through one of the gift boxes and attacks Rollins. Rollins escapes through the crowd but Ambrose takes the mic and tells Rollins to run because this Sunday his ass belongs to Ambrose and for only $9.99 hes going to get more than his moneys worth -Commercial 8:55pm- Stephanie comes out to the ring and says Daniel Bryan has been aggressively rehabbing with the help of his therapist who is present tonight and calls her to the ring. Stephanie holds the mic out to Bryans therapist for her confession and she says shes really gotten to know Daniel Bryan and Brie and theyre good people and she has tried hard to make sure Bryan gets back into the ring because its what he loves to do. He has such an appreciation for WWE and the WWE Universe. She then breaks down and says she can no longer be his physical therapist anymore because she has been having an affair with Daniel Bryan. Brie comes out and slaps Megan as Stephanie eggs them on saying tonight Bries problem is with Bryans phsyical therapist not her. She then begins mocking Daniel Bryans YES and after Brie slaps Megan she turns around and takes Stephanie down and a brawl follows that is soon broken up by officials and stephanie says theyre not going to wait until Summerslam theyre going to finish this tonight -Commercial 9:09pm- Jack Swagger vs Cesaro Swagger with a front facelock countered into a side headlock by Cesaro. Shoulderblock by Swagger. Swagger with the side headlock and another shoulderblock. Overhead throw by Swagger to Cesaro. Irish whip into the corner but Swagger hits the turnbuckle rib first. Gutwrench by Cesaro. Right hands to Swagger. Cesaro stomps on Swagger. Cesaro with the irish whip and a kneelift into an abdominal stretch on Swagger. Knee strike to Swagger followed by a backbreaker. Armbar on Swagger as Colter looks on from ringside. Swagger rams Cesaro into the corner. Shoulderblocks to Cesaro. Cesaro kicks Swagger away and lands a double axehandle from the seond rope. Swagger with a belly to belly suplex. Clotheslines to Cesaro. Irish whip by Swagger countered by Cesaro and Swagger hung out of the ropes and Swagger sent crashing into the barricades -Commercial 9:21pm- Cesaro back to the abdominal stretch. Swagger breaks free and irish whips Cesaro but Cesaro back to the abdominal stretch. Swagger counters into a backbreaker. Clotheslines in the corner by Swagger follows with a boot to the face. Swaggerbomb onto Cesaro. Swagger goes for the Patriot Lock but Cesaro countered with a small package. Swagger with right hands. Cesaro fights out of the corner landing a shot to the throat and boot to the face. Seated senton by Cesaro onto Swagger. Swagger on the apron head bounced off the turnbuckle. Cesaro goes for a superplex but Swagger blocks it and goes for a suplex of his own. Cesaro ont he apron but clothesline sends him back into the ring. Swagger misses with a clothesline. Uppercut to the midsection and another uppercut to the face. Double stomp by Cesaro countered by Swagger wo goes for the Patriot Lock but Cesaro escapes delivering a boot to Swagger. Cesaro goes up to the top rope but Swagger catches him and locks the Patriot Lock in for the tap out The winner of the match: Jack Swagger Post Match: Zeb Colter takes the mic and says this Sunday at Summerslam, Jack Swagger will own Rusev. This brings Rusev and Lana out and both Swagger and Rusev wave their respective flags in the air -Commercial 9:31pm- Cole looked into the camera as if he were being held hostage. Cole started to introduce Jericho and Wyatt, but Bray Wyatt cut off Cole and told him to leave. Triple H is at least more pleasant with his Cole disdain on Wednesdays. Bray then looked into the eyes of a stone-faced Jericho to discuss Jerichos dreams as a child. Bray told angry-faced Jericho that he knows about his dreams, which is why Jericho pretends to be a savior because he cant save himself. Bray said he figured out the key to the universe - the only way to help someone is to hurt them in a way. And, as long as hes been in this world, hes hurt a lot of people. And, for this, hes not the least bit sorry. He cant resist. Bray paused. Bray said there are no consequences for his actions and he does not heed the laws of mankind. Bray said he hates everything and everyone, including himself. He said he is a monster, Bray Wyatt, the eater of worlds. Bray said the human race is decimated by its lack of fortitude, and Jericho exemplifies that weakness. Bray said this smile will be the last thing Jericho sees at Summerslam. Bray laughed to himself. Cut to Jericho, whose frowny-face turned into a smirk. Jericho talked in a serious, firm tone that he is a survivor in WWE. Jericho said there are a lot of different faces and sides to him, but he will follow the buzzards at Summerslam, then shove them right down Brays throat. He vowed to turn Bray speechless for good. Bray leaned back and smiled, then the video cut out. -Commercial 9:42pm- AJ Lee vs Eva Marie Wrist lock by Eva Marie but AJ counters with a side headlock takedown. Paige comes out skipping down to the ring. Knee strike by AJ. Irish whip and AJ floors Eva Marie as Paige skips around the ring. Eva Marie, off the distraction, rolls AJ up from behind for the three count The winner of the match: Eva Marie Post Match: Paige says she knew when she pushed AJ off the stage shed be mad so in addition to supporting AJ she wrote a little apology. AJ then attacks Eva Marie -Commercial 9:52pm- Cena says this Sunday there will be pain and punishment and Brock Lesnar will give him the beating of a lifetime but the one thing Lesnar will not be able to do is win. Because the one thing he will have to make Cena do is lose and Cena will not lay down for Brock Lesnar because Lesnar does not deserve the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. Hes not saying he will not lose because one day he will lose the title but not this Sunday and not to Brock Lesnar and calls him the most arrogant, selfish person ever to walk into a locker room and calls Lesnars view of the wrestling business idiotic. Cena says hes been out here a lot of times and shared a lot of great moments and hes heard the cheers and boos, hes been told he cant wrestle, hes heard lets go/Cena sucks and every week he comes out with a smile on his face and theres a group that asks every week when does John Cena turn. Cena says this Sunday people will see a side of him hes not proud of but a Cena necessary in order to defeat Lesnar. Cena says Lesnar says this is his house and the WWE Universe belongs to him but this is the fans house and this belongs to the WWE Universe and says theres a stranger in Lesnars house and dares him to come down and kick him out. Cena says this Sunday he doesnt repeat history, he makes history and will be the one who conquers the one -Commercial 10:07pm- Brie Bella vs Stephanie McMahon Stephanie comes out and says as much as shed love to beat Brie tonight theyre going to have to wait for Sunday after all because of Bries actions earlier tonight. Megan Miller, Daniel Bryans therapist has decided to press charges and two officers walk out and place Brie under arrest The winner of the match: MATCH NEVER TOOK PLACE -Commercial- Dolph Ziggler vs Heath Slater Waistlock by Slater reversed by Ziggler. Right hand by Slater. Chinlock by Slater into a side headlock. Ziggler counters with a dropkick. Snapmare to Slater followed by The Heart Stopper. Slater with a small package for a 2 count. Ziggler with a slam. Ziggler misses with The Heart Stopper. Slater hits a knee drop and now its Slater with the chinlock. Ziggler fighting back. Irish whip by Slater and a boot to the face. Slater wears down Ziggler even more. Jawbreaker by Ziggler and a clothesline to Slater followed up by a dropkick. Ziggler misses with the clothesline in the corner. Slater misses with the neckbreaker. Ziggler goes for ZigZag. Miz climbs on the apron for the distraction and Ziggler delivers a right hand knocking him off the apron. Ziggler goes after Miz and is unable to beat the 10 count The winner of the match: Heath Slater -Commercial- Randy Orton vs Sheamus Sheamus controlled the action early on as Orton sold not being engaged in the match forced upon him by his own faction. Orton eventually rolled out of the ring to recover heading to break. -Commercial 10:40pm- Back from break, Orton figured things out during the commercial, as he was now in control of the action back in the ring. The match then moved to the floor, where Orton bounced Sheamus back-first off the announce table. Orton teased clearing the table to inflict more punishment, but Orton instead just evilly re-arranged the table top. Orton then slid Sheamus back into the ring to resume his attack. Sheamus fired back with successive offense for a two count, then Orton rolled out of the ring to avoid a move from the firemans carry position. Sheamus chased Orton, and the brawl was on ringside. Sheamus got the best of the exchange and rolled Orton back into the ring, but Sheamus was too slow returning to the ring, allowing Orton to set up for a second rope-DDT, but Sheamus blocked, spun Orton onto the ring apron, and landed the Ten Forearms to the Chest. Sheamus completed the firemans carry drop for a two count, but walked into a fall-away backbreaker from Orton. Orton followed with a second-rope DDT, then taunted the crowd before teasing the RKO. Sheamus rolled to the apron to avoid, though, then battering-rammed Orton across the ring. Powerslam for a two count, then Sheamus climbed to the top rope, only to take a mid-air RKO The winner of the match: Randy Orton -Commercial- Hulk Hogan is introduced by Mean Gene. We then have surprise appearances by Ric Flair, Roddy Piper, Paul Orndorff and the nWo who all come out to the ring to celebrate Hogans birthday. Scott Hall does his survey and Kevin Nash then takes the mic and leads everyone in singing happy birthday to Hogan. Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman then come out and Lesnar tells Hogan the partys over. Cena runs out and chases Brock out of the ring. Cena looks out towards the ramp as Heyman and Lesnar walk towards the stage -End Show-
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 06:09:36 +0000

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