WWE Raw Results (9/2/13) #shekhar Welcome to Monday Night Raw. - TopicsExpress


WWE Raw Results (9/2/13) #shekhar Welcome to Monday Night Raw. This week Raw is in Des Moines, Iowa and we kick things off with Triple H in the ring and Triple H says that he wants to introduce the face of a company. He wants to introduce everyone THE WWE Champion . . . Randy Orton. As Randy makes his way to the ring and past The Shield, Michael Cole says that an unnamed WWE Superstar said that this is a Reign of Terror. Randy makes it into the ring and Randy says that as the face of the WWE, protecting this company is his number one responsibility. He will not let the image of this company be tarnished. If you disrespect him, you disrespect the entire WWE and you need to be punished. Randy mentions Daniel Bryan. Last week on Raw, Daniel Bryan defaced his personal property, an Escalade that Triple H personally gave him. In turn, he has no choice but to deface Daniel Bryan. We see what Randy and The Shield did to Daniel on Smackdown, including the nWoization of Daniel Bryan. Randy says that he will take a page out of Daniel Bryan’s book and play an audience participation question and answer game. Randy’s first question is ‘Should Daniel Bryan face him at Night of Champions for the WWE Title?’ The people say yes, but Randy says no. Does Daniel Bryan have the slightest chance in hell of beating him at Night of Champions? The crowd says yes, but Orton says no. Will Daniel Bryan ever amount to anything in the WWE or will he always be a B+ player? The crowd says Yes. Should Daniel Bryan give up his opportunity to face him at Night of Champions for the WWE Title? Orton says Yes. Triple H says that at COO, he has a number of responsibilities. He is to make sure that the best product is put on each week. He says that the WWE Universe are the most passionate fans. His other job is to ensure the health and welfare of Superstars and Divas. Hunter says that he has become worried about Daniel Bryan. Daniel’s ego gets him into situations like we just saw. That is a problem. Hunter says that the people are not helping because they are chanting Yes. The people are causing Daniel Bryan to confuse popularity with what is best for business. Popularity is not what is best for business. Hunter mentions Doink. Doink was insanely popular. People loved Doink. There is a very big reason why Doink was never WWE Champion. It was because it would have been bad for business. Daniel Bryan will never be WWE Champion. He can reach for that brass ring and he can have some goals. Hunter says that he can bring back the Cruiserweight or European title and Daniel can set that goal for himself. Daniel Bryan’s music plays and he makes his way onto the stage. Daniel says that Hunter and Randy made a lot of really good points. He is thrilled to be compared to Doink. Daniel says that he is not sure if there was a loud Doink the Clown chant in 1992. The only clowns he sees are the two standing in the ring right now. Daniel says that he knows that Hunter and Randy want him to give up his title match. Just like when Hunter gave up being a man when he cut his hair and put on the suit to become a corporate sellout. He says that Randy gave up being in the WWE Title picture until someone decided to hand it to him. Should he give up his Title Match against Randy Orton at Night of Champions? Daniel says that the answer is the same as the answer to the question ‘Is Randy Orton more masculine than Stephanie McMahon?’ and that is no. Randy asks how many times does Daniel have to be punched in the face, triple power bombed or given an RKO before he realizes he cannot win. Daniel tells Randy that no one ever told him he couldn’t do something. Daniel says that he was told he couldn’t do better than wrestle in high school gyms and flea markets. He was told he couldn’t make it to the WWE. He was told he would never make it to the top. He was told he could never be WWE Champion. Daniel says that is what made him the man he is today. He says that he loved the fight to get here. Randy will never understand that because he was given everything. Daniel says that he does not think he can beat Randy Orton for the WWE Championship, he knows that he can beat Randy for the WWE Championship. He tells Randy that deep down he knows it and so does Hunter. They wouldn’t put him in gauntlet matches or have three people beat him down. They would let him and Randy wrestle, one on one. Randy may have the genetics of a champion, but he does not have the heart of a champion. Randy may walk around like a big dog, but he is only Hunter’s . . .Hunter interrupts Daniel and calls him a grump little troll. Daniel’s anger is something, but it is misdirected. There is one guy who Daniel should be angry at. That person is seven foot tall and weighs 500 pounds and has an iron clad contract who watches him get beaten down. Hunter tells Daniel that he can take his anger out on Big Show tonight because in the main event, Daniel Bryan will face Big Show. -Commercial- Backstage: Hunter and Randy are walking in the back and they see Cody Rhodes. Hunter shakes Cody’s hand and he asks about his dad. Cody says that tonight’s main event will be great . . . as long as nobody gets involved. Hunter wonders why anyone would get involved. Cody asks Randy why avoid the match since Randy isn’t afraid of Daniel. Daniel Bryan versus Randy Orton is what is best for business. Hunter asks Cody if he is deciding what is best for business. Hunter says that he wouldn’t rely on Cody’s judgment. Daniel Bryan versus Big Show is what is best for business. Hunter says that Cody is busy getting ready for his wedding and planning things. Hunter asks Randy if he got an invitation and Randy asks Hunter. Hunter says that he got Cody an early wedding present. He will face Randy Orton. Cody thanks Hunter for the opportunity. Hunter says that it is an opportunity for him to keep his job because if he does not win, he probably won’t be here very long. Hunter guarantees it. Miz vs Fandango Miz goes after looking for the early victory as he attempts to get the figure four leglock. Fandango slides out of the ring. Miz with a side headlock takedown. Clothesline to Fandango. Miz off the ropes and a kick to Fandango’s face. -Commercial- Miz runs into a boot. Fandango on the second rope and Miz takes him down. Miz going for the figure four leg lock and Fandango kicks him away. Miz misses the running clothesline and Fandango with a springboard legdrop from the apron. Miz has the figure four locked in and Fandango taps The winner of the match by submission: The Miz -Commercial- Backstage: Booker T walks in and wants to talk to Daniel Bryan. Bryan says that he has a lot on his mind. Booker says that he knows that Bryan wants to rage against the machine because that is a fight he cannot win. Bryan can go back to fighting in gyms and armories for little money. Booker tells Bryan that maybe he should give up his title match. Bryan says that this is not about titles or money. This is about his life. Booker says that these are people who could ruin his life. Bryan could get injured to the point where he could have his career put in trouble. Booker says that he has Bryan’s back and he tells him to tread lightly. -Commercial- Dolph Ziggler vs Ryback Ziggler comes out only to get attacked by Dean Ambrose. Ryback then comes out. Ryback runs into a knee. Ryback picks Ziggler up and delivers a belly to belly suplex. Ziggler tossed across the ring by Ryback and bounces his head off the mat. Ryback manhandles Ziggler throwing him into the ropes. Ryback sets up for the Meat Hook clothesline but Ziggler counters with a dropkick. Ziggler with a splash in the corner and a series of punches. Ryback lands the Meat Hook clothesline and follows it with a Shell Shocked for the three count The winner of the match: Ryback Backstage: Brad Maddox walks in and tells Triple H and Stephanie that Big Show is refusing to fight Daniel Bryan. Maddox directs Stephanie to Show’s locker room but Stephanie says this won’t be a private conversation We get another promo for Los Matadores -Commercial- Stephanie McMahon comes out to the ring and introduces someone who helped her out when she was younger. She says she grew up backstage in all these arenas and introduces her friend Big Show. Stephanie says he taught her a long time ago that it’s okay to do something you don’t want to do as long as you’re willing to pay the price and she says he’s looking into the eyes of a 12 year old girl and cuts to the chase and says Show’s broke and has nothing right now. She says his iron clad contract says if he doesn’t perform his duties he is in breach of contract and how much longer can he keep this up there’s not a lot of other alternatives and tells him to think of his family and tells him his biggest fear is giants medically don’t live as long as other people. Stephanie says he WILL perform his duties tonight and WILL face Daniel Bryan and she’s sorry he’s hurting but the only person hurting more than him right now is her. -Commercial- Prime Time Players vs 3MB O’Neil unloads on Slater. Double shoulderblock to Slater. Young fights out of the corner. Mahal with a side headlock and shoulderblock. Inverted atomic drop to Mahal and a clothesline. Big boot to Mahal. Young on the second rope pulled down by Mahal. Slater stomps away on Young. Chinlock on Young. Neckbreaker by Slater. Kneedrop by Mahal. Slater back to the chinlock. Series of clotheslines by O’”Neil. O’Neil with the fall away slam. Kick to Mahal. Young takes out Mahal and McIntyre. Clash Of The Titus to Slater for the three count The winners of the match: Prime Time Players -Commercial- Backstage: Paul Heyman tells Brad Maddox he’s not doing good and it’s Maddox’ fault because he put the fate of Heyman in the hands of the WWE Universe and they voted for CM Punk to put his hands on Heyman and if that happened they’d never see Heyman again and now Maddox puts Heyman in a handicap match where it’s a guarantee that Punk would get his hands on him and asks if that’s good for business. Triple H walks in and says he approves that match and says he’s watched Heyman for years weasel his way out of things and this match guarantees he won’t be able to weasel his way out. Triple H says congratulations if Heyman weasels his way out but if he doesn’t then it’s a guarantee CM Punk will give him the beating he so richly deserves either way Triple H wins Bray Wyatt says that Icarus was warned never to get too close to the sun. Pride can make even the most noble men do foolish things. As Icarus neared the sun, his wings began to melt and Icarus fell into the ocean and was never heard from again. Where is Kane? Wyatt says that he warned Kane and said that the fire that he thought was his friend would be his ending. When Kane allowed his pride to cloud his common sense, he knew that Kane was his. Like a lamb that was led to slaughter. Bray wonders where his monster has gone. Kane has made his bed and now he is burning in it. -Commercial- Cody Rhodes vs Randy Orton Series of back elbows to the head by Orton. Rhodes unloads on Orton. Clothesline by Orton. Orton hangs Rhodes out over the top rope. Rhodes thrown to the outside. Rhodes rams Orton’s head into the ring steps. Dropkick by Rhodes. Rhodes explodes out of the corner with a clothesline. Front suplex by Rhodes and clothesline in the corner. Backbreaker from the second rope by Orton and Rhodes sent to the outside. -Commercial- Headbutts to Rhodes and Rhodes dropped on the back of his head on the barricade. Kneedrop on Rhodes and side headlock. Clothesline and high elbow to Orton. Open right hand by Rhodes. Dropkick from the top rope by Rhodes. Rhodes misses with the Disaster Kick but connects the second time. Moonsault by Rhodes but Orton moves out of the way. Orton with the DDT to Rhodes. Rhodes with the Cross Rhodes on Orton. Rhodes counters an RKO. Disaster Kick misses. Rhodes hits the RKO for the three count The winner of the match: Cody Rhodes Post Match: Triple H comes out and says Rhodes fought like his life depended on it and fought with a lot of heart and he respects him but the WWE needs winners and says this is business and he has to do what’s best for everyone in the locker room and tells Rhodes he’s fired -Commercial- CM Punk comes out and promises no more empty threats or posturing and no more talking because he’s having a hard time trying to come up with what he’s supposed to say next. Everything he’s needed to say everyone’s heard and he’s hear dressed to compete but wrestling is the furthest thing from his mind. No wrestling, no talking. After what happened last week he wants to fight. He wants to fight Paul Heyman and if he has to fight Curtis Axel too he’d invite them both down but knows they wouldn’t come out but in 13 days he’s got them both and the way he’s feeling right now Punk wouldn’t want to fight himself. He has something he wants to say to his family and friends and the WWE Universe. In 13 days he guarantees he’ll get past Curtis Axel then he guarantees he’ll get his hands on Paul Heyman and if anyone orders N.O.C. they’re going to see a side of CM Punk they haven’t seen before and can’t promise anyone will like it. He can live with it but not sure if anyone else can. Punk says Heyman said Punk broke his heart but at N.O.C. Punk’s going to break Heyman’s face -Commercial- Backstage: Daniel Bryan is in his locker room and Big Show enters. Show says that he didn’t want any part of this fight but he is under a lot of pressure. Bryan says that what Show wants does not matter to him. He does what he has to regardless of the obstacles put in front of him. Whether it was the Shield, Randy Orton, or a Giant. Show says that he cannot let their friendship dictate what happens to his family. Show says that he is in a no win situation. Bryan says that he will beat Show just like he did for his first World Championship Natalya vs Naomi vs Brie Bella Dropkick by Naomi to Brie. Roll up by Natalya. Sit out facebuster by Brie. Clothesline to Natalya and a knee to the face. Naomi with a sunset flip from the apron. Brie holds on to the ropes. Natalya throws Brie out of the ring. Natalya with the sharpshooter. Roll up by Naomi. Brie with a crossbody and Natalya rolls through picking her up. Naomi with the rearview and AJ runs in and a brawl breaks out The winner of the match: No Contest -Commercial- RVD vs Damien Sandow Waistlock by RVD. Sandow stomps on RVD. Irish whip to the corner and RVD hits a spinning back kick. Powerbomb by Sandow. Sandow picks RVD up and RVD with a kick to the face. Leg scissor roll up and Sandow with an elbow to RVD. Submission hold on RVD. Kick to Sandow. Del Rio comes out and Sandow throws RVD out of the ring -Commercial- Back suplex by Sandow. Sandow with the Flashback. RVD with a kick. Sandow with the side Russian legsweep followed by the Cobito Acquiet. Drop toehold by Sandow and a knee to the back of the neck. Swinging neckbreaker to RVD. Suplex blocked by RVD and small package to Sandow. Clotheslines and dropkick by RVD. RVD hits the Rolling Thunder. RVD looking for the five star frogsplash but Sandow rolls him up from behind. Sandow gets nailed by RVD, RVD up to the top hits the five star frog splash for the three count The winner of the match: RVD -Commercial- Backstage: Rhodes says he lost fair and square and it was that stipulation but for 2 decades the McMahons hated the Rhodes. Dusty was here and they put him in polka dots, Dustin was a stud the natural whom Cody loved and they put him in gold paint and hasn’t been the same. He then walks out of the arena -Commercial- Big Show vs Daniel Bryan Show pleading with Bryan not to do this but Bryan unloads with kicks to Show. Series of dropkicks in the corner. Show with a series of chops to Bryan. Slam by Show. Bryan comes at Show again and Show with a headbutt and body shot. Back splash by Show and Bryan with a dropkick floors Show. Show with a spear. Sets up for the KO but just leaves the ring. Triple H then comes out with The Shield. Triple H orders Show to get back in the ring and finish it. The Shield run in and attack Bryan. Show gets back in and Triple H tells him to think about his family and orders him to step back. The Shield deliver the triple powerbomb to Bryan as Show is forced to watch. Triple H orders him to knock Bryan out but Show says no and tells Triple H to leave him alone. Stephanie walks out. Stephanie tells Show to think about his family and says it’s his last chance. Show reluctantly knocks him out and Triple H says Show did the right thing. Randy Orton then walks out and stands over Bryan. -End Show-
Posted on: Tue, 03 Sep 2013 05:38:38 +0000

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