WWE Raw Results – June 2, 2014 Welcome everyone to tonight’s - TopicsExpress


WWE Raw Results – June 2, 2014 Welcome everyone to tonight’s edition of Monday Night Raw. We begin the Post-Payback show with the arrival of Evolution. Triple H starts by saying that it’s always darkest before the dawn. He says that it’s funny that The Shield think that they have won, and think that it’s over. He says that the WWE Universe doesn’t get it, and that he never loses. He is a winner and always will be. He says that this will not be over until The Shield are no more. He says that it happens tonight. Batista now grabs the mic. Batista says that he doesn’t want another match with The Shield, he wants his one on one title match that Triple H promised him. Triple H says that there is a reason why he is the leader here and that he is the boss. It’s because he can see the bigger picture. He says that there is a plan, but Batista says that he doesn’t care about his plan. He says he has earned a one on one championship match, and he wants it tonight. Triple H tells him that Daniel Bryan is injured and can’t compete. He says he can’t give him a shot at the title tonight. Triple H says that he would probably choke in the match anyways. Triple H apologizes to Batista, and says that things are a little stressful around here right now. Triple H asks Batista if this is how he wants to be remembered, as the man that couldn’t beat The Shield. Triple H says it ends when The Shield are no more. He tells Batista that when that happens, he will get everything he wants. He says nobody is getting anything until that happens. Batista says that he understands, and he quits. Triple H tells Batista to get back in the ring, and asks him if he is gonna run back to Hollywood. Triple H says that he is finished, and he will never be brought back. Triple H tosses the mic down. We go to the announcers and they give their opinions on what just transpired. They then remind us what happened last night between Daniel Bryan, Brie Bella, and Stephanie Mcmahon. -Commercial Break- Back on Raw, Sheamus and Rob Van Dam are in the ring. They will be in tag team action against Cesaro and Bad News Barrett. Sheamus and Rob Van Dam vs. Cesaro and Bad News Barrett Sheamus and Cesaro start the match off. Cesaro starts off quickly with right hands, but Sheamus knocks him down with a boot. Sheamus comes off the top with a battering ram for a 2 count. Cesaro back to his feet and lands an uppercut. Sheamus fights back with right hands, but Cesaro gains the advantage back with a side slam. Cesaro lands another uppercut and whips Sheamus into the corner. Sheamus explodes out of the corner with a big clotheslines. He goes for his clubbing blows, but Cesaro fights out and hands Sheamus’ arm on the top rope. Barrett now tags in. Barrett lands a kick to the gut and goes for a hip toss, but Sheamus blocks it and hits a clothesline. RVD now tags in. RVD lands some kicks to the leg of Barrett followed by a spinning heel kick. RVD covers for a 2 count. RVD now all over Barrett in the corner with kicks. RVD goes for a spring board, but Barrett catches him in mid air with a clothesline as we go to commercial. -Commercial Break- Back on Raw, Barrett is in control of RVD. RVD starts fight back with right hands, but Barrett catches him with a boot to the face for a 2 count. Cesaro now tags back in. Cesaro lands a stomp to RVD followed by a running uppercut. Cesaro covers for a 2 count and locks in a rear chin lock. RVD fights back wit his feet and gets separation with a kick to the head. Cesaro picks RVD up and slams him to the mat. Barrett now tags back in. Barrett lands a kick to the gut as Cesaro holds him. Barrett covers for a 2 count. Barrett goes to the middle rope and drops and elbow. He covers and gets another 2 count. Barrett now locks in a rear chin lock. RVD fights back to his feet and lands a kick. RVD charges and Barrett catches him with a back elbow. RVD falls to the floor as Cesaro tags back in. Cesaro gives chase and tosses RVD back first into the barricade. Both men now back in the ring and Cesaro covers for another 2 count. Cesaro lands a headbutt and boots to RVD in the corner. Cesaro charges, but RVD lands an elbow and rolls up Cesaro for a 2 count. Cesaro slams him down and covers for another 2 count himself. Cesaro locks in another rear chin lock. RVD back to his feet again and lands right hands. Cesaro knocks him down and knocks Sheamus off the apron. Cesaro turns around into a heel kick by RVD. Both men make their tags. Sheamus all over Barrett with running lariats. Sheamus lands a running knee followed by a clothesline. Sheamus hits a tilt a whirl slam to Barrett and Cesaro. Sheamus calls for the Brogue Kick. He charges, but Cesaro slides out of the ring. Sheamus turns around and Barrett catches him with The Winds of Change. Cesaro and Heyman now leave the ring side area and walk up the ramp. It’s now 2 on 1. Barrett lifts Sheamus up, but Sheamus slides out and tags in RVD. Sheamus connects with the Brogue Kick, and RVD connects with the 5 Star Frog Splash for the 3 count. Winners by Pinfall – Sheamus and Rob Van Dam -Commercial Break- Back on Raw, Damien Sandow walks out as Lance Stephenson. He says that he is Lance Stephenson, a member of the Indiana Pacers. He says that we all know that the Pacers’ season has came to an end. Sandow says that with all of his free time, he is out here for a few reason. He says the first, is to say that Leborn James is the best player of all time. #2, is that the Pacers are a losing team in a losing city. He says as an act of charity, he will now give a public display of his abilities. Sandow then starts doing some over dramatic moves with a basketball. He is cut off by the music of The Big Show. Big Show makes his way to the ring. Sandow asks Big Show if he has game, and then challenges him to a game. Sandow tosses him the ball and acts like he is guarding him. Big Show tosses the ball into the gut of Sandow, and hits him with the WMD. Big Show then dunks the basketball into the basket. Big Show leaves the ring as Sandow is laid out on the canvas. -Commercial Break- Back on Raw, Kofi Kingston is in the ring. He will be going one on one with Bo Dallas. Kofi Kingston vs. Bo Dallas Before the match gets underway, Dallas grabs a mic. He says there is only one reason why the Miami Heat beat the Indiana Pacers, and that’s because everyone on the Heat Boleieve. Both men lock up and Dallas starts with a headlock. He hits the ropes and lands a shoulder block. He bails out of the ring and celebrates. Dallas now gets back in the ring and extends his hand to Kofi, but Kofi says no. Kofi goes behind Dallas, but Dallas counters and hits the ropes. Kofi lands a jumping back elbow followed by a drop kick. Dallas falls out of the ring. Dallas now slowly gets back in the ring. Kofi extends his hand, and Bo shakes it. Kofi then hits a spinning kick to the jaw of Dallas. Bo hits the ropes and catches Kofi with a spinning neck breaker. Kofi now hits the ropes and Bo hits a big back body drop. Bo drops a few knees to the face of Kofi. Bo now locks in a neck crank. Kofi fights back to his feet, but Bo catches him with a club to the back. Kofi hits the corner, but spring boards into a drop kick. Kofi lands some big double handed chops and follows it with a drop kick. Kofi covers and gets a 2 count. Kofi connects with a monkey flips, and follows that with a spring board cross body for a close 2 count. Bo tries to charges Kofi, but Kofi catches him with a boot to the face. Kofi charges Bo in the corner, but Bo hangs him on the top rope. Bo connects with the Bo-Dog for the 3 count. Winner by Pinfall – Bo Dallas After the match, Bo embraces Kofi and tells him good job, but Kofi shoves him away. Bo leaves the ring and heads up the ramp. We go to the back where Renee Young is waiting on Triple H. Stephanie comes out of his office. Stephanie says that Triple H is busy, but if she wants a scoop, she is about to head to the ring to make a statement about the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. -Commercial Break- Back on Raw, we are joined by Stephanie Mcmahon. She makes her way to the ring. Stephanie says that last night, Daniel Bryan showed his true colors. She says he chose himself over everyone else, because he wouldn’t surrender the title. She says that the WWE Universe deserves a fighting champion. She says that Daniel knows that, but he decided to let Brie take the fall. Stephanie says that Brie should have been fired weeks ago when she put her hands on her. She said she was patient with her, and got a slap in the face for her troubles. Stephanie says that she is tough, she is a Mcmahon and will live. She wonders how Daniel will cope knowing that Brie doesn’t have a job because of him. Stephanie says enough about Bryan, she’s here to talk about the title. She says that Bryan will defend the title against Kane in a stretcher match at Money in the Bank. If Bryan can’t compete, then the Money in the Bank ladder match will be for the title. She is cut off by the music of John Cena. Cena makes his way to the ring. Stephanie says the people like him about as much as they like her. She congratulates him on his win against Bray Wyatt last night. Cena thanks her, but says that they haven’t seen the last of Bray Wyatt. Cena says that he doesn’t get tired of hearing the WWE Universe every week. Very loud lets go Cena/Cena sucks chants by the WWE Universe. Cena tells Stephanie to let it go, because it’s best for business. Cean says that the title picture has gotten out of hand. He says he speaks to her as a champion, and he knows what it takes to win and lose a championship. Cena says like Bryan, he had an injury that forced him to give up the title. Cena says that the WWE Universe deserves a fighting champion. Stephanie says like him, but Cena says no. No one person is bigger than the championship. Stephanie agrees, and trashes Bryan. Cena starts talking Bryan up, and says that he is really good. Cena tells Stephanie that the WWE Universe can be as loud as they want, for whoever they want. Cena says that every time Bryan is in the ring, he proves that he is championship material. Cena says that Bryan beat him fair and square for the title, and Stephanie took it from him. Cena says the reason he relinquished the title, is because he knew he would get another shot. Cena says that Bryan is afraid that he will never get another shot because of how she treats him. Stephanie says that Bryan is a B+ player, and can’t physically compete in the ring. Stephanie says that she will do what’s right for the business. Cena says that he and Triple H have both had surgeries and had to give up their titles. Cena says that business is best for business, and she has let personal get in the way of business. He says that Stephanie has made en embarrassment out of the title and out of herself. Cena says that rating her 1 to 10 based on how she has performed, he gives her a 0. 0 meaning that she sucks. He says that the WWE Universe gives her a 0 as well. Stephanie says that she doesn’t care what everyone grades her. Stephanie says that she is gonna give Cena an opportunity tonight. Stephanie says tonight, Cena will go one on one with Kane, and that match is right now. Kane’s music starts up and he makes his way to the ring. This match will begin after the commercial break. -Commercial Break- John Cena vs. Kane Back on Raw, Kane is in control of Cena with right hands. Cena fights back with some right hands, but Kane knocks him down with a big boot. Kane covers for a 2 count. Kane kicks Cena back down to the mat and lands some stomps to him. Kane backs Cena into the corner and lands a big right hand followed by more stomps. Cena fights back out with a drop kick, but Kane gets back up and drops him with a sidewalk slam for a 2 count. Kane and Cena now trade right hands in the middle of the ring. Cena gains the upper hand and lands his 2 shoulder tackles. Cena slams Kane down and calls for the 5 Knuckle Shuffle and connects with it. Cena picks Kane up, but Kane fights out and lands another big right hand. Kane all over Cena in the corner with punches and knees. Kane doesn’t let up after the 5 count and he is disqualified. Winner by DQ – John Cena After the match, Kane drags Cena to the outside. Kane whips Cena shoulder fist into the ring steps. Kane takes apart the steps and sets Cena up for a tombstone on them. Cena fights out and shoves Kane shoulder first into the ring post. Cena picks up the steps and throws them at Kane. Referees now come out and separate Cena and Kane. Cena makes his way to the back as Kane lays on the outside. Kane gets back to his feet and tosses the steps and tears up the announce table in frustration. Kane now makes his way up the ramp and to the back. We go to the back where Renee Young catches up with Randy Orton. Orton says that things got heated earlier, and Batista took his ball and went home. Orton says that he and Triple H are still on the same page. He is still the face of the WWE, and he will prove it when he beats Roman Reigns later tonight. -Commercial Break- Back on Raw, El Torito and Los Matadores are in the ring. 3MB make their way out to the stage. Slater says that with a little bit of patience, Hornswoggle is back and better than ever. He introduces him. Hornswoggle comes out with an afro wig on. Los Matadores will be in action against Heath Slater and Drew Mcyntire of 3MB 3MB vs. Los Matadores Drew and Diego start this match off. Diego backs Drew into the corner and lands a chop. Drew comes back with a right hand and some clubs to the chest. Slater now tags in. Diego trips up Slater and lands a few chops of his own. Diego hits the ropes but eats a spinning heel kick by Slater. Hornswoggle starts taunting on the apron, but El Torito comes up behind him and rips off his wig. Slater looks on as Hornswoggle goes up the ramp. Diego rolls up Slater from behind and pins him for the 3 count. Winners by Pinfall – Los Matadores -Commercial Break- Back on Raw, Nikki Bella makes her way to the ring. She will be a handicap match against Alicia Fox and Aksana. Nikki Bella vs. Alicia Fox and Aksana Nikki and Aksana start this match of. Nikki takes Aksansa and then hits the ropes, but Alicia catches her with a kick to the back. Aksansa slams Nikki down and tags in Alicia. Alicia and Aksana hit a double team move. Alicia charges Nikki, but Nikki rolls her up for a 2 count, broken up by Aksana. Alicia connects with a kick to the gut followed by a scissor kick for the 3 count. Winners by Pinfall – Alicia Fox and Aksana After the match, Alicia picks Nikki up and dumps her to the outside. Alicia runs the ropes and celebrates her victory. Aksana and Alicia attack Nikki on the outside. Alicia hits a tilt a whirl back breaker and then tosses her into the barricade. We go to the back where we see Erik Rowan and Luke Harper next to Bray’s rocking chair. Harper says that tonight, they take up Bray’s charge. Harper says tonight, they will make the Usos suffer, and that they will pay for what they did. He says that retribution won’t be full until they are put down. Harper says that they will not spare the flock, and they will suffer for their misdeeds, and they will burn. Rowan tells everyone to follow the buzzards. -Commercial Break- Back on Raw, Zeb Coulter and Jack Swagger are in the ring. He talks about the illegal immigrants and says that they are taking our jobs. He tells everyone to rise and put their hand over their hearts and say “we the people.” Adam Rose and The Rosebuds make their way out to the ring. Rose will be going one on one with Jack Swagger. Jack Swagger vs. Adam Rose Swagger starts off the match by backing Rose into the corner. Rose slides out and slaps Swagger on the backside. Swagger comes back with a right hand, but Rose ducks the next and slaps him again. Swagger hits the ropes and Rose catches him with a back elbow. Rose lands some big uppercuts. Swagger tosses him away and lands a big boot to the face. Swagger tosses Rose face first into the corner and then hits a belly to belly suplex. Swagger covers and gets a 2 count. Swagger locks in a double underhook shoulder lock. Rose fights back to his feet, and lands a boot to the face of Swagger. Rose lands some big jabs and a big right hand. Rose hits an atomic drop followed by a swinging neck breaker. Rose charges and hits The Party Foul for the 3 count. Winner by Pinfall – Adam Rose We go to the back where Byron Saxton is with The Usos. The Usos say that last night The Usos had a blast. They might be beat up, but they aren’t down. They say that they are going to handle their business tonight. The Usos say that they will do whatever it takes to win tonight. -Commercial Break- Back on Raw, we are joined by Luke Harper and Erik Rowan minus Bray Wyatt. The Usos now make their way to the ring for this tag team match. The Usos vs. Erik Rowan and Luke Harper Rowan will start this match off with Jimmy Uso. They lock up and Rowan backs Jimmy into the corner. Jimmy fights back with big right hands, but Rowan catches him with a big shoulder tackle. Rowan goes after the taped ribs of Jimmy and tags in Harper. Harper hits a double handed chop followed by a headbutt. Jimmy tries to fight back, but Harper cuts him off with a right hand. Jimmy hits the ropes and connects with a cross body followed by a back heel kick. Jey Uso now tags in. Jey charges and hits a flying forearm to Harper in the corner. Jimmy lands 10 big punches to Harper in the corner. Jey hits the ropes but eats a big boot to the face by Harper. Rowan now tags in. Rowan drops a big knee to the chest of Jey. Rowan now chokes Jey on the top rope and drives a knee into his back. Rowan now locks in a neck crank. Jey fights back to his feet. He goes for a scoop slam, but Rowan’s weight is too much. Harper now tags back in. Harper lands another double chop followed by a big right hand. Harper drives his knee into the left arm of Jey and tags Rowan back in. Rowan drops an elbow to the chest of Jey. Rowan hits a stalling scoop slam. Rowan tries to drop another elbow but Jey moves out of the way. Rowan charges and splashes Jey in the corner. Rowan goes for a suplex, but Jey slides under him and tags in Jimmy. Jimmy hits a kick to the gut and goes for a sunset flip, but Rowan fights out. Rowan misses a leg drop and Jimmy hits a sitout drop kick for a 2 count. Jimmy hits a drop kick on Rowan and he falls out of the ring. The Usos hit a double kick to the gut of Harper and he bails out of the ring as we go to commercial. -Commercial Break- Back on Raw, Jimmy Uso is on the outside with Harper. Harper hits a big clothesline to Jimmy and tosses him back in the ring. Harper drops a few elbows and covers for a 2 count. Jimmy gets whipped into the corner and eats a big right hand by Harper. Rowan now tags back in. Harper lands some big stomps to Jimmy and connects with a headbutt. Jimmy starts fighting back with right hands, but Rowan cuts him off with a knee to the gut. Rowan drives his knee into the back of Jimmy. Jimmy gets whipped into the corner and Rowan puts him on the top rope. Rowan lands some big right hands and hangs Jimmy upside down. Rowan charges, but Jimmy moves and Rowan hits the turnbuckle. Jimmy comes off the top with a corkscrew splash. Jey and Harper now tag in. Jey is on fire with big clotheslines and right hands. Jey hits an enziguri to Harper and hits the Rikisi splash in the corner. Jey covers but it’s broken up by Rowan. Jey tosses Rowan to the outside, and Harper knocks Jey down with a boot to the face. Harper covers and gets a close 2 count. Harper charges but eats a boot by Jey. Jey comes off the middle rope with a drop kick, followed by a Samoan Drop. Jey goes to the top rope, but Rowan distracts him. Jey flies off the top onto Rowan on the outside. Harper now hits a suicide dive onto Jey on the outside. Jimmy now flies over the top rope onto Luke Harper. Harper is tosses back into the ring. Jey Uso goes up top and goes for the big splash, but Harper gets the knees up. Harper goes or the big clothesline, but Jey connects with a huge superkick. Jey covers and gets a very close 2 count. Jimmy gets tossed over the top by Rowan, and Jey rolls up Rowan for a close 2 count. Rowan connects with a sitout gut buster for the 3 count. Winners by Pinfall – Rowan and Harper -Commercial Break- Back on Raw, Alberto Del Rio is in the ring. He will be going one on one with Dolph Ziggler in a Money in the Bank qualifying match. Alberto Del Rio vs. Dolph Ziggler Both men lock up to start this match. Del Rio locks in a headlock and backs Ziggler into the corner. Del Rio lands some big right hands. Ziggler gets a quick roll up for a 2 count. Ziggler connects with a neck breaker for a 2 count. Ziggler lands his multiple elbows to Del Rio. Ziggler covers for a 2 count. Del Rio hits his enziguri and covers for a 2 count. Del Rio locks in a shoulder lock. Ziggler fights back to his feet, but Del Rio slams him down to the mat. Del Rio now chokes Ziggler on the bottom rope. Del Rio hits a belly to back suplex for another 2 count. Del Rio locks in another shoulder lock. Ziggler fights back to his feet and lands some right hands. Ziggler hits the ropes and connects with a big drop kick. Ziggler hits the ropes and connects with a cross body. Ziggler with a splash in the corner, but Del Rio counters with a shot to the ribs. Ziggler fights back and connects with the fameasser for a 2 count. Del Rio gets back to his feet and connects with a tilt a whirl back break for a 2 count. Del Rio is all over Ziggler with right hands as he is down. Del Rio goes to the top rope. Ziggler gives chase and hits a top rope x- factor for a very close 2 count. Ziggler goes for the zig zag, but Del Rio shoves him off. Del Rio catches Ziggler and locks in the cross arm breaker. Dolph can’t hang on and he taps out. Winner by Submission – Alberto Del Rio -Commercial Break- Back on Raw, Rybaxel are in the ring. They will be in tag team action against Goldust and a partner hand picked by Cody Rhodes. Goldust’s partner is Sin Cara. Rybaxel vs. Goldust and Sin Cara Goldust and Axel start this match. Axel hits the ropes and lands a shoulder tackle. Axel slides underneath Goldust, but Goldust catches him with an atomic drop. Axel comes back with a knee to the gut and tags in Ryback. Goldust hits Ryback with hits uppercut and tags in Sin Cara. Sin Cara comes off the top with a drop kick and covers for a 1 count. Goldust now tags back in. Goldust drops an elbow to the head of Ryback. Ryback fights back to his feet and backs Goldust into the corner. Ryback hits a big chop to Goldust, but Goldust comes back with a right hand. Ryback hits the ropes and knocks Goldust out of the ring with a shoulder tackle. Axel now tags in and slams Goldust into the barricade. Both men now back in the ring and Axel covers for a 2 count. Axel tags Ryback back in. Axel hits a back elbow and Ryback connects with a splash. Axel now tagged back in and Rybaxel hits a double suplex for a 2 count. Axel locks in a rear chin lock. Goldust fights back to his feet, but Axel catches him with a big drop kick. Axel talks trash and lands a stomp on Goldust. Goldust fights back to his feet, but Axel clubs him back down to the mat. Axel tags in Ryback and drops an ax handle. Ryback goes for one as well, but Goldust gets the boot up. Goldust gets to Sin Cara. Sin Cara hits a spring board cross body on Axel followed by a few kicks to the leg. Sin Cara hits the ropes and hits his spring board back elbow. He covers and Ryback breaks up the count. Ryback tries to charge Goldust, but he moves and Ryback hits the ring post. Sin Cara hits a big kick to the face of Axel. Sin Cara goes for a swanton bomb, but Axel moves. Axel hits the Migillicutter and covers for the 3 count. Winners by Pinfall – Rybaxel -Commercial Break- Back on Raw, Lana makes her way to the stage. she starts to talk but is cut off by loud USA chants. She tells the WWE Universe to stop their chants. She says that America denies their heroes. She says that in Russia, they honor their heroes, and worship them. She then mentions Putin. Lana says that Putin has given her to ok to honor “The Super Athlete” Rusev. She then introduces him. Rusev comes out waving the Russian flag. They make their way to the ring. Lana tells Rusev to stand on the podium. Lana tells the WWE Universe to show some respect to Rusev and to stop the USA chants. Lana says that we are going to witness Rusev getting the Russian Hero Award. Rusev is then awarded the golden star award. They then put the golden star around Rusev’s neck. Rusev grabs a mic and starts speaking in Bulgarian. Lana then grabs the mic and says long live mother Russia, and long live Rusev. She tells the WWE Universe to rise and show respect to the Russian national anthem. They then play the national anthem as confetti falls. -Commercial Break- Back on Raw, Roman Reigns makes his way to the ring with Ambrose and Rollins in tow. Reigns will be going one on one Randy Orton. Roman Reigns vs. Randy Orton Ambrose grabs a mic before Orton comes out. He asks the WWE Universe how they look. Ambrose said last night, they did exactly what they said they were gonna do, they eliminated Evolution without losing a member of The Shield. Rollins says that last night, The Shield adapted while Evolution perished. Rollins said earlier tonight, the whole world seen the implosion of Evoution. He says the reason Evoution perished, is because they didn’t work as one, unlike The Shield. He says in the end, they were just 3 strangers standing on the same side of the ring. Reigns says that they weren’t brothers, and The Shield are brothers. Reigns tells Orton to get out there so he can break his jaw. Orton comes out with Triple H in tow. Triple H has a sledge hammer and a mic. Rollins rolls out of the ring and grabs a chair. Triple H says that what he does better than anybody, is that he adapts. Triple H says last night was plan A, and tonight is plan B. He says there is always a plan B. Rollins blasts Reigns with the steel chair. Rollins now blasts Ambrose with the steel chair. He hits Ambrose over and over again with the steel chair. Rollins then hits the Curb Stomp on Ambrose. Rollins grabs the chair and heads out of the ring. Rollins hands the steel chair to Randy Orton. Orton gets in the ring. Orton hits Reigns over and over again with the chair. Orton rips the vest off of Reigns. Orton picks Reigns up and hits an RKO on the steel chair. Triple H and Seth Rollins now both get in the ring. Triple H, Randy Orton, and Seth Rollins stand over a fallen Ambrose and Reigns as we go off the air.
Posted on: Tue, 03 Jun 2014 05:20:54 +0000

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