WWE SmackDown results – 16th August, 2013 Match 1: Damien - TopicsExpress


WWE SmackDown results – 16th August, 2013 Match 1: Damien Sandow vs. Christian Christian picked up Damien Sandow with a small package for the win. Winner of the match: Christian Match 2: Kaitlyn and Natalya vs. AJ Lee and Layla Layla teamed up with AJ, kicking Kaitlyn in the back of the knee, and then AJ followed up with the Shining Wizard for the three count. Winner of the match: AJ Lee and Layla Match 3: The Shield vs. Rob Van Dam, Mark Henry, and Big Show Big Show takes Ambrose out with the Knockout Punch. Then RVD is tagged in, and he hits Ambrose with the Five Star Frog Splash for the win. Winner of the match: Rob Van Dam, Mark Henry, and Big Show Match 4: The Miz vs. Jack Swagger with Zeb Colter and Antonio Cesaro by the ringside Miz avoided interference from Cesaro, but the distraction allowed Swagger to knock him off with a punch. The referee, sensing foul play, ordered Cesaro and Colter to leave ringside. They both went ballistic. Miz, taking advantage of the situation, rolls up Jack Swagger to win the match. Winner of the match: The Miz Match 5: Zack Ryder vs. Curtis Axel with Paul Heyman Axel punches and kicks away at Zack Ryder as Heyman yells at him to capitalize. Axel hits a snap back suplex before smashing a hangman’s face buster for a win. Winner of the match: Curtis Axel Match 6: Daniel Bryan vs. Wade Barrett Wade Barrett grabs a Kendo Stick and tries to hit Daniel Bryan, but hits Maddox – the referee. Bryan then pushes Wade Barrett through the table. Then Triple H’s music hits, and the WWE COO makes his way to the ring in a referee’s shirt. Bryan smiles as he goes to the top rope. He then connects with the Flying Goat for the three count. Winner of the match: Daniel Bryan
Posted on: Fri, 23 Aug 2013 08:57:45 +0000

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