WWE Smackdown Results: We begin last nights show with Vince - TopicsExpress


WWE Smackdown Results: We begin last nights show with Vince McMahon on the TitanTron. He says that when he introduced the WWE Network, he said it was a great day to be a WWE fan. Now it is a greater day. New subscribers in November will get the WWE Network for free, including the Survivor Series. Vince starts doing the ‘Yes’ and the crowd joins in. We are in Houston, Texas and your announcers are Tom Phillips and Michael Cole. AJ Lee joins Tom and Michael at the announce table for this match. The Divas are dressed as follows: Paige is dressed as Summer Rae. Natalya is the Queen of Hearts. Naomi is dressed as a paratrooper. Summer Rae is dressed as a Schoolgirl Nerd. Layla is dressed as a mime. Emma is Tarzan. Rosa Mendes is dressed as a Zombie Nurse. Cameron is dressed as a police officer. Alicia Fox is dressed as a firefighter. Nikki Bella is dressed as a black cat. We are told by Tom that Brie Bella is not part of this match. We see Nikki telling Brie that she likes her costume for the Battle Royal because she looks like Daniel Bryan. Nikki tells Brie that a handbag was delivered to San Antonio instead of Houston, so she has to get it and will miss the match. Nikki tells Brie that she has to go in her costume or she will be fired for not following her orders. Match Number One: Divas Battle Royal (to determine Number One Contender) The bell rings and everyone pairs off. Paige is sent into the turnbuckles by Nikki. Naomi with a head scissors to counter a side slam and Naomi with a baseball slide to eliminate Rosa. Naomi kicks Alicia and she tries to eliminate her. Summer is eliminated by Natalya. Cameron misses a charge into the corner and Emma with the DilEmma. Emma is eliminated by Alicia. Layla dances in the ring while Paige acts like Summer and nothing much is done. Layla pulls out some of Paige’s padding and then Paige with a kick and she eliminates Layla. Naomi tries for an Irish whip to Cameron but Cameron with a kick. Natalya and Naomi eliminate Cameron and then Natalya eliminates Naomi. Natalya tries to eliminate Alicia and she says that she is not ready. Nikki with a spinebuster to Paige. Natalya gets kicked by Alicia. Paige tries to eliminate Nikki. Alicia kicks Natalya to the floor and then Alicia with a spear that sends her and Paige to the floor to eliminate both of them. Winner: Nikki Bella After the match, Nikki confronts AJ at the announce table. We go to commercial with Kane, Seth Rollins, Joey Mercury, and Jamie Noble walking in the back. We are back and Kane is joined by Seth Rollins, Joey Mercury, and Jamie Noble as he makes his way to the ring for his match. Before the match, Kane wishes everyone a Happy Halloween. He says every year around this time, he gets a warm, fuzzy feeling inside his chest. There is so much to look forward to. Scaring children, make believe blood, or is it really make believe? When you think you have survived the horror, the tricks and treats are not over on November 1st. Just around the corner is Survivor Series. As for tonight, the Authority has quite the main event planned. Cesaro faces off against everyone’s favorite lunatic fringe, Dean Ambrose in a Trick or Street Fight. Seth says that is a hell of a main event. What if Bray Wyatt gets to Dean Ambrose before Dean gets to the main event? He tells Dean that he will fall to Bray Wyatt just like Dean fell to him. He says that he is being honest. Seth doesn’t understand why the people are booing him. He wants to know what he did. Seth acknowledges that he sold out. He says you should be thanking him. You should all be thankful you are here tonight because you are in the presence of greatness. You are also some of the first to be let in on the Authority’s plans for Survivor Series. Who is John Cena going to recruit for his team? Who would be stupid enough to join Team Cena as they face Team Authority knowing the consequences of what will happen to them. Kane says speaking of Team Cena, there is one superstar who is already associating himself with Team Cena. Kane says that he is talking about Dolph Ziggler. Match Number Two: Dolph Ziggler versus Kane in a Non Title Match Ziggler avoids Kane while making sure Rollins, Mercury, and Noble don’t get involved. Ziggler with punches and a drop kick. Ziggler misses a Fameasser and then he goes for the hesitation DDT but Kane pushes him away. Kane with kicks to Ziggler and he works over Ziggler in the ropes. Kane with a short arm clothesline and he gets a near fall. Kane kicks Ziggler and punches him in the corner. Kane chokes Ziggler in the ropes. Kane with a snap mare followed by a reverse chin lock. Ziggler punches Kane. Kane tries for a slam but Ziggler escapes and he punches and kicks Kane. Ziggler with a neck breaker followed by a leaping elbow drop for a near fall. Kane runs into an uppercut from Ziggler but Kane knocks Ziggler off the turnbuckles with an uppercut and Ziggler falls to the floor. We go to commercial. We are back and Kane misses a shoulder in the corner and he hits the ring post shoulder first. Ziggler with a drop kick and then he leaps into the corner and he punches Kane. Ziggler tries for a neck breaker but Kane avoids it. Ziggler with a kick and Fameasser for a near fall. Noble gets on the apron and Ziggler goes after him. Kane with a boot to Ziggler and he gets a near fall. Kane signals for the choke slam and he grabs Ziggler by the throat but Ziggler counters with a sunset flip for a near fall. Ziggler with a super kick and Kane falls into the corner. Ziggler goes for a splash into the corner but Kane catches Ziggler by the throat and he hits a choke slam for the three count. Winner: Kane After the match, Kane picks up Ziggler by the throat and he hits a second choke slam. Noble and Mercury enter the ring and they stand over Ziggler before they start kicking Ziggler. Noble and Mercury hold Ziggler for Kane. Kane grabs the mic and he tells Dolph that he neglected to tell him that he has another match. Kane tells Dolph that he will be facing Seth Rollins and the match starts right now. Match Number Three: Dolph Ziggler versus Seth Rollins in a Non Title Match Rollins stands over Ziggler while he waits for Dolph to get up. Rollins hits Black Out for the three count. Winner: Seth Rollins We go to commercial. We are back and Heath Slater is in the ring and he is dressed like a scarecrow. Heath reminds everyone it is Halloween. He says that it is his favorite time of the year. He decided to be a scarecrow, but in reality he is a brave crow. After what John Cena did to him on Raw, he is . . . interrupted by his opponent Ryback. Match Number Four: Ryback versus Heath Slater Slater with a punch as the hay flies. Slater with a waist lock but Ryback with an arm wringer and he pulls off Slater’s fake hand. Slater says that he tricked The Big Guy. Slater does some air guitar and Ryback with a spinebuster. Ryback with a lariat and the marching muscle buster for the three count. Winner: Ryback Adam Rose and his Rosebuds are in the back and they are going from locker room to locker room to Trick or Treat. Their first stop is Goldust and Stardust’s dressing room and Goldust gasps at them. Their next stop is Sin Cara dressed like one of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and he throws some candy. They continue down the hall and they are scared by a ghost, who turns out to be R Truth under a sheet. Truth and Rose talk about the bunny. Truth brings up how is must be horrible to be upstaged by your sidekicks. Rose says that isn’t happening. Truth says that there are times when Rose is treated like he doesn’t exist. Truth suggests that Rose should dress like the bunny. Truth gives a rock to Truth and they continue down the hall. Miz and Damien Sandow walk in the back and Miz signs an autograph while Sandow does an air autograph. We are back and it is time for MizTV. Miz says on Raw we found out at the Survivor Series it will be Team Cena versus Team Authority in a traditional Survivor Series Match. Miz says that he knows a certain A Lister . . . Sandow says and a Stunt Double . . . Miz says that they should contact him. We see what happened between Mark Henry and Big Show on Raw. Miz introduces his guest, Mark Henry. Miz asks Mark about the three World’s Strongest Slams that he gave to Big Show and he wants to know what happened. Mark tells Miz not to ask him any dumb questions. You know what happened. Big Show saw him getting all of the attention as he was going to win the tag titles, and Show got jealous. Miz says something triggered that attack, a six foot three hundred pound person named Rusev? It looked like there was some resentment seeing Big Show trying to do what you couldn’t do. We see footage of Mark smiling after Show lost on Sunday. Mark says that Show knew what he was getting into when he challenged Rusev. It was about him, not the United States. It was about Show outshining him and doing what Mark couldn’t do. Miz asks him about Sunday night. Show says that he came out to help Big Show. Show helped him by allowing Henry get his ass handed to him. Mark asks Sandow if he has to do that. Mark says for months Big Show has been acting like he knows everything. Show is a guy with an overactive pituitary gland. Henry reminds us he is an Olympian. It is not about size, it is about strength. Big Show’s music plays and he makes his way to the ring. Henry pushes Miz and Sandow at Show and Show knocks them down. Show goes after Henry and he keeps Mark from escaping through the crowd. Show punches Henry but Henry sends Show into he ring post and then through the ringside barrier protecting Yeatonville. We go to commercial. We are back with the Raw Rebound. We go the Goldman Box before our next match and Goldust and Stardust are in there this week. Stardust says the stars aligned on Monday night with the Elimination Match being announced at Survivor Series. Goldust wonders which team will enlist the services of Goldust and Stardust. Match Number Five: Stardust and Goldust versus Fernando and Diego (with El Torito) in a Non Title Match Fernando and Stardust start things off and they lock up. Stardust with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Fernando with a head scissors followed by a wrist lock. Diego tags in and he hits a drop kick followed by a near fall. Fernando tags back in and he hits a slingshot senton for a near fall. Stardust with knees and Irish whip. Fernando floats over and he applies a waist lock. Stardust goes to the turnbuckles for a double jump enzuigiri. Goldust tags in and he punches Fernando from the floor. Goldust with punches but Fernando punches Goldust. Fernando knocks Stardust off the apron and then when Fernando tries to come off the ropes, Stardust pulls down the ropes and Fernando falls to the floor. We go to commercial. We are back and Stardust knocks Torito off the apron. Fernando with a flapjack. Goldust and Diego tag in and Diego with a flying shoulder tackle before knocking Stardust off the apron. Diego with another series of flying forearms. Diego chops Goldust. Goldust with an Irish whip but he runs into boots from Diego. Diego with a head scissors from the apron. Diego and Fernando both hit suicide dives onto Goldust. Stardust goes to the apron and he hit a springboard seated senton off the ropes. Stardust grabs Torito and sends him into the ring. Goldust grabs Torito and Goldust Irish whips Torito. Torito goes to the apron and he drop kicks Stardust to the floor. Tortio with a suicide dive onto Stardust but Stardust catches him. Torito with an arm drag that sends Stardust into the ringside barrier. Diego rolls up Goldust with a handful of tights to get the three count. Winners: Fernando and Diego We go to commercial. Match Number Six: Rusev (with Lana) versus Great Khali The crowd chants USA as Rusev pushes Khali but Khali sends Rusev to the mat. Rusev with forearms in the corner but Khali with a chop to Rusev’s head. Rusev with a kick followed by the jumping thrust kick. Rusev gets the signal from Lana and he stomps on the back and applies the Accolade. Khali taps out. Winner: Rusev After the match, Lana enters the ring and she has something to say. Lana tells everyone to shut up. She says that they have received direction from Mother Russia. The direction they have been given is to further destroy the deteriorating American spirit. Rusev takes the mic and he speaks in Bulgarian. Then he says that he has beaten your real Americans. He has beaten your strongest Americans. He has beaten your Giant American. Next, he will crush your American champion. Sheamus, after he takes away the United States Championship from you, I will give the title to the true leader of men, Vladimir Putin. Sheamus’ music plays and he makes his way to the stage. Sheamus tells Rusev he has been looking into a fight since you declared war on the United States. To put it in terms that Rusev can understand, challenge accepted. Sheamus wants Rusev to understand that when it comes to this championship, he takes pride in everything it stands for. Almost as much pride as he takes in doing . . . Sheamus tries for a Brogue Kick on Rusev, but Rusev gets out of the ring. We take a look at Bray Wyatt’s return at Hell in a Cell. Bray Wyatt makes his way to the ring to talk to the WWE Universe. He says All Hallow’s Eve. Today is a very very special day. Today, all of you pretend to be someone or something that you are not. Have you ever stopped to wonder why camoflouge and costumes make you so comfortable? Why wear a mask? Is it to hide from the horrors of the world? Is it because you hate everything about your every day lives? You cannot play pretend forever. Tomorrow morning when you wake up, you go back to being one of those anonymous souls. Dean Ambrose is different. He does not get to take off his mask. He waves it around for all to see. You love him but you don’t know why. He is different. He is nothing like any of you. Dean Ambrose is like him. He is a creature . . . an animal. Dean Ambrose is a monster. If anyone can imagine what that rush felt like when you finally had Seth Rollins in that cell. You cannot know what it feels like to have something breathing in your closing hands. He can feel what that power is like. In that moment, you are not just a man. You are immortal. You are something greater because in that moment, you have the power to take it all away. Bray says that he knows who Dean Ambrose is. He knows all of the horrible things he has done. You don’t not get to pull your filthy hands away. Your sins will stain you forever. Bray says that he thought Dean should know that she still cries for you. Bray says to follow the buzzards. We go to commercial with Dean Ambrose and Cesaro walking in the back. Match Number Seven: Dean Ambrose versus Cesaro in a Trick or Street Fight Cesaro throws his robe at Ambrose and he kicks him. Ambrose drops his kendo stick and he punches and kicks Cesaro. Ambrose with an Irish whip and running forearm into the corner. Ambrose with a bulldog and then he picks up a jack o’lantern that is on the apron while Cesaro picks up the kendo stick. Cesaro hits Ambrose with the kendo stick and then he hits a double stomp. Cesaro punches Ambrose and then he hits him in the midsection with the kendo stick and then the upper chest a few times. Cesaro with more kendo stick shots to Ambrose. Ambrose blocks a kendo stick shot and Ambrose punches Cesaro and he rebounds off the ropes but he is met with another kendo stick shot to the midsection. Cesaro with a power bomb for a near fall. Cesaro with more kendo stick shots to Ambrose and then he moves some of the jack o’lanterns into the corner of the ring. Cesaro with a boot to the head to allow more rearranging of the jack o’lanterns. Cesaro sets for a suplex onto the jack o’lanterns but Ambrose lands on his feet. Ambrose blocks a German suplex attempt. Ambrose sends Cesaro over the top rope to the floor. Cesaro with another kendo stick shot followed by forearms. Ambrose with a baseball slide and Cesaro drops the bucket of candy as it flies around ringside. Ambrose comes off the apron but Cesaro catches Ambrose and Cesaro sends Ambrose over the announce table. Cesaro climbs on the announce table and Ambrose hits him with the kendo stick. Ambrose sends Cesaro back into the ring and he back drops Cesaro onto the jack o’lanterns. Ambrose clotheslines Cesaro over the top rope to the floor. Ambrose goes for a pescado but Cesaro hits him in the midsection with a kendo stick. Cesaro sticks Ambrose’s head into a tub filled with water and apples. Ambrose spits water in Cesaro’s face and they exchange punches. Ambrose hits Cesaro with a skeleton. Cesaro punches Ambrose and hits a double suplex on Ambrose and the skeleton. Cesaro clears the table at ringside and he grabs a chair. Cesaro hits Ambrose with the chair but Ambrose hits Cesaro with a broom and Cesaro is on the table. Ambrose climbs onto the apron with the broom and he climbs onto the turnbuckles. Ambrose with an elbow drop off the turnbuckles through the table. Ambrose sends Cesaro back into the ring and Cesaro with a jawbreaker but Ambrose rebounds off the ropes with a clothesline. Ambrose puts a jack o’lantern on Cesaro’s head for a double underhook DDT and he gets the three count. Winner: Dean Ambrose After the match, Ambrose puts a jack o’lantern on Cesaro’s head. Dean goes to the turnbuckles to prepare his Yorick speech from Hamlet but he decides to give Pumpkinhead another double underhook DDT. We go to credits.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 21:14:42 +0000

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