WWE Survivor Series Results Kickoff show match: Kofi Kingston - TopicsExpress


WWE Survivor Series Results Kickoff show match: Kofi Kingston vs. The Miz Some good back and forth action in this one. Kofi nailed Miz with the SOS at one point, but only got a two count. Near the end of the match, Kofi was delivering kicks to The Mizs chest. He connected on two kicks, but on the third, The Miz ducked out of the way. The action continues and Kofi tries to roll up The Miz, but The Miz counters and rolls up Kofi for the pin and the win. WINNER: The Miz After the match, The Miz tries to shake Kofis hand. Kofi slaps him across the face and leaves the ring. The Miz is left in the ring clutching his face in shock. Traditional Survivor Series Elimination Tag Team match: WWE Tag Team Champions Cody Rhodes and Goldust, the Usos and Rey Mysterio vs. The Shield and The Real Americans The result: Dean Ambrose was eliminated first. He was jawing at the referee and Cody Rhodes rolled him up for the pin. The Shield/Real Americans didnt fare any better as the matched continued. Jack Swagger was the next superstar eliminated. Rey Mysterio hit the 619 and the Usos teamed up with a superkick and frogsplash to get the pin. One of the highlights of this match was Antonio Cesaro doing the giant swing not once, but twice. He caught both of the Usos in the giant swing, which was fantastic. But Cesaros match ended shortly thereafter when Cody rolled him up for the pin. This left Cody, Goldust, the Usos and Rey versus Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins. The two remaining members of The Shield went to work. Jimmy Uso was the first person eliminated by Reigns. Reigns hit him with a spear and pinned him. Reigns followed that up with another spear a few minutes later. Rollins and Cody were in the ring and Cody hit the Cross Rhodes on Rollins. But Rollins wasnt the legal man. Reigns was. Reigns enters, spears Cody and pins him. We are now left with Reigns and Rollins vs. Goldust, Rey and Jey Uso. Jey Uso is eliminated next when Rollins hit The Blackout. The nasty stomp laid Uso out. Rollins covered him to even things out. Rollins would be eliminated moments later when Rey enters and rolls him up. This leaves Rey and Goldust versus Reigns. Goldust enters and goes on the offensive. He gets several good punches and clotheslines in, but Reigns counters. He nailed him with a spear and pinned him, leaving Reigns and Rey as the only participants. Reigns attacks Rey, but Rey rebounds. Rey gets him set up for the 619, but as Rey is going through his routine, Reigns gets up and spears him. Reigns pins Mysterio for the victory. WINNER: Roman Reigns Intercontinental Championship match: Big E Langston (champion) vs. Curtis Axel This match was slow and rather boring. Axel didnt win over many fans in Boston. The Boston crowd started chanting You cant wrestle! Big E hits the Big Ending and pins Axel to retain the championship. WINNER and STILL INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPION: Big E Langston Divas Elimination Tag Team match: AJ Lee, Tamina Snuka, Kaitlyn, Rosa Mendes, Summer Rae, Aksana and Alicia Fox vs. Natalya, The Bella Twins, The Funkadactyls, JoJo and Eva Marie This match was a bit dull. The fans werent into it until later, when they started chanting JoJos name. JoJo is one of the new Divas who (we think) hasnt been involved in a match until tonight. Naomi (Funkadactyls) eliminates Alicia Fox, then Rosa Mendes enters and eliminates Cameron. Nikki Bella gets on a roll and eliminates Rosa and Summer Rae. Kaitlyn answers by eliminating Eva Marie and Naomi. When Brie enters, she pins Kaitlyn. Aksansa eliminates Brie, but Nikki enters and eliminates Aksana to get some revenge for her sister. Tamina enters and starts dominating Nikki. Nikki tags in JoJo. JoJo gives her best effort and almost rolls up Tamina for the pin, but Tamina kicks out. The action continues and Tamina nails JoJo with a Samoan Drop. Tamina tags in AJ and AJ pins and eliminates JoJo. This leaves Natalya and Nikki Bella against AJ and Tamina. Natalya is in the ring against Tamina. Theres some back and forth offense, but Natalya gets Tamina locked in the sharpshooter. It appeared that AJ got in to break it up, but the ref said Tamina tapped out. That leaves AJ against Natalya. With an assist from Nikki Bella, Natalya gets AJ locked in the sharpshooter. AJ taps out. WINNER: Natalya and Nikki Bella Singles match: Ryback vs. mystery opponent Ryback comes out and interrupts the Hall of Fame panel -- Mick Foley, Bret Hart and Booker T. He cuts a short promo and then issues an open challenge to the locker room. Out comes... Mark Henry! This was a short match. Henry hit Ryback with a pseudo crossbody and finished him off with the Worlds Strongest Slam for the win. WINNER: Mark Henry World Heavyweight Championship match: John Cena (champion) vs. Alberto Del Rio This was a solid 20 to 25-minute match. Nothing special, but not boring either. Del Rio tried to lock in several cross arm breakers, but only was successful on one occasion. Near the end of the match, Del Rio attempts another cross arm breaker, but Cena counters. Cena hits the Attitude Adjustment and pins Del Rio to retain the title. WINNER and STILL WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION: John Cena Tag Team match: CM Punk and Daniel Bryan vs. Luke Harper and Erick Rowan This was the match of the night. Some good action in this one, leading to the only This is awesome! chant of the night. Harper and Rowan had good offense at times, with Bryan and Punk getting in their spots, too. Bryan and Punk won the match with some great teamwork. Bryan clobbers Rowan with the knee and Punk hits Harper with the GTS. Punk covers Harper for the pin and the win. WINNERS: CM Punk and Daniel Bryan WWE Championship match: Randy Orton (champion) vs. Big Show Earlier in the night, The Authority promised that there would be no physical interference in any matches. That was true. Kind of. The Orton-Big Show match was mostly boring. In fact, the fans started chanting boring at one point, and Daniel Bryan chants also broke out. Orton botched a couple of moves, including a simple slide out of the ring where his leg got caught on the bottom rope. The crowd laughed and Orton smirked. There was some action on the outside near the end of the contest. Orton tried the hangman DDT, but Big Show countered with a knockout punch. Big Show finally gets Orton back in the ring and The Authority comes out. Big Show looks at them and balls his fist to tease the knockout punch. He turns around and Orton nails him with the RKO! Orton finishes Big Show off with the punt. Orton covers to retain his belt. WINNER and STILL WWE CHAMPION: Randy Orton Orton stands in the ring with the belt as The Authority applauds him. And then Cenas music hits. Cena comes down and holds up the World Heavyweight Championship belt. Orton responds by holding up his belt. And thats how Survivor Series concludes.
Posted on: Wed, 27 Nov 2013 16:39:07 +0000

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