Wages not Workfare Hi Sainsburys Your PR response to another - TopicsExpress


Wages not Workfare Hi Sainsburys Your PR response to another critic of your bare faced workfare opportunism, is truly far beneath contempt. You are a participant - or sub-contractor - in the newest and worst variant of workfare, so-called Help to Work, which includes so-called Community Work Placements, and so-called Apprenticeships or Traineeships targeting youth. All you have done, is to sneakily attempt to sidestep and avoid criticism for choosing - unlike the unpaid JSA claimants sent to you - to take part in workfare, by branding your participation, as your own in house training. Somewhat cynical. There is nothing voluntary about any version of what is called workfare, nothing at all. This PR bilge is an insult to the intelligence of your critics, it really is. Do you think they are stupid? You are happy to reduce costs to zero by not having to take on any new actual employees, by using workfare-indentured JSA labour. Most despicably of all, your fellow workfare opportunists, Remploy and Mencap are just fine with sending disabled or seriously vulnerable claimants to you, doubtless after the loathsome Atos has erroneously found them fit for work, thus rendering them ineligible for their derisory benefits and making them into job seekers in pursuit of non-existent jobs. That is of course done with lots of starry-eyed can do positive thinking twaddle about how empowering it is, but there really is nothing less empowering that having your choices reduced to: you dont have one, however much that is coated in nauseating saccharine. The work trial is never voluntary, because no workfare scheme is. They are all based on material compulsion, and that means being ultimately backed by sanctions aka the removal of supposedly subsistence benefits for non-compliance. It is all veiled as far as possible by fake smiles and first names, and everything being the choice of the benighted claimant, thus making what is and always has been completely out of their hands, and over which they have no control, supposedly their choice, and thus somehow voluntary. Your own rank hypocrisy at withdrawing from earlier versions of what we know by the umbrella term, workfare, only to sign up for this even worse variant two years later, really is disgraceful, and plenty can see that Sainsburys. You know full well, that your claim, everyone is placed into paid employment if they decide to accept the job, should be qualified by the caveat, if there are any vacancies. The laughable PR garbage of you claiming that using unpaid JSA claimants means they are protected is ridiculous spin, that cancels itself out completely. The issue is you using unpaid claimants, so considering that, the fact that they have agreed to work unpaid for you, under an indirect threat of losing their only income if they dont, is hardly protecting anyone, it is more like cynical and brazen exploitation. Your PR bilge is simply singing the tune of the DWP and workfare industry, in its stupid and disingenuous claims that compelling claimants to accept the help that is offered , is help and support. Your PR garbage certainly does,explain your position better,, though certainly not in the way you were hoping.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 09:03:14 +0000

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