Wages will make you a living, profits will make you a fortune - - TopicsExpress


Wages will make you a living, profits will make you a fortune - Jim Rohn. The wage system will not make you rich unless you are a professional athlete, have a few very special degrees where you can go to Wall Street, talented actor (payed $5 million for 1 movie for example) or C level executives making $400K-$1MIL per year, these are examples of the rare wage earners that are rich (both financially and more importantly have complete leverage of the most priceless asset we ALL have but waste, time) but these are the exceptions, not the norm, that can create REAL wealth. Most high school and college graduates are broke or living paycheck to paycheck (not all, most). The profit system, what our schools do NOT teach WILL bring wealth. An excellent example of the profit system is network marketing. If you have a job, you have a ceiling on your income. The wealthy do not. If you have a job your pay is tied to your time. Henry Ford was a genius because he fully understood the profit system. The man had no more than a 6th grade education and was criticized for not having a lot of formalized education regarding automobiles, what he did have was the right people surrounding him. So why does everyone go the wage route? Because it is safe. People do not like risk. They want safety and security even if their pay is tied to them giving up their time (life) for it. So, are wages good. Sure, if you want to pay your bills, mortgage, but if you want residual income, to be rich, not drive a 10 year old car or take a REAL vacation every two years or so, you have to get away from the wage system mindset and shift it to the profit system. If you want to fully grasp the profit system, get payed while you sleep, for doing work ONCE and than getting payed residually, visit fourhourworkweek.co I love Henry Ford, what he stood for and how he conducted himself. He understood this 100%. I have now been with Max International a year next month and I can assure those of you still on the fences about all this network marketing talk from me, that is WELL WORTH a look. I have the proof it is NO scam, no pyramid scheme (by the way, EVERY major corporation is and quite ironically, network marketing is NOT once you educate yourself on it..I am taking REAL in-depth research on it). If you have friends that tried it and quit, or never made any money, they didnt understand the system and they were too interested in what they could GET from it and not patient enough. It took me 18 years to run 2:19 marathon. Who do you know that will work and focus on something despite setback after setback for something? I know of only a few and most are talkers, they WANT to have more money, the DO part is their roadblock. I will give 100% of my focus and attention to anyone willing to give this a go but I will not try to convince anyone. There are two of my readers now, one has already become an associate. The other is across the Atlantic in Ireland who are serious. They know it takes more than just wanting to own their time. Running is NO different, you have a goal? You either wish or you DO, there is no in between. I am just as serious about this as I am with my running and my time is precious as is yours. We may hate our job, we may love our job, our time is STILL tied to you getting payed. We dont show up for work. Guess what happens. We all know. We do not get payed. The reality is we have been taught since middle school to get good grades, get a job and work in the wage system. Jobs are not bad but you will never be rich (and I am not talking about JUST money, but of something even more important rich as in having 100% leverage of your time). How many people do you know that love their jobs have leverage of their time? I know many who like or love their jobs, their pay is still tied to them being present somewhere. There is a better way. I give a damn about everyone here who has been with me the past 3+ years but we all need tough love. I had to wake up. I am making part-time damn near as much as I make full-time at my job right now for having worked ONCE. I still put work into this mainly nutrition and weight loss business but I know the health and wellness industry is set to become the next TRILLION dollar business. I can lead the thoroughbreds to the water, I cannot make them drink. Up to you. Im tough, fair and blunt. I was coached for three years by a Boston Olympic champion who didnt care if I was whining about having to do 6x1mile at Cheyenne Mountain High School track by myself at 4:45 per rep at 6400ft elevation. She is a champion for a reason, she did the work most people would not do. Our time, not the paycheck is what is MOST important. I wish only to partner with SERIOUS, committed, focused professionals who want to have the time to run more, spend more time with their kids, travel to more races and not having to worry that they might just not have enough cash flow to make that happen. QUIT WANTING AND DO. I believe in you.
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 03:29:09 +0000

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