Wagon Train... 18 The cold water sluiced down her leg, her - TopicsExpress


Wagon Train... 18 The cold water sluiced down her leg, her arrow wound was healing fast. She had removed her leggings, and waded out into the river to cup the current in long fingers. FireFly lifted her face to the distance ..She could smell it.. Winter was coming. Where now ?.. She mused. Turning her face away to the bank, she saw the Brave. His fever had broke during the night and, he slept for hours. His head was on her pack, she had covered him with an elkskin. A small fire leapt and danced to the sizzle of the fat running down the sticks holding the slices of rabbit meat. The savory aroma may bring predators, she thought. Turning down stream, she saw the herd ...They were alternating going up to the plateau above for grass and coming back down to the shelter of the wide wash to stand ...She could swear ...Just to stare at her ...FireFly chuckled. Wading back to the bank she held the bottom of her leather shirt away from the water, looking up she almost stilled ..His Eyes were open..He was watching her .. Keeping her face devoid of emotion she walked out of the water and ran a pelt over her wet skin before donning her leggings, the whole time without looking his way. She reached out and slid her six out of its holster, rolling the cylinder she thought He might as well know I am armed. FireFly knelt at the opposite side of the fire and handed him a skewer of rabbit ..She signed..Are you in pain?..Then I have to go now. Red Elk was fighting not to show surprise. He had thought this gold woman was a dream, a legend .. But she was real. She traveled with the most magnificent band of horses he had ever seen, and each deferred to her touch and voice. It was the Horse Spirit Woman. He had watched thru slitted eyes awhile, before choosing to let her know he was awake. You are Horse Spirit . He signed. Huh ..FireFly thought ..That is the second time she heard that name..She must ask Ned when she sees him at the wagon train who is this woman they speak of, wait...Ned was going after the children the Indians took ...She looked him full in the eye..And frowned. Red Elk did not like this turn. She signed ..Your people took two children from the wagons..I trade you your life for them. He was not aware of the abduction but could straighten it out. Red Elk fought to keep the twitch of amusement from his lip as FireFly rose and strapped on her belt and holsters and tied them down. she lifted her leather jacket on and pulling her long braid into a coil on her head, she pulled her hat down. With a whistle, a group of horses instantly came, led by a big spotted stallion. He slowly rolled to his feet. She came forward and grabbed the fringed pack and tied it to the saddle on Buck, she slipped the loop rein over Rains lower jaw and swung to his back, FireFly was ready ..No one would believe he was saved by this woman, Red Elk thought . He must get her to return with him to his village ..A prize ..her and her horses...
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 18:08:06 +0000

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