Wahabi & Salafi Muhammad bin ‘Abdal Wahab and the - TopicsExpress


Wahabi & Salafi Muhammad bin ‘Abdal Wahab and the “Wahabis.” The reason why this Sect are often called Wahabis boils down to the name of one of their main leaders; Muhammad Bin Abdul Wahab. It is often believed, that Abdul Wahab started the “crusade” against the Sunni Muslims, but In reality, he did not start this, it was started in the time of Ali RadiAllao-unho. Throughout history there have been different names for this Sect, but in the eighth century, one of their leaders use to call himself Salafi. Even today, this Sect has four names SALAFI, WAHABI, NAJDI and AHL-HADITH - although today they prefer to call themselves Salafi. This Sect would not have been as famous as it is but at the time of Muhammad Bin Abdul Wahab. Even today, if a person or a number of people were to petition the country of Saudia Arabia, they would receive funds or grants if they promise that a Masjid or Madrassah would be built - to teach the Wahabi cirriculum. Or if a magazine would begin to circulate then, it too would receive funds to propogate the Wahabi beleifs. It is in this way, and by currently owning large, well equipt publishing houses, that the Wahabis have been able to mass distribute and mass circulate misinformation about the Ahle As Sunnah Wal Jammat and propogate their own beliefs passing them under the guise of “Salafi” Islam. Many, if not all, of their publications are beautifully designed but, this cannot hide the fact that they are continually trying to break Sunni Muslims from a scholarship this has flourished for over 1400 years. The head office of this “organisation” is in the Najd region, that was where Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab was born. He was born at the beginning of the 12th century (Hijri) In Jazeera tul Arab, the name given by the Prophet (May Allah bless him and grant him peace) to which has been changed by the Saudi Royal family to that of their grandFathers to Saudi Arabia. He was born in Najd so that is why often he was referred to as Muhammad Bin Abdul Wahab Najdi in his time. Shaytan came in the form of the Najdi Shaykh Hafidhh Ibn Kathir writes: when the Kuffar of Makkah had a meeting concerning the Prophet Sallal laho alihi wasalam, an old man came claiming “I am a Najdi, what ever you want to know, I will be helpful”. This Najdi Shaykh then gave his view against the Prophet (Sallallahu’ aliahi wa sallam), through out the meeting. [Tareekh Ibn Kathir. Volume 4] The Prophet [May Allah bless Him and grant Him peace] stated: I fear from the Najdi’s. [Bukhari Chapter on Jihad] The Prophet [May Allah bless Him and grant Him peace] stated: That the Fitnah will emerge from the east. [Bukhari, Kitab-ul-Fitnah] Abdullah Ibn Umar narrates: The Prophet [May Allah bless Him and grant Him peace] made Du’a for Syria and Yemen, some people asked him: “Ya Rasoolallah (Sallallahu’ aliahi wa sallam) pray for Najd.” The Prophet [May Allah bless Him and grant Him peace] again repeated Dua for Syria and Yemen. They again requested for Najd. Upon the third time the Prophet [May Allah bless Him and grant Him peace] said: “There will be earthquakes there, tribulations will emerge there and a horn of Shaytan will emerge from there”. [Bukhari, Kitabul Fitan] The brother of Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab al Najdi, Shaykh Sulaiman bin Abdul Wahab, said about his brother, “The horn of Shaytan which the Prophet (Sallallahu’ aliahi wa sallam) referred to is you.” [Sawaa’iqul Ilahiya] The false Prophet, Musailima Kadhab was also born in Najd. After reading the history of Najd, you will see that this is a place of Sh’yateen. Secondly the Prophet [May Allah bless Him and grant Him peace] predicted earthquakes and tribulations for this place indeed there occurred such an earthquake that we can still hear its bang over 2 centuries later. Many people say that Najd is high land and that the Dua was not made regarding the high land. However in this Hadith the Prophet [May Allah bless Him and grant Him peace] mentioned the places Syria, Yemen and not the type of land, therefore the word Najd in this Hadith refers to the place Najd itself which is in Saudi Arabia not in Iraq.
Posted on: Fri, 27 Sep 2013 12:28:53 +0000

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