Wahhabism Almtzina At the end of the last century, preoccupied - TopicsExpress


Wahhabism Almtzina At the end of the last century, preoccupied researchers at the thought of political, social and philosophical, of course, the issue of Christianity Almtzina, which has taken a range of proliferation and the announcement of the self during the rule of the neo-conservatives in the United States, and as we know, has issued dozens of books and in-depth research in Christian thought Almtzin, we in the Assembly Jordanian philosophical Ndmana more than a seminar in this regard (Christian Almtzina). risks and the Renaissance project of Arab nationalism. This evening I will try Astfsazakm the subject of a relationship, including I said before, but this time we will explore together in Wahhabism, Salafism, Almtzina, and we all know that the most prominent of the project adopts the Wahhabi rulers of the Arab community in Najd and Hijaz. And beginning to be asking the following questions: -------- Who is the founder of the Wahhabi movement? -------- Who are the rulers of the Hijaz and Nhj? What are their origins? And to whom they belong? --------: How to assess the behavior of political, economic and social? Extent of the impact of this behavior on the Arab national interests? Through the answers to these questions, well certainly rule and report, and that was the Wahhabi Mrtkzadtha and instructions, emanating from the intellectual heritage, social and political Arab, or of another thought. Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab: Senate confirms ... some Alnagdian and important sources of adopted researcher Nasser Saeed in writing (the date of the al-Saud) that Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab hails from a family of Jewish Eldonmp Jews in Turkey, which has infiltrated in Islam? Eldonmp and Jews trace their lineage to either to a Spanish Jewish tribe immigrated to Turkey or any of the Khazar they are not even Jews Semites, if we assume that the imposition of a void that the Semitic Jews less damage to the project of the Arab nation renaissance: The family of Mohamed Abdel Wahab aim of Islamized to: --- Escape from the oppression of the Sultans Osman Al --- Follow the historical machinations of insulting the Islamic religion Interestingly, as documented in the following text Nasser Al-Said, which pointed to a career of this family, and talking about very Mohamed Abdel Wahab. In the following text a lot. ((This was a merchant known for watermelon in the Turkish town of Bursa, but the melon and trading profession did not suit him, he saw that the debt is trading in the debt trading to win his ilk of watermelon trade with dictators because the trade debt is not only the capital of the need to: (turban great, and a long beard, and mustache curl or a few, and stick heavy, and fatwas void lean) and so came Shulman watermelon with his wife from his home town of Bursa in Turkey to Syria and became a named Suleiman and settled in a suburb of Damascus are (always) settled trading religion does not watermelons this time .. but the people of Syria revealed his intention wrong and refused to trade Frbtoa his feet and beat him a painful (lobe), and after ten days felt of composure and fled to Egypt, and is only a short period of time until the expelled people of Egypt ... Fassar to the Hijaz and settled in Mecca , and took the hexes where the name of religion, but the people of Mecca expelled him also claimed the city Medina but also drove him ... all this in a period not exceeding four years, he left to find and settled in a town called (eyelet) and there he found a fertile ground for juggling abode by it and claimed (that of the breed, Rabia, his father traveled to the small Maghreb and was born there) ... In the town of eyelet begotten Son, which he called Abdul Wahab Bin Sulaiman and sired Abdul Wahhab this a number of boys, one of them was what was known as Mohammed any Muhammad ibn Abd Wahab)), the founder of Wahhabism in the countrys Jewish nor I want to find in excess of Mohamed Abdel Wahab, but the following text from the same book, Abdul Aziz Bin Mohammed Bin Saud had married the daughter of Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab, and mixed lineage falsehood more interconnected than ever before .. And that increased Mohammed bin Abdul Wahab force until he made contact with the Jews of Najran students financially supported then incensed against the people of Najran .. continued Ibn Abd al-Wahhab and his allies forays to neighboring countries in Najd and took our people resist valiantly this call false, but falsehood Saudi was stronger on the right People knock due to two reasons: The first reason: the support of the Jews in Iraq by a Jewish merchant named Eliyahu Sasson Cohen of Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab and Associates. The second reason: it is the disintegration of the people .. occupied the Qassim and most countries we find, then occupied Hasa in 1208 after his long resistance of our people, killing and Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab and his number of elders of the Bani Khalid and Ejman. I wanted from this text-only reference to the founder of Wahhabism, which continued its teachings now heads the Al-Saud rulers of Najd and Hijaz, and even upright image we must have a quick read, but more detail about the origins of this family Who are the rulers of Najd and Hijaz? . They alleged Al-Saud, descendants of the tribe of goat Wael, and went some historians who write that this family wage, up to associating Quraish specifically for Bani Hashim. Comment on this opinion Nasser Saeed - that the elders of the Arab tribes in Najd and Hijaz and Yemen, know the fact that the validity of this claim, and asserts that this family descended from Jewish origin, associating up to the Jews of Bani Kinka. Important to know that this gave Nasser Al-Said documents and images of the Jewish origins of the House of Saud, which led to this assassination researcher at the hands of al-Wahhabi murder. It is also important to point out that the leader, Gamal Abdel Nasser, was wondering in the sixties of the last century, based on the political behavior of this family, wondering whether this family Arabic. And worked on this question many specialists genealogical in the Arabian Peninsula, Yemen, during the Revolution Yemeni. One of these studies indicated that the Al-Saud trace their lineage to Mrkhaa Ben Avraham Ben-Moshe Eldonma. FBD dear grandson of Dunma, was misrepresentation of the name of the grandfather to Morjan instead Mordechai, has been known for Abdul Aziz because he was a wage earner when Englishmen, confirmed that the daughter of Prince Talal an interview with Al-Jazeera by saying yes it was my dad - and talk to Talal - works when the English for a fee of $ 5000 annual fairy - and the coin was a Social Services was provided to them. It is important that all the stories that were collected on Martiaan this Jew that differed narrators in determining Jewish origin, this is about religion. Delegations grandsons Martiaan is the Jewish religion,. As for the origin of this Jewish family, some researchers have pointed out, they are descendants of the Jews of Bani Gareida, and some of their parentage Vinha. While Saud pointed Sbani a researcher at the flowing population of the Arabian Peninsula, to the Jews of Yemen, they do so based on the story occurred with Philly John John was the adviser to the English government in the early last century. This person went to Yemen to bring the manuscript of the rabbi of Yemenite Jew, what was Abdul Aziz when he knew it, but the order this advisor hiding this document or destroyed. There are also other accounts indicated that they are of Turkish origin and specifically to Jews Eldonmp, coming from Spain to escape the Inquisition lived in Turkey and invented for themselves rituals especially to differentiate themselves, and traits wearing fez Red, that His Highness the red, Altarabich, this attribute is defined by the Al-Saud before they control the Najd and Hijaz. This is attributed Al Saud who embrace Wahhabism, Almtaslim and cover themselves Wahhabism, relative to their teacher Mohamed Abdel Wahab doubtful originally by. All of the above that reported for the Al-Saud, but came as a prelude necessary, and important from my point of view to explain the infinite number of positions of political, social and cultural Almtzina, and the name of Islam, the Wahhabi excommunicating, which renews itself every period of time, to serve the Zionist project in the control capabilities of Arab nationalism. Where it can be considered as Wahhabism and its teachings, the teachings of the most dangerous to human society, and human thought, not only Islamic thought, Vawahabah group teachings sanction the killing and bloodshed, Kqrby God the Creator, and murder their faith is the dowry given by an individual to receive the seas eye. We do not need a lot of intelligence to know that murder but causes a lot of human disasters and strife, and religious perspective, I did not read and did not hear from one read to murder nearly rights of the creator, but in Zionist thought, and this convergence is one of the points of convergence Wahhabi Zionist, and Sasouk incident It is capable of the following alone to demonstrate the Astbaanhm killed when a tool to achieve their goals: ---- Said Abdul Aziz bin Abdul Rahman Al Saud, I resisted all the tribes call while she and my grandfather was the first Saud had been imprisoned a number of the elders of the tribe aviary came and a number of other tribe mediating Batalagahm Saud but first ordered the beheading of prisoners brought lunch and then put heads over eating and asked the cousins who came to the intercession of them to eat from this table that have been developed by the heads of their cousins and when they refused to eat something Saud first to kill them!.) says Hafiz Wahba in his book Arabian Peninsula in the twentieth century (Ive cut the story of King Abdul Aziz elders of the tribe rainy who came to A_i_vaa in their leader Faisal Duweish before they kill Abdul Aziz to show them that Abdul Aziz would kill them too if you do not refrain from seeking the intercession of their leader Faisal Duweish) .. After this introduction function on his Jewish origin and brutality is the king of the tyrant Abdul Aziz to kill Faisal Duweish and does wudoo his own blood and then carried to pray!. Why? .. because Faisal Duweish may wake up conscience finally turned against him after he saw Duweish that the king of the tyrant Abdul Aziz was not kneel only to orders Englishmen, and woke Duweish after he signed Abdul Aziz Englishmen to give Palestine to the Jews conference Uqair. This model preying murder teachings of Wahhabism, when the incorporation of course did not stop them at this point but they continued to tread and still and evidence of this to end - and we Mjazarhm in the last two years is enough - in Libya, Yemen and Syria, and by Lebanon of Fatah al-Islam incitements cultivated camps, Wahhabi teachings ------------- Can be considered Wahhabi teachings do not tell Wahhabi ideology, the matter when the Wahhabi teachings, but is not thought, because thought can always be subject to the dialogue, either teachings are for implementation only. These teachings can be considered the most dangerous teachings on human culture for Aalthagafah Arabhalasalamah only. Teachings that sanction the killing and bloodshed, claiming that the shedding of the blood of creating nearly slave, or it dowry provided by the individual to regaining seas eye, as I said. . But it is the target group of death? Claims to the Wahhabi that it is not the beliefs of faith and development programs of social true and correct, but those beliefs and programs adopted are, and that any system other is the system heretical. Based on this fact built Wahhabi teachings of satisfaction, Fei another view but is the wrong sample, Ohz a falsehood is Sourcing Kafr must kill her. - This fact applies perfectly with the given Zionist (all non-Zionist is a danger to Zionism does not address this threat without killing. These axioms are the teachings of the most dangerous to humanity, which is common among the teachings of Zionism and Wahhabism., And to a large extent with certain categories of Brotherhood Muslims, and about the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt --- negate some, especially leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood movement of any relationship between the Brotherhood and Wahhabi while many studies, and documented to demonstrate unequivocally that without the Wahhabi As the movement, in all its forms and their organizations, all organizations of political Islam that emerged in the Muslim world have been associated historically movement of Wahhabism Hijaz, also confirms the facts and practices, the existence of a relationship ideological and financial ties between the two Altndeiman, in this context goes a professor, Abdul Khaliq Hussein, that without the Wahhabi movement there would be no Islam terror of the original., or more correctly terrorism and Happy threatened of human civilization as I said. Says Professor Abdul Khaliq Hussein (The reason some believe in the absence of a relationship between the Wahhabis and the parties (the Muslim Brotherhood) is not to inform them adequately on Wahhabism and the emergence of political Islam, and their belief that the Wahhabi movement dogmatic religious sectarian purely, have nothing to do with politics as it is on the surface. It Here we see that it is necessary to clarify the picture.s true that in Saudi Arabia foreclosed on people to exercise any political activity, politics is like the royal family only, and specifically the King an autonomous absolute, and is surrounded by ministers and the rings close, but in fact, that the family the royal control necks Saudi people through the institution of Wahhabism deployed in each facility of a community, they are controlled on education, education and guide public opinion through mosques, schools and institutes, and the media, and control the movements of people and is a breath through organizations repression, the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice (plasticity) of any of the religious police.)) - He stressed this relationship Pink typing (the story of terrorism and Al Saud) Azhari and Sheikh Ahmed Sobhi Mansour (the roots of terrorism in the Wahhabi doctrine) Ahmed writer and his book (the roots of tyranny in Wahhabi) One may say that this exaggeration, and fabrication, the brothers, but Im here Sawrd text of one of the pillars of the Muslim Brotherhood movement in Egypt, and we know that the Brotherhood movement converge completely with the teachings of Wahhabism, and us of this cooperation the current unprecedented between the authority of the Brotherhoods new in Egypt, Tunisia, Syria, Naalim testament to the leaderships north Wahhabi Najd and Hijaz. - Starter stop in front of my brothers of the leaders of the Secret Service, we stop in front of him because he overtly and perhaps the clearest .. Alavdh, he Mahmoud Sabbagh, and read it in the context of talking about your device Balbaah within the foundations of belonging to this machine. Sabbagh says: (((((((((Starts member of your device Balbaah enters the chamber extinguisher, lights, sitting on the table in the face of a brother in Islam covered his body completely from head to toe cloak of white, and then out of his gun and asked to Alambaya that Athssh, and fumbles the Koran and then say to him, betrayed the Covenant or divulged the secret, it will lead to the release of a group of you, and be Moak hell. (compare the incumbent sell Freemasonry). Whats the meaning of the release of the group of you? Comes the answer in another page when cites pigment texts list your device [the Secret Brotherhood: If any betrayal, or divulging the secret of good intent, or malevolently be subject to the execution and the release of the group it, Whatever his status, and whatever means barricaded, and staged a sit reasons it deems capable of his life. But he gives himself and his colleagues the right to direct killing without permission from the leadership, The members of the own - without the permission of one - right in the assassination of they want from their political opponents, they all reader of the Messenger of Allah in the legalization of the assassination of enemies of God)))) the enemies of God are these??? they does not accept all of their call and their teachings - and this is a form of intellectual terrorism course There is another form of terrorism Brotherhood - in Egypt The groups, led by the Muslim Brotherhood, Sheikh Hassan al-Banna assassinations of some opponents, among them, Prime Minister Ahmed Maher in 1945. Following these actions, the bodies are believed to be government, the assassination of Hassan al-Banna in 1948. As the party and later made an unsuccessful attempt to assassinate Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser in 1965, which he accused of Sayyid Qutb, one of the ideologues of the party, and he was arrested and sentenced to death. As well as the assassination of Sadat, the party in 1981, to one of its arms, and a failed attempt to assassinate Hosni Mubarak in Addis Ababa in the nineties of the last century. It also is believed that most of the assassinations of Egyptian intellectuals and bombings against foreign tourists were at the hands of gangs belonging to the Muslim Brotherhood, not to mention the unrest and terrorist acts against Coptic Christians over the past four decades, killing, kidnapping and burning of property claimed the lives of hundreds of innocent people, and a series of crimes going on so far. However, the Muslim Brotherhood can be Atlenoa according to the circumstances by using the principle of dissimulation. When a terrorist fail at their disposal and outs ordered, the party leaders are quick to declare innocence of them, and condemnation, and claim that their relationship with them. It also claims the leaders of the party in front of the Western media these days that their party believes in democracy and the rule of citizenship and human rights, but at the same time will not hesitate to guide the party, Mohammed Mahdi Akef, the inside of the statement that he would prefer Muslim Malaysia on a Coptic Christian Egyptian to rule Egypt!! The paradox that the Brotherhood, who deny any connection to terrorist operations in Egypt soon after they received Mursi authority for the release of all the accused terrorist operations fundamentalism in Egypt - they who planned the assassination of Sadat and carried out by a single arms common Wahhabi Brotherhood - in spite of this we see Morsi hasten to honor Sadat - the anniversary of the October War Summarizes Professor Hussein risks Triangle Wahhabi Zionist Brotherhood thus: 1 - we infer from the words of Dr. Ahmad Subhi Mansour, said that the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, are the Egyptian edition of the Wahhabi Najdi syntactic. Its that we know that belonging to a party, the Muslim Brotherhood is the process of changing the Muslims of the Sunnis, of their doctrines peaceful and tolerant over the centuries, to the Wahhabi atone not non-Muslims from other religions, but also atone anyone who does not belong to them until the Muslims of other sects , and especially the Shiites and Sufi various Frgahma and give an advisory opinion to kill them. 2 - There is a serious represented, ribs: Saudi Arabia, Wahhabism and the Muslim Brotherhood. It is this triangle came out all terrorist organizations jihad in the world. 3 - The Wahhabi proselytizing faith means to change the way of life of Muslims and their religious beliefs to the Wahhabi doctrine syntactic. Bedouins and here are the ones who told them the Quran that they (the most disbelief and hypocrisy) and Ibn Khaldun described them as against Omran, Wherever sweet destroying cities and civilization. This is done by political Islam, Wahhabism. 4 - Based on the third conclusion, we know one of the main reasons for the failure of Arabs and Muslims and retreating backwards in our time, namely the anti-(political Islam - Wahhabism) to advance civilization and peaceful coexistence with the civilized world. 5 - For all these reasons, and if they wanted to Muslims, keen on the reputation of Islam, and coexistence with the world in peace, they must condemn Wahhabism, and wage a campaign of intellectual and media continuing to expose the Salafist Group deviant, and to persuade the United Nations Btgerimha, and thus uprooted from their roots to rid Islam and the world of evils. And if he refuses to wise people take these actions proposed, the greater disaster in waiting. Reported all this to the result out to the infinite points of convergence between these teachings and the foundations of the Zionist movement in dealing with all of the Aigr sovereignty over the world - There are other models indicate more clearly to soak this movement Wahhabi terrorist Zionist project With regard to the affairs of public life (political, social and economic) there is a group of public attitudes to political and economic leaders of the Wahhabi movement in the Arab world and examine these attitudes and in the interest of poured. And how it reflected on the consequences of the Arab community and the world in general. (And when I pick up the political behavior of the rulers of Najd and Hijaz, but was based, to consider these Wahhabi imams in practice), they are from Enzddon and even desperate to defend the teachings of murder only to Abalhawwar. It is known that the Arab community has suffered since the beginning of the last century, many of the policies of these rulers and influence of the state fiscal because of their control over the Arab wealth in the land of Najd and Hijaz, where she and still this category to resist all that would provide aid or progress at the level of the Arab Thought Islamic and Arab society . In the science of politics is based on academics in the evaluation of any political decision was its shape, the outcome of this decision. For example, can not be qualified as a political leader, a national Bana while the decisions are all interpreted their results to support the project sectarian, regional or even humane. Can not be qualified this political system or that Bana Islamist, which is on the near or far the interests of the Islamic religion, as results of the inevitability of its political or economic or change it. Lies not claim that so and so Marxist, for example, and all the data social behavior and political Wu etc. always hurt the interests of ethnic or religious,
Posted on: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 00:11:33 +0000

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