Wait one second here. I was in Bunkerville. We KNOW that over - TopicsExpress


Wait one second here. I was in Bunkerville. We KNOW that over 200 Federal Agents and snipers were going to KILL hundreds of Americans, as ordered by our Republican and Democrat enemies of our Bill of Rights WHO HIRED THEM in the first place. Anybody who trusts our elected Republican and Democrat usurpers and SHIRKERS of our Ninth and Tenth Amendment laws, our individual and States Rights, our State and popular SOVEREIGNTY, and who sends in the IRS to coerce us with Income Tax laws that the SCOTUS found and ruled DOES NOT APPLY TO AMERICANS, is utterly NUTS ! And, Doesnt anybody know that A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State (of fifty which according to the preamble of The Constitution form a more perfect Union of free and SOVEREIGN States), the right of the people to keep and bear Arms (to protect ourselves, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity (preamble of the Constitution) FROM our elected Republican and Democrat usurpers and from the American voting MOB, shall not be infringed. Do we not know that we have a Republican form of Government (Article IV Section 4), which means that we are PROTECTED from a representative Democracy of MOB vote buying rule, by the shear fact that our elected usurpers are limited to spending on only the eighteen limited powers granted them under Article I Section 8? And, do we not all know that OUR Constitution OF LAWS, WHICH We The People ordained and established upon our elected Republican and Democrat enemies of our wages, salaries and property and our Rights, does NOT PROTECT ITSELF nor ENFORCE itself? Do we not know and understand that LAW ENFORCEMENT of The Constitution IS NOT the duty of our elected enemies of it, but rather by Gods ordained rulers and higher powers who He ordained at the miracle of Yorktown on October 17th 1781? Do we not know that it was God himself that delivered the SWORD of our first World Super Power Empire Government, vastly the most powerful in the World, into our rabble and peasant American Militia hands? Let me show you how DEAD the people of Bunkerville know they were if the Militia was not there to save them that day: youtu.be/i3eE3oFLRNY
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 17:01:16 +0000

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