Waiting and learning patience is important Look at all the - TopicsExpress


Waiting and learning patience is important Look at all the examples in the Bible of patience, like Job, Moses, and David. Job lost everything—his family, his fortune, and finally his health—but he kept on believing and obeying. “Though He slay me,” he said, “yet will I trust Him” (Job 13:15). He hung on and would not give up. The patience of Job has given Christians down through the ages a wonderful example to follow. When Moses was in a hurry to deliver the children of Israel, he killed an Egyptian and had to flee alone for his own life. But after 40 years of humbly and patiently tending sheep in the wilderness, with plenty of time to listen to the voice of God instead of his own impulses, he was finally ready for the slow, laborious, patient work of the Exodus—slow, but sure! David spent 17 years working under King Saul, and learned from Saul’s mistakes. Saul got all upset and tried to do things in his own strength, and he found he wasn’t strong enough. David learned he had to let God do everything, and wait for Him to work. Learning patience is one of the most frequent lessons God has for us all, so “let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing” (James 1:4). — Jesus, please help us to learn from these examples in the Bible and have patience in our own lives, knowing that you know what’s best.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Jul 2013 05:38:10 +0000

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